HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-15November 15, 1961 The Historic Districts Commission r_et at the time and place specified in the public notice of hearing on the application of H. A. Anderson for s certificate of appropriateness for the erection of a si on the premises at 6 Muzzey Street, which is within the "attie Green District. P resent were Donald R. Grant, Chairman, Philip B. parsons, Secretary, Edwin B. Worthen, Jr., Cyrus Wood and Associate Commissioner Charles H. Cole. Appearing in his on behalf was Mr. H. A. Anderson. The chairman reed the letter of application and showed the phot _graph of the Heritage Handicrafts sign, which was submitted with the application. Various questions were as= :ed the applicant by mer of the comriission. The hearing was adjourned at 8 :2.5 P. L. On motion made and duly sec' :nded, it was unanimously v(AED to grant to H. A. Anderson a certificate of appro rie.te__ess for the erection yid display of a si,_;n on the left -hand side of the front of the building immediately above the first floor window at 6 Mu>.zey Eire t. Hearing was held at 8 :25 P. i. on the applic =tion of D. F. Ross for a certificate of appropriateness for the di pla.y of signs at 3 Depot Square and 1789 Massachusetts Avenue, which is within the Battle Green District. Mr. Rcs appe:.red in his own behalf. The chairman read the notici of hearing and the letter of aeplicetion and showed the photographs . submitted with the application of the two signs in question. 'tuestions werl asked by various members of the commission. Mr. Ross stated that since he was planning to discontinue selling; gas December 1, 1961, he - planned to change the Dept S_;u re sign. It was agreed th he obtain a scale drewinE of tie pas , posed sip_ n and present it at le next i_ eti_ng on December 7, 1961. At that time he would also have a scale drawing of the Massachusetts Avenue sign. The hearing was adjourned at 3:45 P. 1i. Hearing was held at R :45 P. ii. on the application of Richard r .i'rig'ht for E. certificate of appropriateness with respect to changes in the exterior architectural features of the dwelling at 37 Hancock Street, which is within the Hancock- Ul. District. Appearing in behalf cf the application wire Mr. and firs. Richard T,. Wright. The c.hair.!an reap the letter of applic, Lion and showed the s..etch ubmitted with the application. Nr. viright also resented a scale drar'ln of the t d ice. _uestion ana sev: ral ohot0grephs. a sti asked d by izeT bars of the corn ision and the hearing was adjourned ,s t 9:00 Y. M. On notion lade and dzly seconded, it was unanir:_cu; ly VOT D That if upon deterrr that said dormer is visjbie fro Hancock Street, the commission issue a certificate of appropri teness for the erection of a new dormer ..tudio window on tii.e barn at the rear of the li premises at 37 Hancock Street, which is 'Within the l ailccciar.te District. • • The chairmen read letters received from Uctave J. Bembree of H. M. Lawrence Hardware, Inc. with regrd to a hearing for a certificate of appropri ess for the display of s new sign.. Hearing will be held on Thurso -y, Lec rb_r 7, 1961. The chairman read a l'=.ttr received from the 1_cpropr_atIons Committee. There was discussion on how much the would be spending in 1962. iiefore fillih cut the for' s, it was agreed that Mr. -.rant talk with the Board of :ielecti n regarding tt! : enforcen.ent of tae sins in the Historic Districts. There rre a r.;nb-2r of signs not y'-'t appr =ved, and so_:.e 'det ri!,in, ticn yrust be iLcQe as to how to hc.i d1e the situ tion. The meeting was adjour ed at 10:10 P. M. Phi=.' p 3. Parsons, , er t.ry r-Tfn'ai • lo Yuia 3u1,:;:ckt 1117 01 AIJ en: 5:1 '0 v ; sq H U0 AU:T. P'Jt 7,Y;tv:N ;;, 03 $6c'cz'! P'01011; 4 V11 WT' pv4 AV; TTkr pouoTv./44E eml 'an 7,1. 5/1:(4J twqq, ta"po pul„ !Ot7:14T 40,4 uT p !“ / 796T ,4441 34_11 ql uo pa): O Y govv.s 417.:77 171 041 p , 51 4o z.1.2c1 ,c1vuT- oT-011 etzla uo-14ak.:4 ".;:act: 1.ariT0T *pelp-77ava 44vocntilovait4 4 'Ltr7 a-L1c:v1,*;? p-4,rsIT sTAL tv , Tr 4,”.J.0Tr.1 0" v?il ,3044 5;7„ J7,;.g.qvi q41;wp 47,4qp v-ftl TT q0T.;: 145.;a'Act.;ct s rx t clac4 ,20;.:!1;4T4 W'rro 441 11: TJ,v14.1 oq 4!T wolvm , IT - 1:4:4y1 41 o uvi: 661 IT 'Fitt q j .; 4 Q;) cr. 1014 uf401.,1%x 1 0 ATJ 4s0. Al;a igzz °4:1;a1i7-;1 ' sr ".11:4 t 'Vit%' 4 % , S Afi'!r n"4 -1:v P ti;Ul t-A0(q Ttir),t1=n1I ;; otc4 IH p17, pll -,01.0%:A0A -,!err# 41z f41,, >4 3T 1777777r -,7777177771127 w 401 slioij;la.v,) 4- .0a 04 196: Li a J • • • • TOWN OF LEXINGTON Massachusetts November 17, 2961 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Due to the inability of commissioner Donald r. Legro to act on the petitionsof H. r . hndersor, and riichard L. Wright, the chair desiEnates associate commissioner Ch=rles H. Cole to serve in this sction. Chairman