HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-23In B. 410 CO= R. Ort • ' 1 st ari `+ctrl it CO ton Accc ffiroao sc etery, C l�a,ri i r Ralph A. Zui'Ltri ".-18. is vas veted to ap'potat Do Hr. Lagr p read d s letter from the ohtd rs al 4 a gsrtiat; th t the cor s: ior. ccnviid :r rrtikting its chtiresnehip. Upon motion. tta.I.y made and seconded, it +ass unanimously VCT D to elect Oos:ac1d Grant to Continue in office ss chairmen„ and th t th pr: ew . lion of the commIss1cn or the devotion and high .stn.i rd or h; x cnairr;:..s ship be expressed to hi !?z.i spree 041 the tnlro ^ ecs ::; t :; meeting. Persons Upo�'n motion 6 1y` :3t?G',c, AE&O e / 4 �� T T i L ed, ",� t1; voted to el, .. w secretr.,rr o ` , the i+\/�':i,l : " /J�. \]nd the z ito V, : r7INI,:to:L ;cre© atinn for his dev+-tien to A',i.`,y in the hii,ti, tti -“ rds of conduct of his office be ex .;.eased to him and sorted on the records of the meeting, Mr. Parsons reit -rated his rc t for _'';ci.liticfs to ,.tort th4 rteo 'd.G of the C !+':m i 4siora .4.n, that nugget ;t.ion he msde to the ertairxs''n to discuss ss this matter vith the rp7roprtste town offlei 1a to obtain space for thi. Htkria Coati s, d /g s t to the coat An the doory y the isttle t;re i� held r t A;05 P. H. on the ?3pp1iL a.nitary ILT:rb1i' chop for e certif died displ of this title 3°..13nAI: t, 1796 Iftssachusetts sv,y:t e, Lei en Ziitrict. At the heertng t s p l.i c bed t±.ie ` tFr. treys N .n sl r:g barber .k>:{. :aiei: rct .tad by z, re s,at ;cz:.':. des only curing the hours the barber shin i : on for f ;rth r losiartbed the berbr pole re 4 ti 41 t,tc;-rih.t. dittinct.1ve s:.ymt of his trade and 4,tatad t r t deaai :.1 o::' t�,1:1 .�:� i^r:ti'wn :,,:,;.1,: reau.1 t 11.3 sa4 .loss or business iae ?,r thh f -t thet .v -;ar fifty ;;er, oesat of his a'$ ` tom rs t:t't F transi°ry2.,.te; :end tkt4t: y`.t17;Aehtl aiiy 411 oth r barber hops In Lexington display zit:: Lcr bxrber p :es. The commission c.nsidered the relative sire, color, style, and m teri „ t,s of thF; berbsir pole togethtr °.th tht purposes for Which 't i. displayed. Disonesion we2 al eo bad x,, s to tn. : l:xdtshi which might result to the applicant if 6 certif'ie ^te of approdrittenors , w re to be lied, and whether the rP plic ti.on Could be io ? =x: ;ved vi thout sub::tsntikl. detriment to tha public weIf,re and without a,in:t,°.rs:iz,. uerc :.tfors sr,.,., the intent cared purposes of th, tot establishing, L:zd ,i S.ir.;ug ttt +l dutit :s or the commission. sy 1 !� May 1961 = , m a t . . ii t � l i }5 f e p. ofl J y ent war* Donald E. `a g r o p Cyrus waed, sad Assoctie +-bsance a the chairman, d 7. Legro, Qr.r.ir3”, en 4 On motion made and duly seconded, it w&s dfetarmir ;ere by the coa,las?t.car. thNt , the features of U 4b{orble�rp , ol t re iisv : aroprir=. t + not o }Ytut th A t ♦ 4o conditions affecting the barber pole P;„ e. sign, tut ' n ffe ttr4 the tittle Orem W1atr:ct goner 11y, failure to a.4pprosc the cyp =,lia5 tion would involve sut3:stantiy`t hed.Bhip »: the 8 A:tr' ov4,t of t:he oonti.r,s:ed display of the barber pb1a cc+u1d C. hout su ta.r.ti *sI detriment to the rublia w•eif,-,re nerd O tno,, t dorog t:t'n from t .cz intent ,, tad pur;•cses of t?-:e, ,pct. of Itr dsetrao A. rt\?r pot f c.:tcd 4 :•ori„ which is vi tits TOWN OF LEXINGTON Massachusetts May 23, 1961 HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Due to the inability of commissioner Donald R. Grant to act on the petitions of Sanitary Barber Shop, Lexington Liquor Mart, Inc., and St. Brigid's Church, the chair designates Associate Commissioner Ralph A. Burnham to serve in this action. Donald E. Legro Chairman Pro Tempore upTI: F OF i3 `T<<R!INATIQN Notice is hereby given that eta be ring hold by the 4 i: toriu Districts Commission on May 23, 1961, an the <;ppiic.,tion of Mr. Ga4; tino A. Cosci;;., d /b /a brnitary Barber Shop, for a certificate or rspoi's'pri: teness 0 as to the continued disploy of the existing free standing b&ra.or pole .i.ocated in the doorway at 1796 Massachusetts Avemze, Lexington, which id Within the Battle Green District, the Couiaoion made the oetorminztionJ ape !rirag in the attz.ched exc rpt or the rreetingz "At the hearing the ap plicent described tin sign as free barber pole which is rorated by a r:ect?aaic.1 :ievice and iliuirin a only during; the hours the barber Adop i$ open for business. lie desat'ibed thc; barber pc..re traditional ctiati .ctive or trade rind stated thf.t -cenirl of ni aoplicetion y:culd result in loss of business due to the ft :et the =t over fifty .00r cent of hi k'er transients; and tat substsntik-l.ly all oth barber shops 1 display similar barber poles. 