HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-07-17July 17, 1961 The HiStoric Districes Commission met elle time and place specified in the peblic notice of the heering on tee esplicatiea cf Jenney Manufacturing Co., for a certfficate of apprepriateness for the continued display of two signs er adjacent to the premises at 3 Depot Square, which. is within the Beetle Green istrict. Present were Donald e. Grant., Csairman, hi1 b. arso.:,s Edwin B. Worthee, Jr., Dona la E. s and Cyrus 1lLod. The meeting opeeed a1. S:ee P. M. As of : 45 P. M. Lo one appeseed frem Jehney Manufseturing Co. on motion made and Juey seconded, it wee ananimcelss VGT3D tc dehe the seelie. tion of ' esece; Isanufacesrins fer the centinued displey of siens Lt. 3 epot Square for lack f prosecution ens out b to the eeeeeal of tee ereeent applicetion or the f:ling of any nes application. deering was held at 3:3e P M. en the application of Union 111 P . :, egrap., Company fer a certcate of eppro;:riateness fer the d' splay cf a sien located on the eeteries sf eee premeees st leee Massachusetts Avenue, .wesingten, ehich is withir tee Battle Green Dis trict. Weetern Union Telegraph Company was 'represented en it applicetior by r . A. Graham from the Bu 5 ton uffice at 230 Longress Street. Mr. Graham presented for consideration by the Commission one actual sign often used by the applicant and,' as an 'a_:esrtive, e fecsimile cf another sien sometiees used by the applisant a se near its offices or agencies. The first of these was en enameled mete: si se e7r lin bearing the words in shire tTE EGRAPS tv. on s eiee baceground, Pkild herds, in blue, teFeERN UNIOS on a yeleew beeesroaed„ the la tter words appessing at AL angle from the he rizente'., wh icS. sign. ceuld eithee dispeayed flu the side cc a Sell:ling or et an ?ngle of ninetes degrees eberetc. Tie 1tra vo (.::or to the p11, cant r,s -Y7E) °:;-:s 1te enameled sin 3e x 9 3/3n containing in blae 2 1/2n Gouds lettees, tSe ece• IWES:72Tel over tee seedi ISele SI, wee an serew between the tse sre desisned to ee isd:cete the locstien of the appicsnels 0:fd es agency. Mr, Gr dlem eSpialeed the' te :gene in eech is locsted in tec effice of Minete Man Csb„ Ine., is Jee eSich este eeseesis an dell , fer , -; me ers1 meeee cresee„ ee die seeeeees eeer tY1F f it no L14ting tolehene the ;:c.plic-Lt reeuCzion c: the Feuer: Cumundoatio Co jc MM s±ng tne ::ddres3 or t elepn.c2na. numto uf s lc s fl , ;h1 ch ACie teti t ab r erto/ an, t e Core thc a7•1 ican ii o 6.cs r :seee ei hee S, itZ igrs c.s &dvertising mecAt but r,!:nen ar.J. to e tmnslen segment of the public. M. i or red the volJzie of Inc:mins: business at the glenoy in .:;uetien auring tbJ- flr2t slx montas of 1966, when a sign simi_er to the first alternsie: a .bove displayed, with the volume of iecoeing business during the ffret 31X months dr 1q61 .terl no such in ses eisp:.ased, arid ebnciluded that, re:ietively speEking, the abplic:int kid done just a. m bnsiness at the agency in queetion during tae Sttee pie. • er consider °;'-ie d scussi -n Hotio „., : r;s.,d* mnd duly seconded t .ta the cotsm ion determine that t:: dish .sy of either Gt the prApossd signs would be i .wrapri*ts within ttm meh'ning of the at sstabli.stUng end defining the duties of the commission, that the 0otmc13410G determine that the failure to approve tha App:iction would t rove ve a subst.ntivi ha dahhi to the app.ioLnt., thkt the tommiteln . ter determine ine !hst cpprovBl of the i p:i i (iitipn could not t}^ made ut substmati. is detriment to or derogation from th., ; rseas c,^ :kac end tiaa,t the atsp:.ac .=,tion bo deni;rd., Further diece anion Win 71rd K5 to tho lick or any hi t)rtY value significance or the building to which it was proposed to rtt8.ci either sign, as t© the general design, texture, rn ::terial and color of tee te J♦ iJilh .si s, az ro n he 4':iati o those fact to similar factors or oth;r -r stract.;r+e : and s gz.s in the imredi to Burr un'ings, especially ttha other bui.+Lfrg5 structures and signs for which the commission Ws slrnsdy issued cert1fias tas of wapropristeeness in the Battle Green district and l view of lee amities and sign 3.oc in times iota, end to the 5t*tementra mzd.e the opp.livAntt s r presentative, be*n The motion vas the ;gut to A pniit? a* 1(4nced that the $ W *xi..