HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-03• The letter of application and the notice of the he.:ring were read by the chairmsn. No one appeared either for or against the her,ring. The commission reviewed the elides cl the two signs referred to in the petition. T wring vas declared closed et 915 ?. me..1 3, 1 t 3:.5 M. 1€,:r 7 r L 1 .;41t - r , Mr. rt1 : rid :!‘ s.Lde :45 f cmlis5ic41 esd being 11.1'o nes I.3eetm thp, ign r.,.tferr c Ln of he:;r Mf, Li;c14- di farther 1,,1ed ' 11 ,:e5C 1 7 ,- r ie T- f- • ; ;.‘n C Mr, 77A J. M. of 4 1 , .1 $ 3 C, ,r5-7ir by t ,jt 17 r-Vi; '; A et 3 t..tratt Lv- ' L! '; - :24Sine that the continued displu of the si,n would b 'InEopropriate within:the meeting or the aet estah:JiEhing and defining the duties of the corimirsion, that the commission ditT!-rmino that the failure to approve the ao,plicetion w=suld not irciVe P azbatent'i:,1 hardship to the Applicant, and that the commies:10n !tiotrmine that approval of the application o)uld nA he mx.da without .?;ubstant1:-:1 detriment to or derogation from the purposes the act. ?urthr discussion was had es to the lack of any histrics,. v: or significahce of the building to '--/h1;11 the slen is attached, as to Ile general design, texture, material and color of the far:turas of the sign, includitg the neon lettering, td a& t.o the retstion „:4,' those factors to similar factors or other buildIngs„ structures and sUns in the immediate surroundings, especially the other bwilding structures and signs for which the COMMISSiOn has already issued certificates of appropr.3.;--teness in the Battle Green District and within view of the premises and sign location it question. The motion vas then pat to a vote and was carried unanilacu y. Hering vas called by uot1c t 3K3 ) ?. M. on try a)pliotion of Saint Brigid's Church for a certlficte of appropriateness f the continued dAiplay of the exlsting signs at 1977 Massachusetts Aven1).e, which Is .-Pithin the Battle r.;raen District, • tyk e.. On motion ie nd duly ascf;nded, it veza unenimously VOM to grr,nt to Saint Brigid's Church e curtrf'cate of appropriateness frlw fne c display of th.q t1(0 signs at 1977 Maosacnusetts avenv.e. D. Worthen presented 4 :AA.;.$15 drari-ing of :the Lawrence nerdvare aign„ which had been prevred by Arnold 1 4or 1 nr discunsion. The meeting wa$ adjourned &t 10x45 ?. M. PW.lio B. PPrsons, 5 Mr. Vood suggetcd that either the applicant or hla reprettive be requeted to cp at ti'ul r1n ii n5vor application. The cheIrman pro tamporo announced thrct an application for on'tif or=te of appropriAsnesa had ben received froa An4ero_le de44e1rs. Hearing vill b heLd on June V, 1961.