'The Commission considered the relative size, color, style, r,.an materials of the barber pole together with the purposes for wh..e? it iv displayed. Discussion was also had as to this hardship which mint rosLit to the applicant if 6 certificate of appropriateness were to be € and vheth r the s.pplic .tion could be approved without subatanti ».i detriment to the public ='elfare and without substantial derogation from the intent and purposes of the rct est-sbl.i: hang and de.fi :.ire the d..tie$ or ti >€, commission. "On motion made and duly .:eendea, it we teterralned by the Commission thfo t the features of the barber poi are r rt ta, out that owing to conditions affecting the harbor .,,Joie as f; slon, but not affecting to e Bettie Green District generally, fr;.il'ure to aino cue the s plication 7:rou .d involve sut' t wti �l h: rdah1c to the apoiL.or_t end approval of the continued display of the barber ,col:: co...ad o r.l v n without subst.+rti:.l detriment, to the pabil.c welfEre and without derok;t1ors from the intent and ourpcsss of the at May A4 1 (Signed) Donald E. 4 Ghairr.Yan Pro Te p::re st: viing. ted torthor hi s zostonors n .Mx :.'.etr n III `T'OttIC i)IMTRICTS COAMT 1 May 24, 1961 IC Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the d.isteric Listricts Commission held on Tuesday,, May 23, 1961, the Commission unanimously voted to deny the application of Lexington Liquor Mart inc. for a certificate of appropriateness for the continued display of the neon sign located over the door at 1349 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, which is within the Battle Green District. Participating in this dec'sion were Commissioners Donald Z. Legro, Chairman Pro Tempore, Philip B. Parsons, admire B. Worthen, Jr., and Cyrus Wood, and Associate Commissioner Ralph A. Burnham. A statement of the reasons of the action cf the commission is to be found in the pertinent portion of the Minutes of tne meeting, a coey of which is es follows% "Frank Liociardi appeared at the hearing in behalf of tee applicant and identified the sign shown on slide No. 18 in the files of the commission and bearing the legend 'Lexington Liquor Aart inc. Lip; ucrs, Wines, Beer' as the sign referred to in the application and the notice of hearing. Mr. Licciardi further stated that the in had existed In its present location for approximately ton years and that it would be costly to replace. ellr. Edward J. Licciardi also with Mr. Licciardi appeared in favor of tfte petition. No other persons appeared at the hearing either in favor of or against the application. The chairman pro teanpore read a cozrmanication purporting to be signed by ajigs aatherine Harrington' 'Wish sign mould conform to others on the block. Object to extra lighting at eany time. I have tc look at it. Also object to any blinxing signs not in keeping with historic location. "after considerable discussion Motion was made and duly seconded that the commission determine that the continued display of the sign would be inappropriate within the maaning of the act establishing and defineng the duties of the commission, that the commission determine that tae failure to approve the application would not involve a substantial hardship to the applicant, and that the commission further determine that appr: el of the application could not be made without substantial detriment to or derogation from the purposes of the act. "Further discussion was had as to the lacy_ of any historical val.te or significance of the building to which the sign is attached, Ls tc the general design, texture, material and color of the features of toe sign including the peon lettering, and as to tne relate n of those factors to similar factors of other . buiidings, structures and signs in the immediate surroundings, especially the other buildings, strezteres and signs for which the commission has already issued certificates of appropriateness in the Battle Green District and md tein view of the premises and sign location in question. "The motion was then put to a vote and was carried unanimously." HISTORIC D:IMTRI:'rM COMMISSION (Signed) Donald E. Legrr: Chairman p.rc Tempore • CEP IEICATE OF I+P?f(C'ritI..T This cer t'.fic . te is Issued -sursuant to Chanter 447, Acts and Feso7.ves of Massscbusetts, 1”6, as rlended, to Saint Brigid's C d,rc! with respect to the continued d1sp i y of the two foi.lo -ing described sig., as nct ed b»:.o *,', Et 1977 Massacha etts Avenue, which is within tho 136ttle Green District. 1. A x.hi to wr ;cdera sign .oc- ted on ti e ma n In front of the rectory '.,ein.g the fit .n sho. on slide a. 66 in the records of the commission and bring the legend on each side of the sign "Saiat 1#rigid! a Church i unday h -sees C 7:0 1:30 1 : i5 11:30. Daily 4a;5e 7 :15. onfe xsions at arday 4 - 6 7:30 - 9:00 2. A elie1 of Saint. ?Sri4'id in 'white with the words Ssint Brigid in gold letters loca.ked ;')o 'e the portico affixed to the Per nt w .tl of the church. Date May 24, 1961 Certificate No. 72 by HISTORIC pia - XR:CTS CC`A"1'.Ic (Signed) i ons = . iegro Chaipm • .`u emP0 :u