HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-22.4.a r '471 .e pouavorpe PuI4***i aux 196T 'Lt 4 Tri 4 4 , ip0cy ptaz,l c ol e.tv .4uec:,1;00 u0Tur 0,4%** A puo uvc,m0 'FaT.,trqp m0,74 p4 Iltvoq poq steue4iTadoadd* J0 seAlroTjT1.140 a0J UOT1VOtiddt7 psounouus :,6,q4.1nj Tv="rogo oltz ( T961 f 41:q=4A0N TTlur peA*7'gcp 4(1 o; pn rvo q uvz ttictT ( 6: 4 Os4 TIO po4C 14inp.i% Op , Aug 4 UOT6r0TVW00 441. JO UOTUTOO otql vT. leql 9u14Tr.IT av4,4* I 0*;T:, pTtio# lu.m0 *4m 4kaT4 poti5a84 *u 4T 7eTu4P eiu0Ts4T=0 4 '44 AT4400 lvtme J011:1,„ try411 ii0;r4A tzT (slap 4q1 P Pule "0LIT ( 4.11K Jon't-T':: 04 p4a,:4„104 441.401 441 pT o4 poeveJppe safuTrTTIT t ulAzT PTO) 'W WOJJ J04401, p**4 u0441 ;gu )wouv %*R **Jr41,14,1 7/Jr1,007 kn.: uT eplUet10 01 404674.: q4TA 9rseT1*T.140a116* jc$ oll?0T;T4a** * uvelc!074:1 AaJ* *3 o4 luva, a4,1,;0A 414rtITVV= 67.1A ;; -alpUv*zil 4T 7u4 ap*m UoT40% Ito °C5 clrg le 3ulaasq ovr ita0m tuoT440n,. pult u0T**Tanscr0 *1;44 „To exaque u Aq renaTA021:* 0 J4,7 ic3iro .e.111p pogOdO,Jfj PTA; piv:DTpuT pzri i'"4 putt 421 4P.44 „;0 0 pOP0=qt ‘1470T *Jiti muov0Tjg A44na ° 6 441i 1101,: *ap 6.44^ 0 1 - 11apq u40 414'44 uT OTTh 43 ota *40;:411;e7 ;0(12T3-1i0000 *44 uTLI4i 41. g; q0Itin 4 4i:Itki4g 70000* 21TITaAp 014 u0 v4anvitoj Ivan40o1T4*44 aowiwrp tur gOgrs 04 1.:. gsous44 JG *40:,,T4T4,4aa u0s0T4si *,) J0 a0T4RaTI61e uo *R *4 ctti 47,1 Pt'( av:-L StrpsOli **T.:may 4444gTAPee$eW 4o414 a41 no 11? 1 J AvviRTv perul4u00 egt42 04 40e6xeJ T4;:^t alrPv.el jo c4:*“_;;;400 upv.tripav *if 04 400.0 0; £1:11,0mTu p' £r. rtv ip 00 ;4= u0 P 4 , pimar2rp rze,v. euT:oot; "nop7,11:Vra00 4cq. ta gzow slIp141A p0-7,* 447.Ors :=*zorls •=sapilv .1;4 7410Q1*W 411 pi*,*;A 5nA UT;7v1:1X1r RT. u; arlIg pc 't *7e.mor ■7 prril JO Ur4...Tqy *g 3 Ut ltiTC ao41: tu* p60 uNT4Tvq0 004 *TuaJg *25 7:m0 4*u0T14.17.Tmmno pue 41 00 , 24, 1.1X0 g../r sl,p4.roq .a uTps "c.! ''f;:tte! f- -u 1 ?- 7 0 q i Bilniqa 6 . 14 f' Zui* * 1 Tor4lipl !;40av 4I44 91.14 triAlTm 6' raZAw 1::f WITT; 3TIT::-:.v:* JO iNTesip 17,211;“7,1--) v11 o4 c$ 414 t49101101 1:C u; 0 e 9 Tt , T7k lv 4(141I 0 e4LTali;TC 0 TaoleTH eta, .1 4 t1r, etalra • • TOWN OF LEXINGTON Massachusetts June 22, 1961 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Due to the inability of commissioner Donald E. Legro to act on the petitions of R. 0. Anderson and C. Harry Erickson, the chair desitnates Associate Commissioner Carl E. Bryant to serve this act n. ge K4G� Donald R. Grant Chairman • This s in 3.icue4 „7,; tc4 Chccr 7. *ad Resolves of Mtisachui 1956, anon4ed, t‘;. liarry Sriee,son 404 ressot to,shanges in Ow archltv. fottires i noted elow ifencza 6trec7%, It thR EC(-C'le Distrist, Ch front door , :nS doorwv :%hd iht;t:, now rod iron tarid an ihdvn on the droving suiwItted to th co::itis!;ion in coanction $J11 the o;Tpliestiou. Dote 4une Cortlf1or,.e fio„, 74 MTIV:.fl „Q:>RIPITATYN1 2. Construct nov roof over bay - 41ndov iri bac, door on *cid Ors-Ing wi.id roof tn) bc cored vith tino fut.;??Iflt shingles vhich vAtch thfq present shingles on the ctner aR14 overhead g door in ploce of presen door, wad -, ;indov on the sti to elovn and v',t:L the sppeering on sold drerihto Instlql new roof ovr tr_ of noy g4rAge door snd sv'tr t;::p adj4cent , iforusy to tile ArAD:e shon on 4tid dre the roof to be oovered with blro' mk 'the 2rev:otay existing eh. zdi t otr The nov fropt dz,ov,„ door, end the v;r:iign d.c.-4r Are 7 ti s core rneen tly hc3,1te by (64n*d) iri • • CTIF1C ATit OP • A,PNTPRIAT.Fxnss This certificate Is isslied !tarsuant to Cilepter 447, Acts ar.d R ecJY ,.r ME.satiltisatts, 1956, h:t treCatied to St* 4:: * Ancirson t th resect to the 0%4)1 dlapiey f o thi: prarl t3 Qted bcOlOttl, t 179 2 M t 8 Crtla the Battle Oro:an District. Said gn rol on tr.* i:kft-ha.,:ci Elias t•rt thq "51.1.yorvcre h9-3 in ocn',- the %,.:."..rIts 0 A;Aloraont E tr I :1r, n ras the 'enrd tl!.`44-..ch" ovn,r F Rcrc, rtr4N lett-r2 A-re vs.Ncr3,,, 4 *1t4 st color, The bra uri c. or th, st f,s a fvf_ d 3161 itope5:rs on color 4 So. 1 ID tho 11: of tn.z COMAL'it3i .1'.“ - 7 , 4::% Bo 1,"Aanti.C14i2 by t z'ac h. ring TAite ,TUnt!.. 23 1961 c,:ertificate No. 73 li1";;J:RIC CC:-M14.:a0N by (Signed) DQfl i. Grant