HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-11-04• • • Minutes of Meeting of the Histories District Commission on November . 1959 All five Commissioners net at 7 :45 PM in the Selectments Off- ice and were joined shortly by Mr. Douglass, the contractor, and by Mr. Whitten, representing the architects, in connection with the oral request, presented by Mr. Douglass to the Chairman on October 29, 1959, of Depositors Trust Company for an amendment to the Certificate of Appropriateness previously issued to it in con- nection with the reconstruction of the branch office in Depot Square, within the Battle Green District. Mr. Douglass presented a revised (October 29, 1959) sketch of the proposed porch which Depositors Trust Company desires to build over the walk -up banking window and night depository appear- ing on one of the sketches which formed the basis for the Commis - sionerst granting of the existing Certificate of Appropriateness. The dimensions and details appear on the sketch, and the color proposed is the same as that of the rest of the exterior of the building. It is desired to have a tar and gravel roof, which will not be visible from any public street, and the underside of the roof of the proposed portion will be plastered with two lights re- cessed therein. The Chairman stated that the two principal questions before the Commission at this meeting were, first, whether the Commission could amend the existing certificate without the notice and hear- ing required by the statute and, second, whether, if the first question were to be answered in the affirmative, the proposed change might be appropriate within the meaning of the act. • -?« • No ✓ y, )95"1 Members of the Commission then asked Mr. Douglass what, if • anything, either the Depositors Trust Company or Mr. Cataldo, who was not present, intended to do about the subject matter of the Commission's letter to them of October 9, 1959. Mr. Douglass stated that the replica of the Minute Man could be removed in about four seconds and that there were still several exterior painting details to be taken care of before the building should be completed and that Mr. Cataldo might possibly instruct him (Mr. Douglass) to paint the copper gutters and downspouts. When specifically queried by the Chairman, Mr. Douglass stated that he did not know Mr. Cataldots intention in regard to either of these two aspects and would only remove the replica of the Minute Man and paint the gutters and downspouts if so instructed by Mr. Cataldo. In response to a question, Mr. Douglass stated that it would take only about four days to construct and complete the proposed new porch. The Commission took the request in question under advisement, and Messrs. Douglass and Whitten withdrew. The Commission there- upon determined that the proposed change would involve a change in exterior architectural features and, after careful considera. tion of the matter further determined that it had no power under the act to grant the proposed amendment to the existing certifi- cate except upon a written application and after the notice and hearing prescribed by the act. The Chairman was instructed to so advise Depositors Trust Company and Mr. Cataldo by letter, copy to the Building Inspector. • •3. After discussion of the subject matter of the aforementioned . letter of October 9, 1959, it was decided that no further action should be taken by way of enforcement of the terms of the exist. ing certificate until it was clear either that the reconstruction was completed or that the holder of the certificate definitely did not intend to comply with the pertinent provisions thereof. The Chairman then presented the two applications, both dated October 31, 1959, of the Lexington Historical Society in regard to a proposed tool shed at the Munroe Tavern and of Mrs. George E. Smith in regard to proposed changes in the building at 9 -11 Meriam Street. It was determined that each application involved an exterior architectural feature within the meaning of the act, and it was agreed that hearings on both applications should be held on Tuesday, December 1, 1959. The Chairman was instructed to advise Mrs. Smith by letter of the requirements of the act and of the Commission in regard to the data which must be submitted by her at the hearing. There was some discussion of the inquiry by New England Tele. phone and Telegraph Company in regard to replacement of the exist. ing telephone booth in front of L. M. Foster Inc., 1832 Massachu.. setts Avenue, in the Battle Green District. The Chairman advised that he had sent a copy of the act to the Telephone Company's rep.. resentative, but, as no application had been received, the matter was not further considered. The Chairman reported that he had contacted Mr. Stevens, ex- ecutor of the will of Mrs. Thomas, in regard to the amounts appar.. ently owing to her for her services and disbursements prior to • • N ov . +-4, 1R 5`i • • her decease. Mr. Stevens had submitted a statement which the • Chairman reported he had approved and forwarded for payment. There then followed some discussion as to the necessity of replacing Mrs. Thomas as Clerk. The Chairman reported that he had contacted various persons suggested by members of the Commis. sion and had followed other leads without success. The Chairman was thereupon authorized to place a classified advertisement in the Lexington Minute Man. There was no further business before the meeting, which ad— journed at approximately 9:30 PM. • Philip B. Parsons, Secretary Nov . t� IgS9