HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-05-59 Nisy =9, 196: The historic Districts Co~~rissicn ?r=t ~+.t the ti:"_ end place specified in tha pudic notice oi' t?ie he~rrirlg on tyre a ,~oiicG.tiori of Lexington Li-uor P`~.rt, Tnc., fora certific~'te at ~~a.o~ri~te~~ess for thz erection Grid disrlley of rie?, sign on t'_^,e ozi"!. «~_t:_ ~t =.~~9 Massach~asEtts Fve~lue, t~rhich is within tha gc.ttle (;rezn District. Present .ere Don-]_d Grant, Chi ir~r~- n, i'hili , ~ . P :r=~c;r.s, 5ecr~t~rjr, fed, it ~ ort%,en, J.'., Lyrus G':'ooc~., an:1 ,~:_sscci to mr,_,~,i;.:=io<_ers ~%c.?'1 r~r~`nt ~`nG! +:Tiz. 1(!~", iyCyt. The chi irm~n re~.d the n"tice o.f he«.rin~ Gnd tnz ~ztter of c'l t~liC2ti On. nape:'ring in ~J i:c._if Oi~ t~']..° ~ v;Ji1C~ t1.0~7. 1'ii . "?''c.I1 r= Licci: rdi , he nreaente:;'. t:le cor*~r::is :io_~_ 1. i. Y? SCE'-_ e .^.'.re:"""]Y'_~ 0.~ i:i~e 7r0~Jf~S=d S7.~Y1. ~~Se:-"t1GY?5 ~,*t:rE' ~.._'':nd ~~~V V~rlp~_z.:' T'.:e:`~?_r5 02' the cor~r_ission. The hey ring ~~-~'s a.d;journed ~ t "a~ ~9. On motion made ~~r~d duly sec~..ndEd, it .,s~ ur~Uni: ou__1y VOT~Ii tc gr~.r.t to Lerin~ton Li%ucr ~:~rt, jn~:., u. ;,zrti~.c~..te of ~^.,~p.°e,prrteY~ess with respect to the erection ano. disc~~=y of ~ rz+ si£.n on t:le ~r~;rises ~:t 1~!~9 ~"_ass~.chusztts r.:"vnue. Hzarir_g t,:_ ~ Yl~~d .~t x:15 P;. on the r-.~plic~.tior~ of Rich, r Purintoi:, ~'rustee, ~'-z~: i~i,zzz~:s ;~trezt Trust, .for crtific-tz of a.opr~ >>ri~ tenzss for t:,o erection s:n•i d_si~I~:y of r_~r ~i oiZ t~.e bl].i~_C~1ng ct 11 ahtt7:~cy ~t.r'=~;, -vhio^ 1J .t_2ir! t12e ~cttl° GrE:enliistrict. Z'he e'rl~.ir?t!rn rzad the notice cf ;ie~.rirl~ thz l.~ttzr o° ~.pplic,~:tion. Appe~rir~g i_r. his o" n beh~,.~f p^ ljic:z~.rd ~urintcn. a'he fo it ~~hotogrs ~',s -~'_zich hid been submitted ith the a^~plc~ tion ~riere vi ehed_ by the ;~ce~~b~rs of thz co'~.~aiMsioa. ;~aEartio.i~ ~,~zre ~.s,_ed the F;~?i_iCc1"lt, ~",Il%1 tn:; ~"ie.riYla' Z•T".:. aCa.;jO~J.rnP,d ..t JJ ©n rr~otion~~ ado c~?d da.i y seeonaac:, it r<c.s uza~:rlir, ously V~ '1' ~D to grant to Ri chard !~i, ~'urirrton, _~rustee of the =~uzey ~ +..rePt Trust a certifi c.te of ~ ??ra~ri~.tanzss for til° erection s_na dispi~ y of two directors sir:ns ~n *?!e _'r_~°~t cf tine bui~.dirg ct 11 ~:TUuzey °treet. Hea.ni n~: ~,;r:.. he ~ d , t 3: _ jtii. on the ~ pplic=. ticn c.J' ~ C . ~',nQ''_'S~,_., Ci ~k)~2 ~:nu ~rsa'z' 3 J ~ -,'2i ~1:, I'Or r. CE?rt}.f.1 C'ti-' vi < ~:;J'1~;)?"i ~ te- ~ Hess for do zrection e.nd dis~l~y of ~ new si€.n on i.~e t,uil:~.ir~~t 1792 Massach zsetts Avenue, ;.~Ylich is within t}~e B~tt1e Green Di~.tr~.ct, The cha.irl~~n re~:d t.'.