+r 4 i $'., as. The chairvIn further ar• no lnc d that .t 1 4 4 ) 1 1 0 C 1 3 or sw:tspr:- priater_ess had been received from Felix., It Trus Willi.?. A. Poore. Osarings ire to be bE1.d on k or,ds.y July The meeains vs v aci.leur.esi t 9:51 .'. M. Philip 5. eeerott, y esrried by zc su%,',nr3.".y. . h b tris,, sign had • • 1iot.: 1$ ho.7'rioy g1vazn At 'tam itr-!etti ConmIsr4 Wymc!e„7,, Juiy :961, Con:mts'A.ca './ to ',Z*1(...! er a crtlf1clta aN.)ropnl: tha orintli1A.2md .ii .y t t tl ,Yt tl "441 wItaln thq ' vtrizt. this ;10GibiOn vere itinam1$.:ntr.!k Ort ‘Ok P. • J., ; Jr., Doiuld Legro, and C;(ru$ 4 It t easnua for t ti•:-r . or the crt la tc b;s four.:.! in ti ittht :, ct tho! it f Cr,,A meeting, a coy Of —hien P.11 4 "The :A!letiag opened 'et X. AJ or 945 oue af,paixred fma Jvinzey Mtnnafect:ArIng Lo. n =otlon A/ 4uly seconded, It vas umnireusly vnTm to deny the 42-plActlon Janney Manufsctwing Co. for the aontl4a.2.4 di,s;).11!.:y ct 11 3 DovQt e,u,:rt, for L. of .a.(14leolation Gno A".hout 71-6.ju61(7.9 t t r' o? tha ;,rIsaut 0.:,;111elor, th 1e:11f4, of ';1'1.y By 541-leci,) • 2,4;:N T12:4 NQtice IE hereby slvan 'that pt a meE thE ric Districts Commise:Ion held on Monday, July 17 vtyted td ta-ny the application of western Union T:!.ii?4, comny • ca of appriorfteness for the dIspay or :? slgn Q. (In the exterior of the ?renis at .L&13 Massachusetts vi Lexington, which !s within the Battle Green Partic.12T4ting in this decision , ere Cti;i i a Grant Chslrman, Phil b. Prz,ors„ -41%.1n B. Aorthen J7, Dn- Lagr4; and Cyrus Vood. A st 9f the reascns or thc cton f in the t1 pertion • ec:y %bich is NS f011OWS$ tf''*estrn Un/on Telegraph Company Ya$ reDresentk-:d itz L?Pltei:ticm by Mr, 4, A“ Ltrahive rrom the • Uffice 3resented for 2c,n51der7'tion ComisAon actwAl sign oftm ued by ti o ,p1.5can,t an , of another in soiseti-tes :ised by k;p1..icent at or neer its offices or nties. :irt 7,!“ enPried oqft:..1 i7 being tte , L',rde in. IT hero on b b7,7,ckgrcund anl the yrAE, e Lcni bez- grriunLi, :,tter sr;rds !:rr41, tkw; 0,z J I& a buling or , ,at tn ane of ier th• ret The e:ltetiv (known to zR.211.c 7E) 4mur,.€d s .r:° x 9 V4, -aDntatnir1L, s' 1/;OvG Idy the ',3rd rriETUt wr(4-r 'h �rd Ni;-; -A,T.h en mrrow heen thr; twu -nrds!. 4 :21 ) :‘t7a --;- 'Mr. Gralvm exril,rined that the agency in que 1:707tad in the office of Minute Man Cab, 4nc., is one vtich both receives and delivers massages aid nony orders, or the thereof, tn.:A it has no listing in the telephone book„ thLt .he aPPIIit. Is forbidden OT revlations of the Federai Commanlationo ComrliFsion from advertiing the address or telene numbr :goney in any eign 'thich t)! locrAed :ot or near t gency, and heref7s tht;t th2 ,A;pr t ;;Id and doe;> n_z »igns as z advxti medium ',"iut 14 and only e con to the transimt sa •ent o the i;',(1,b4c. Mr. Grah:m Tra7.ed the volume of in: butri: t the genci in ,si!sti,)7.1 first six nonths or 171tx. sin similr firoz:t F vas di_spiktyc-d 14th t .(.1 th firt months of ..961 ‘,:hen no such :;:l.vn sncOad tt r'Istivoqy th plicnt had Ione= 17 1?;nqsli th 7 .gc4cY in -.45..tstl-o'A • ` conolderzbla discussion Motion WES made and du:4 0 seconded that the commision deter thRt the disoly f eith;r the proposed signs wuld he inepproprite within the mecnizc of the act establishins and defining the duties Gf the oommision, thrt th'f: commission determine that the fal:ure to ac)prove the application would not involve a substantial hzrdshil to the appiioant, th.e.t comm' ssin further determilv. tht, anproval of vat? eppliv c nct mAe without substantiril detriment to or derogation from purs of - the Act, . thYt the . pplicztion b deni "Further dsc was n!ct 1=.a to the :,eo4 of any velue sienificance of the buildinv t .2hion it mas ;rosed to r either sitn, es to the gozlere_, textur, c .q• the f;tres of both sins„ tc th reItion factorz to s17.711 fctrs of othzr atrL.Ictures in the immedit.te zrr di.gs, th other buiing, sins for urhii the conmiszion has , .ready issued certifickte4. Of e;propri‘oteness in the Bsttie Green ;I'ilstrict and within view of thc )1.e.mises and slAn tion in .ustic,n, and as to the st temsnts mL.do t;y the :.7:211.:?.7nt represnttice. • JuO 19, '961 "The motion V413 then put to - ote &td rried by a miority," DARICTE By (oigned ) ponall f.? Grant kakairir_sn \ 1`361