HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-03-06 i~`~'rch 6, 962 S The Historic Listricts Co~!~xrission rr_at t the time gild place specified in the public notice of the hearing cn thhe a_ plic~.tion cf Tb_e~.tre Pharmacy Inc,, for z_ certificate of a~pronri~teness for tree erection and airplay of a Hey: sisr: on the building st 1~30U P^.assach.usetts ~verzue, which is within tree Battle ureen District. Present T-rere Donald E. Legro, Cn.~.iraar. Pro Teripore, Phi.~.i'~ B . Parsons, SecratGry, ~,dwin B. ~:orthen, Jr., and p_ssociate Corrn?issione~rs Carl E. T~ryant and Cna.rlES H. joie. In the absence cf the ct~air~n.an, it was voted to appoint Donald E. ;,egro, C:t_o.ir'.~a.~i pro Teinpore. The chairman read the letter of a~~lic=±iori recEived from E. P. Venter. ~rpeGring in behalf of the r:,oclic~ tion ~ i~lr. t'. ;.~r~ier. '1',ne s.:_ctch of the ^roy~osed sign ya s viewed by r er7.b~rs of tYe co-°~-r:issi or:. Various rue.stior~s --~r- as'_~ed ley x1erbers. Un r.!otion ,ra:de ~,_>~d du'_y secor~deci, it y*as .~.nani~~~ousiy VUTFD t,o ~;rar~t to 't`heatre Pharmacy Ir_c., a. certifi~:~ate of an_~ro,,,~i. teness ;-.ith respect te.the erection. and dis~olay of a sign =:t 180 P~1a~ssachusetts ~~,venue. iir. 'u~'Pne P. Carter, Pc °tor o.f the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ o~' La_ttPr D?.y 5ai_^ts, appeared before the comni.seic;n. `l'he cha.irm~ n read a .l,~tt~r d.=ted February 15, 196?, frog Ynr. Carter, -~_~ich enc7_osed t~=o nhoto~;rcp'~~s of t e e~,isting sign at 1336 T°"_assac'~rasetta avenue. 't'he yohotogra,ar.s ~~ere exa,.ixled by roer:b~rs of the coxmissic'- :and c uestio-~s were asr ed Mr. Ca.rt~ . On motion made and duly seconded, it s:as un~r.i,_ously VUT~sD to bra.rlt to The !-ieorgani~~ed Church of Jes:~s C!~rist _;f Latter La.y 5~.iy~ts a. certificate of a~;oropri~:teness fer t'_ne ccr~tinued cis~l_:y o`' t_,e e.~:istir_g sign at 13-;6 I~assacY?a~etts ~ve~rae, which is within the ~~vnroe Tavern District. Mr. D, F. Rcss, cf Koss Stores, appeared before the co~:aiission kith regard to the sl.-:r ~.t 17-~9 TFassac~lusetts A.van.ae. `~`r. ?=:css stated that the neon had beers r°r.~o~ed from this sin Ord chat he reposed to ~aip~t the sign ~rit~Z a blac "oac ~r,~~ar_d ~~;ith .,Hite iett~.rs.~ 'Ihe anotogra~~h in t'rre files of tine cox~r?iissi,n y,as studied b;;J the coremission ..e?"'?JerS, end (:_tleStloris i~rEr2 o_S-:ed :~^r. ^oss by v=rious :m P,bErS n' CO?i?x"'15 SlO'_~. Un xr_oticn ~=ade arm J.uiy secoA~.ded, it was ur~aniY,.,o_~y VUT~ll to ~,rrrt to D. iYass a certific.=:te ..-f a.~aro~ri~:ter_ess for tine re>ainti.ng Cnd. displ?y o?: the existing si~,ri a 17°s9 assac'Lus2tts ~±v~rnae, ?,-r.~ie~! is y.?ithin the Battle Green Dis trict. 't'he mEeting Ora: _dj~;urr~ed rt 9:1r5 p • Phi=ip B. Parsons secretary w TOWN OF LEXINGTON .»t Macrtrchusettr ' HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Due to the ir.~:_bi~ity o~ coi:,u:issior~eis lionr~ld R. Grant ar~d Cyrus wood ±c. act c,r. t3~ a ~ietiticl.s Of `F11eStrP ~ilarli'.&Cy Il1C., U. ii [MOSS, aliU file :?eorgani~ed Churcrl of Jesus Christ of Latter U~y Saints, tie chair designates asscciate corru,gssioners Carl E. Bryant grid Charles H. Cole to serve in this action. C airmar_ Pro '1' fore March 7, 1962 q~ q... y.~f ~r'~~ibbl~~~+~r i. ~}~afi3. ~J1~~~g~r,~,,g .g_.W~'$'~r .f j J~t.'~ti'~' l~p-~ ~i~r''~+q~r:k.~'~1~ ~y~.1~~f1~`r.&t~kEur~~pvr&'~~5# +~'Fi,cg&,W~i~ ftd~ ~q,it*~ ~~+C,tk'+~5'A~:~i Vf~gik~~°'i~3 ~aM ar~~'~ iii '~~ir ~'i ie~~~t~` ~~~°e Ml~ ~~1rRZ ~~~~ie NR~ 4i3.~ ~"r~.~~~~t4R c~i~p~.~p i~~ "~lae ~3~ ~ ~ '41,x, A~~ ,~~~b ~i~~~~+a4aa~~~at~~t ~ ~`r~~ ~ li~~ ~ r mss r, ~~~x~t~1:y lxs~h~ std ~r~~ ~ta~ ~~s ~ ~~~~i~ .12~~a=.~ ~ mgt Lis ~~r~h ~ ~~rt1~1~a~~ ~o. r~r~ dam • a^+~~a~~v aid ~R3 e~f ~ n~~~ ~t~~er~: ~~~~~g ~~1+6~~ pmt! Pa~•v~ ls~+`~ "'~l~ee~ ~~~~~~as~ Sri' ~°t~t ~%~C~ ~~i ~~;a ~sfi ~t~.t.c~#~ 2~.~~~~i~s ~ ~ =st ~~t-~~t .z'~r~iCi~G~ ~~att•-r ~ ~~ir~~~#~r~ ~r~~?~ ~ ~f ~ ~'~e~z~ ~~asc~~~ a~~" ~~abr~•i4t+~d ~~~~t 9~a3 ~~t~~ah~8 des ~ dr~~~~a~ r~fe~rz~~{ tc~ p bt"9'~'0. ~r~ Yaw ~ 'et~~~are~ A~~~ax i~ r~~~i~ ta~~.~ ~~d gad c~~ k~r~~G~x'a ~ ~~~'L ~ ~P~aua tea ~~>~r,~ph ua~t~~d t~ tk~~ ~ ~ ~ l~,z~r~ ~~al ~~~~l.~~ f~ Est ~ ~~~~c~~~.. ~ ~y