~le notice of nefring &.!7ci t'_~e l~tt~r of ~?171i cation. l_„nc ring ir_ his o;;~n b~hs.7.f `'~~s rnr. R . U. ~ nc?er. so-~., rho submitted a ~caie drar,ing of the proposed sign. V~.rious auzstioris T.?P.re S5 red by the COIt'~.Y.'i155]. Orl Ii1 ~?'"ib ErS. 'Pyle rl.ee.r].ng %ciS 2.C1jOU.rrieCl c't ?S%q.OP.^_. On motion made and duly seconded, it was unsx~imously VO'!'1D to grant to R. 0. Ar_a'-r son, d/b/a ~nderson? s JeTrrelers a certifc~ to oz a.r~procri<<te- ness fGr the erection a.nd d~ spley of G sin on the pr:~miszs at 1792 i~?a.usaciausetts i:ve_;u•o, wl~.ch is ~.ithin the Battle Green District. Hearing wss held .t ~:~.5 t~. on the Upplic~tion of Ant'rl~ny f?. Ca.t~.ldo, d/b1a Gol~.:~ ?ibbon arms, fcr s certific.. to of a;~,~raprir tenzss far tre dis~l~y of a sip-rl in connection M.~ith the basiness co~~ducted on the "or=~r~!ises at 1265 Niassac.lusetts Aver~ae, ~?hich is ".-ithin the 1°7anroe Ta.v:.rn Di Strict. ^lhe chairman read the notice qF hearing and the letter of a.p~lic~.%ion. ~=ppe~Ting in behalf of the a.pplics:nt wars inr. Edw~-r•d Cataldo, who presented the corru~ission with a blac~ a.nd white photo~ra.ph o?: the sign in ~!uestion. The co~,missiori discussed the application asld proposed si-Xi T~:ith Nlr. Edward Eata.ldo. AppeG.ring in favor off' the applic~+.ion wz.s 1`ir. ~pong, an abuttor, who stated that he had no objection to the sign as long s.s the sign is :naintGi--ed in its present condition. After discussion the matter ~sra.s decided by the ccr~missio-. to defar further ccnsider~tion of tha ~:p~olication until such time ~s i'lr. Cataldo should supply the coL~a. fission path colored photographs o~ the si€~n in uuestion, the tine and pi:;,.ce of such °urthPr considera.ticn to be set by the ch~i~~~?~n ~ `.'ter receipt of the ~h.otograohs with. notice given to Mr. Cataldo. The meeting was adjourned at .J`~~-~-6~ ~'h li::~ B. Par::ons ~ecret~?°y TOWN OF LEXINGTON .,,s Ma.~rachusetts HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Due to the inr ~~ility o£ commissioner Don~.1u F , Le~ro to act on the petitions of Lexington Licfuor 1`+~_rt, lr~c., Anderson 3ewelers, and RichUrd M, purinton, 'T'rustee for The rluzzey Street Trust, the chair design~~tes ass~•ci~te ccmr-is~icn~rs C-rl E. Bryant and ~+illiam B. Bayd to serve in this action. Ch~irmGn May 29, 1962 I it i pp~~ ? ~s~r'~ L 3.. J: ~~~y~ L'~ *i ~ ~ a~.i~~~ryti,( ~ ~ ~ ~ia~:. Ye 8e,«{~ ~ d-A t°~ ~ in'~ caA ac.~., { g~ ~ ~r g6k ~ '8'.~.i~'~i { ~3'~S`'a""'i .r~~~ V~$ ~yv+~$'~. LS~~~y ~~{&/~i j~. !~~I ~p{y$~~r~Spit ~~wy. 1~. 8' ~4 C;~; a~`d ~4Aa ?.~~-+#ywr7~ ~}*~.~+y~'~ 'y~~:t :~{..^~i~#; ~~q~s`'y~q~~d~l ,Wy fL S'i. fed i`L ~r~ .P{C3 CJ ~'r {~SyJ if ~ y~l~ Rai ~W 1?r Wii sai~44i 4~~~~u.J~~y~ til,~. +A Jii 9r°~ 4~~.s{ ~igr!4 W~~.