HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-25April ; 5, 1961 " The i?istcric Districts ;amr«i:reion met tt the time cnd place Sled in the public notice of the hering on the appi.lcstion of Brigidls t:hurch f(sr K certifi.ce:ta of appropriateness to move a garage at the rear of the premises at 977 Massachusetts Avenue, which la within the battle Green Di strict. P resent were Donald R. Grant Chair n Bd 1n B. worth Cyrus wood„ and Associate Mortars Arnold Y. deuv..rd and Ralph A. Bxzr n k . On motion weds and duly seconded, it vas unanimously VOTL D that Edwin B. `n'ort`aeo, Jr., be deslgnoted to prep,p're the minutes of the meeting in vies of the 7Abaince of the secr ry. The chairmen read the letter of ar pllcstion. bpper,:ring in behalf of the church was $ r. Pet-le Monc: etti 4 ' t-. Aonc4.etti 3c Hoes, M6 30h0. Mr. Roncheatti ;ft with tb•e cows ! sicn a sli,.atc:h .T.howini, the location of t.hs gabs ;s. ; uea,stio:.is were e:ca.:ed by various tte b rs of the commissin. The he'r:ng e.s adjourned et 1:15 P. M. On motion made and duly seCV'nded, it was unanimously VOTED to grant to Saint Brigid's Church a ?emit for Removal with reapect tr the relocation o: an existing +344 air urage in the rear oil' trxec present rectory at 1977 Mi.saschusetts Avenue, Lexington. Also ,restart} at the meeting was Mr. Andrew A. LBi gh on. when asked, Mr. :,,,ei ghton str =ted ttu.t tie had no o.:,Jtietion V: the change in ghat eor3.;.s.oa t.iott of the membrshil of the commission since the original her: ring of April 11, 1961. P'u.rthet.r discussion was head with Mr. Andrew A. `..c; ht n !. °a;aa< =zing on behalf or H. M. Lawrence Eiardwtre. Inc., rt 1777 M.s ssaachus©tts Avenue, es to the model of the proposed neu sign for that location Which wee originally eresented to the smrri. =asion at the original heeri.ng { on Agri':. 11, 1965: , and as to the as:a:.c1md prepo�sri eubbzzitted et thi:: time. After considerable discussion motion was mAde and duly seconded,, the 'commission determine that the erection and ei splay of oithr proposed ::inn sirs .L d be inappropriate within the meaning of the at astrhlis.' ^,ing and defiling the duties of the coaziaalon, that the commisian determine thet the failure to approver the g;apiics.tion 'sould not involve a s thstant1 a hardship to the Es;ypTi cent, er.r.ci that the commission P:zrt1'-!r det -rmine that aproval of tre appAicse tlon coaid be made without s • bstrsrttia`: detriment to or , zrng ion from the uses of the act, kurther discussion ;gas had as to th.ca any hist,:ri.cai a cue or algnificahce or the building to ; Aida it i z proposed to attach ai new Sign, ass to the general deli ;.rr, arrangement, texture, me tcri al ri3 coi: of the features of the sf rz' i.n::iaot i' the me u lettering, and as tai the relation of those factors to A.mil .r, tutors of oared bui,ld.i,ngr, structures u.d signs in tn«a immediate aurrux:di=;g. ;, especially the other buildings, structures and signs for which the 41 1ooaatr.is =.store has dreaa.dy is sued certificates of apbropri -0teness in the brittle Freer, Distri and within view of the premiss z%.d sign location in ':aest1on. April 25, 1961 The meeting was adjourned at 10 :15 P. M. Page 2 A04-1I Z5/ V The motion was then put to a vote and was carried unanimously. The chairman was directed to make a brief summary of the reasons for the commission's determination in the notice of determination which is to be filed with the town clerk, and to send a copy of the said notice to the applicant. The chairman read a letter received from. Mr. D. g i'oss of Rom Stores. It was agreed to write a letter to Mr. puss advising him to submit an application with regard to the continued display of his si gns. The chairman further announced that application for certificates of appropriateness had been received from Sanitary BFrber Shop, Lexington Liquor Mart Inc., and Saint Brigid' s Church. hearings are to be held on Tuesday, May 23, 1961. Edwin B. Worthen, Sr. Secr tary Pro Tempore TOWN OF LEXINGTON Massachusetts HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Due to the inability of commissioners Philip B. Parsons and Donald E. Legro to act on the petitions of H. M. Lawrence Hardware, Inc. and Saint Brigid's Church, the chair designates associate commissioners Arnold E. Howard and Ralph A. Burnham to serve in this action. April 25, 1961 oLU eiclz„.f Chairman P This ,perm ha:;t x 4.0, A: t and °Ives of Ms,:5sarJ t1: t , 1,9f;O, 'c Ye a" #xe t 6 , to int. 44 d' Church y1 th re s pct t the r r. oc4tic r o ao,r oyiKtin4 .7nA *4r gzrzge in the weir of tie ..4 zit rcotory as noted bP:.c—, :rt 4977 Ple,asChs,IsetL + w whicN is w1 rhi i the Settle Gr *ex; .iii litrict. The t'x :.eat doors Of the ar.Z ge as e . r tied are to be nicin4 an a t•:riy 41reot1OM, and this front e.; trenoe of tt,a (prate is to by Cat a it1 Consisting et the egleneion cr the esstIriy .'e;11 of the present rectory buiL:in4, ii,th the ne4rest point of t *- g rge approriz; t.iy i4 re* t dist. t Pros; rear ct the roctcu7. *his p tyratii t i3 o ira ted on t i cora 1 t l . hs (1) that the new foundation t ' ' tt garage :a• to be more thin': one , ,'cot r,.bxve the grade of tht lm ;d vhssrever III/Ole from any lblie stre t or may, and (;) thtt the present twand -ticn of the building be rayed to the exiliting grade c2 the land, 'a tt any atxeavation filled in to that grade. DIA. April ;t 1961 ti%icate No. 71 liI;i's,IC zita'1•t:: 7.`.N b; (w i )1 0 Id w z'e »t • Settee 13 hereby given thtt A meeting of the nietkrie Ltlatrieto Commission held on Tuesday, April 25, 19n1, the Coni,i,sslon unanimously voted to deny the application ef H. M. Lawrence nardware, Inc. for se aeertificete of epproprt tetness •a to s proposed new *inn t 1777 Massachusetts Avenue, which 18 within the Bettie Green District. Perticipsting in thie decision were Corenin:!eicners Doneid R. Tent, Edwin H. Vort ►en, Jr., and Cyrus ood and Aesociet noncyssioners Ft8i ph A. Burnham and Arnold E. Rowe,: d. A stete+ment of reasons ter toe action or the C:om i _ Dion is t be r::xsa 1. tho pertinent portiere cr the minntee or the mooting, ii car y of which is es relienst >nrther discussion was had nit Xr. Andrew 4. eI n on behelt or B.fl, Lawrence ?iesrdwere,, Inez. it 1777 ? essec es to the model of the. proposed new sign for thet :aooetion originally prosekted t: the c°ecr:.: stor et the origi:a..l he;. A prix, ii, 1961, and es to that an ended propoaal submitted '"7l rter consid ereb1e di e:ciuerelcan section rest mode and duly sec;: Bided, tbet the commission determine thst the e,reantion and display of either proposed aign could be incppropriotee v'i thin the meeting of tr:e set esttt.b.i.is:.ing and defining, the dutioa or the Czea.'°;i SIOL* that the commiselon determine that the Pal lore to tp rove the 4.; plicetion notzld not involve t s nbstentiel, hardship to the e, p . icent, and tnh t. t ; commission rurthgr deeterroe thl4 ;jpprt>vai of the e nIteet1OU could n be mode without s.ab �tenti r:i detriment to or desrogetion from the ereoseew ct the acct. rrurthar 4iscusaion was had a vel ne► or significance or tne bui of new sine', as tc- the nenerel Mest end ooioz of the reet;srees or the ai lettering, and as to the reletion of or other buildings, structczress and e especially the otbor bui' ding*, *true commiseion hes already l *sued cert1ti Battle Ureeen District and within view in 'cue t1on• The notions ens then nut toe vote en The atselre:r?ns wet directed to oA t bri°4 sup - ry the commission's determination In than not1ce ,^ ` tie tort** which is to be riled with the ton eler ',, and to send P c: ~Rty of the seed notice to the appl.icent." • y �� 1� 1 $ e� ts�, 1961 n , tnneering a e tte Avenue, M c h es • r1e en at this time. leek or any hi -tcri which it is proposed tea attach rinneement, texture, meter incl'.. tug t:`:e ernpoand a rectors to si;r.i l r rectors in the tstenadiete surrcnndirigs, s and signs for .ti'iiah the a of eppraprietee,.etse in the or the premi:e3 and locetiot� ItiSC IC D :'aTf7. C'1n :8.'1024 Signed) r+ cna'_:i ., . l rent 4i> si.rtArn