HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-04-23• April 2B, 1969 The Historic Distrietts C+amission held a publio bearing Wednesday, ,April 22, 1969 in the Be le etuanw s Roast, Town Office Building at gik 7s5O P.Y. on t applisatioxt of Earl H.Qutbst fora oortifisate of appropriateness for the erection of two houses and a temporary sign on the Yunree 21.11 Estates, ithiah is within the Munroe liistoris District( aers►sr Pelts* Rd.h *ass.•ve. Sitting on tbs Commission were Dexter A.6mith,t *irs*n P1*pi J. aylor, thiiip $.Parsoe�is, Chula* G.Davis and Morin 8. Zr. Besides Nr. Outhet and ltr.Norry Esieksoa, •rshiteet, there were about 12 others present. Itr.5utth read the active. IIr.O thet Stated he had purehassd two lots from lr.Wardrobe and one frees *r.Qhayee and wished to erect one house on Lot • and one on Lot a. There is to be a driveway built from Pelhmt. Rd. and the entrances would be from Pelham Rd. The stone wall at Yass.Ave. would deginitely be kept. Ile stated the road would be built on the bask, cutting 8 to 10+ off the hill and sake e gross to Pelham Rd. and then built. these two houses. In answer to a question, he stated the ledge was down 17 1. so he figures with taking off 1 ©w, he would have 7 }w for the foundation. No would only take off enough to make the road to Pelham Rd, Considerable time was spent by every one present studying the plans quite carefully. Iir.Qsrsy stated be thought it would be most helpful it a topegraphieal mar could be made. f• also spoke of the stone bench markers there. Kr.©uthett was *eked if a retaining wall was going to be neeeseary on the upper side of the road. Zs does not think this will bs at a ll neeessary but if be finds he does rood it, he would eertainly er of one. I1r.Worthen asked regarding the area of the lots. These are between 17,000 and 19,000 1tr.Oarey asked if this road would bo exactly as sheen on the plans and what about wash onto. ltr, grey also stated that he thought if the road is moved down a few toot, there would be no problem. Er,Outhet was also *skid if houses are built in different places, due to road being ns' 4 down a bit, it sane elevations, ete.woald be keptair.Outhet stated be would undoubtedly move the road doom a bit, away tram the lot line and that the same plans would be followed as shown for erection of the houses. Re also said the road would be kept up by owner of the property. The "Garrison" louse on Dot a, Itr, O nthet stated, he would like dark brown ehingl4s above, light creme or whits trims white below►, blinds an aque arias( blur- green), roof to be asphalt shingles dark brown or Meek, ehinnsy red brisk , garage doors white, oonerets base to be natural. no stated he would like vertical sidings on first floor as shown. Om the house on Lot •, which ix a 4 bedroes+ Cape with bres a+swalr, shingled, white with dark green or black trine, black *spelt shingles =polo roof, chimney red brink, steps black, pola white. r. arty asked where the ridgepole would be in relation to his house and was told it would be below. *r.O thet stated he expected no trouble • with the driveway in reeponse to a further question and said it would be put in fi rot. Miles potter spoke of the grade from the lots down to Yass.•ve. and of the dangoroes twatfio oanditions there. Itr.Oa•hst was asked if tbs walk from house on Lot • down to Nosedive. amid be left AEI • p2 • Akt t 2 3, I T 59 out aural fl teal g o around to the driveway en Nahum ltd. and be stated Yes. Miss Potter did not think the colors as suggested by kr.Outhet at all aWpropriate to that section.. Ri was asked why be preferred two aoiors and said while he would like it he would go b» whatever the Commission thought. Ir.lia 1 asked if . Kr.Outhst vould take away loads when be dug tkr foundations end Mr.Outbet stated bs could tan away lust what he had to dig our for the foundations. It was also stated that a Garrison house usually did not have two, different treatments grad the vertioal sidings were also disopesed. Mr.Outhst stated he bud just finishad two hawses, ono at 11 Blodgett Rd. and one at 19 Peahhtlee Rd. Re said he would like to use vertical sidings and would rather use shingles than clapboards but would go along with the Ceamsissianas deoisioas. ¥;..Hall said that on the question of a retaining wall, it would hate a lot to do with the appearance and that the well would be visible from Kass.Ave. On the temporary sign, it would be as n Bt and overall, when mounted not more than 8', and would be black letters on white. Rearing over at 9 :00 P.16 MT/We *r.i'barold Stevens osma in and some questions were asked regarding the legality of taking away dirt from these lots and ales he was asked regarding erevtion of a retain wall. If this wall. is to be ereeted, it is to be treated as a • ructure and a further vertifieate would be neceasary. Tt was also deeided it was not up to the Co misei on to ask for a topographical aaap. A very thorough and lengthy dismission was held by the Commission covering the house, them/slyes +shingles vw. clapboards, o vertioal sidings, colors on garrison house, the walk down to asa.Avs. and particularly the driveway grading and retaining wall. It was finally moved and VOTEDs it was maanimoaaaly voted to issue a oertifieate to Barl S.Outhet for the erection of two houses and a temporary sign on the Munroe gill $,states( earner Wham *d.h Bass. Ave.) with certain da f finite spesifieations and the Chairman was diredted to sign tbe ertificate of Appropriateness as prepared. It was further decided and so written that a letter be sent to the Building nnssppeetor, together with a pet of this. plans, stating that inasmuch as the applicant was unable to disoribe the necessary grading and the aonatruetion of the driveway that the Qasrateeion urge the Building Inspector to oareta11y review the drawings as submitted for tbe building permit to be ore that the outward appearance of the house is esslintta13 u sheen on the plans salmitted to the ©omatission. 'f'he Commission willies to be ears that no more foundation is exposed than shown a it,would appr *viably change the appearance. Besting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. Philip B.xarsons,Beoretary PBP /t