~ j~3. ~JWi~W4i aP Tk~a~ ~~~;~i1, t.ta ~ t. i~ty°-~t~~ '~.s~~h~ i~.~~~ ~ ~~~~"t~rr~ f~~~ `'~,~afi ~7~~;~za~ '`~.t~~a dkts~ ~.£Y;yr'+J1~1~~ iJs~ 1~ iR~(g t11d? ~,~°~t.;1x°~p~ ~:`>"kw'.. n jk~3~'Ci.~il': t.14l, >~~!~~~~trs~a~ .,.t~~tr~ asp ~~~Z~ r~L;~3:~d ~~'fins~~ ~A ~1~~t f~x~ ~+~~ixa~t~t~ ~1~4it~~' ~ ~~~:~m ~l~~r +s ~'X'~~1~,'4;;.A~ ~r~ ta:: ~~~t~~!rs ~r~° ~:~;u-r;C~~~~iri~ ~:~~:s~~fc etc>~ ~xca~e~+~ lia#~~~ ~~g ~3~p?k~r s~~ r~ Aso ~ $~#'r~tt'~#;'~t~ c:~ c~ ~~~~~~.::~t~d ~t ~~it~~ ~~~..~a.f'~i'g ~i~,.p:':.,`~.~.°'ri.k.y, N7.V ~~°~~t Bi+...tJ~~+~°!+"~~ ~~°'~.~~}i ,V.~~ 6+u ''d.t,'y'IWv~~h & ~r ~`?:Y': L~~'e~ C~Z:~~~.t9 ~.+».Yi~1~5~:`*ti~,~~"S i#: Z" r~~~ ~.j~'.Y'l~ ~h~ ~:tc»~~e~~ ~s+' t~k~~.~ ~~rt# f'3~t ~ ~ t~ca~. t+~ 3~~ e~;:;®;~~~,si.+~rrsc~ ~i~:ti; ~r c~~~~i~~ae~ ~'i;~h tt :~~z v~p..pp.''p''~ ~t}~+~~'pR~#y,~w '~`ayt-aa ~s~` {Lwe,~~p:~;~4>;;z. :L'1.Ly~+.'.'~« ~:5"..S ys Ssd.:~c C ,E. ~og~4ii vi,~' ~ •i ~3r;,~ 7 d ~e ~3a - t ~:a{3 ~'i ~~p 3;i, ~ €~"t ~~r~3~'~~~~a ~~-0 mf~@~yg 7e"~1~~N~;~{, (~~~z°~L~~g`p9~. y~y~`i~~}g }~$~p~,3 ~~~~c~ ~~,ztp~~~~tpa~g~yAf ~t}~ ~j~y ~~y ~;~t{;~.~(~[.;~~."$~s,A~?.. gcq ~t~p~.~~:::/~ ~g $1~¢P~'.W Y'Si~ VT Yb L~,YV~R V~HW~{~MTA~ ~ N i.Se~+'4'.Mi~x6+~j L'.:/ +~i9 Ai~t JL a:LSriC `i0. %F~4 ieB~ 67r.~~~~.k Ck;~ .t'"e'~' pe3.'~~.+"~~ 7atw ~~,':}?v# ~5~. 0`^,•1... .T#~"'d$ii~~'3'~>.iR~!'y uSn c~..°^:~C`~4~'~"~;, '~+~~.i~' ~.+S &Lp'~.~ e;t" ~~'~:ts~~C`~.~ ,~s~d; aiitT'~:'~~1<;'~'~ ~s.,??~4 61° '~~t~t~"~ ~a.'~I" ~s't ~x~~~ ~ rr~:,~rs~ s~3,t'~ ~d tz~~r ~~~~~1~.~~ s~ ~ t .`.x?s,:~< ~':"f~ 'C,'~ i~~ffi'~;~,`t~v~tY's~ "1'~' *q;;+1".~~ f-,.'w„. }fit ~i.6¢ :x*~~a~'k°C~`~~ 2"~~~ .fr"";?L,~,i.`1'~"+ ax. ~S Y^ }M. ^g rt•fK S j°AAM,ft° :t%i} }.'59. ~`ik' ~ :°3F::` T ~ 3 ~ :fir ~~w~.f~~-~~ ~~d ~r +~,qq .ty. ky w< ri'°" r9 ~ F~3'"q;~~;~.}y~;~.«+ .`t *yo~i.. ) } y ~®]exm,+~ ~a~9dsx`;~1g..~ppy~p~y~,~"4.~+e+.,~x~'eSv?~~~NF, xai?.. ,~'.'4ay "s`~s1a~~ a ~+~,X"~A ~!`.+~e*un U,.+~b~~V'~e w~y ~A'.n.'~+~,'~y#~/~.'y~,py.s~.~',g~.'v~., ~"M.'~ ~rii M~ .8~6 ~%J"Y~.v.iWk* Wb .i`b ~'wA~~wkg.,~s9 YS C+~W$ S~Pfxe.',p Spa? $t~s"X;F4r°.,.4d V+c#, y'.f ~~3 isd~,~H~e°~+ £"5d ~}A.6 ~s`.~~++:.~K.~ z3~~p~.~~ ~~f ~R~ ~1.~'~'~ta~~ L'~,:~et ~ " t:~~ bta.~~.~:N~ r:~ r$x,~t~c9. ~~~ta~~~~. ~~~.e~~ a~8 ~~~.~iza ~~~:c'3 ~:~~t~:s~ wit ~=?~St `~~=~~'A ~t~i~.,~ ~ ~~aa~:~;a irk ~~a~ #~iai~~,~~:, z:Sh:2~. ~xa~r I°~3~y3#~t:$.Y!$ :~CBQ~'G-~w~P.i~ d's~ .~s°d:$t~y n.er ~tl'°' ~X~~am~:m "~`*,-'"~.omb, ~~~~a~*.fr~t~ ~~v kg~~ ~~aa~~a~~3`e' °~~w~ rx~*~~5~',t.~ ~;„_~~~.c:~ a=~~~Za ~r~:° ~4,.~~ '~~~~C~ ~iA'°°"k89 4°?2~1"it'~.g "w?j;v~'; a1:$`k'~ ~ ~rr~+2~= i:'% t~~awy t r 4 x* ~:~'+-3 4~r.,i ~ 4m~ i', a y y~q *~yy yg p ~a7'k.i~•p:,..tptyr..4 t,• ,~A~ x~..t3¢Y,tY:~S t.~.~u3i~.. et~- r