HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017.12.14 EC CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES December 14, 2017 Attendees: Suzie Barry, Joe Pato, Jessie Steigerwald, Howard Jaffe and Kate Ekrem,Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Emily Smith, Assistant Library Director, Alissa Lauzon, Head of Youth Services and Jen Forgit, Teen Services Manager. Call to Order: Joe called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM. Public Comment: None Secretary’s Minutes of October 18, 32017 Howard made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 18, 2017. Jessie seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Financial Update Koren highlighted the trustee and municipal reports. On the municipal side we are 38% expended which is normal. We received our first installment of State Aid funds for this fiscal year. The Foundation has paid back $35,000 year to date on its loan from the Endowment for the transformative spaces project. We have no updated Endowment figures to report. Administrative Update - Staffing Koren reported we have selected a candidate for the full time position recently vacated by a long time staff person who retired. We are waiting for the letter of appointment. We will be fully staffed which has not occurred for some time. Meeting Rooms Koren brought forth the inquiry from Mary Hastings who has volunteered to conduct a financial planning event at the library. Trustees discussed the request and the consensus is that they prefer to adhere to the library meeting policy of not allowing individual for profit business to use the library meeting rooms. Building Updates Koren reported a number of building issues: The chiller will be replaced in March with an air based system instead of the current water based one. Carpeting on the main level in the World Language, AV and Reading Room will be replaced. We are hopeful that the icicle mitigation will be working as the weather has gotten colder. Saturday’s storm was not enough to test it. We are rethinking the use of the reading room, evaluating all of the furniture hoping to make everything mobile for the 150th event in 2019. We are no longer allowed to store items in the Carriage House so we may need a decision in the future about the extra-large table that resides in that space. New Business Staff Development Koren asked trustees to consider closing the library for an entire day for staff development. We hope to schedule the Active Bystander Training the morning and Myers Briggs in the afternoon. If not, we may ask to do so at a future professional development day. The trustees support that training and closing for a full day now or in the future. Historic District Appointment Suzie detailed the current process for the HDC appointment 3 groups participate in the nomination process, the Historical Society, the Arts and Crafts Society and the Library When an interim associate members resigns barring any issues, and the member would like to be reappointed, the Selectman poll all three groups for feedback. At the moment there is no search process in place. Trustees discussed the need for diversity and cultural representation. Kate added that it seems as if we do not need to develop a separate process but cooperatively. Suzie explained that the process is evolving and will update as needed. At the moment, Tom Fenn would like to be appointed again. Trustees discussed Mr. Fenn’s appointment, after discussion, Jessie moved to support reappointing Tom Fenn as an associate member of the HDC. Howard seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Old Business Final draft of Trustee Bylaws Suzie asked for clarification in Article II on how to reference the clergy. Howard and Kate affirmed that “clergy association “ is preferred. Koren will use this throughout the document for consistency. Howard made a motion to approve the bylaws as amended, seconded by Jessie. The motion passed unanimously. Children’s Study Room Koren reminded trustees that some time ago we approved to take the Children’s Study room offline before realizing that this was a donor space. At that time, we were considering use for a staff office. We would like approval to use the space as a nursing mother’s room. It will remain locked if not in use for nursing or pumping. Jessie suggested that I can also be sued as a quiet space for autistic children. The consensus is to approve the use. Suggest a Program: Young Adults Jen Forgit detailed the process for teens who wish to start up a program at the library. This is an effort to support community interest and showcase student talents. Applications will be reviewed quarterly. Successful applicants will work with library staff to develop content and advertisement for their program. The library will provide space, print and online advertising, participant registration and use of basic equipment such as whiteboard, markers, tables and chairs. Priority will be Lexington young adults. The application will include age but not date of birth. There will be a generic box for Lexington public, private or home schooled. Trustees asked questions about the process and how candidates will be selected. Jessie made suggestions for the application such as how did you hear and note that only a limited number will be approved. Trustee’s consensus is to approve the application. Unattended bags/items Jen presented a policy on unattended bags. The purpose is to give a more formal process for bags left for a long time. The plan is to remove unattended items left for more than five minutes. The note will direct the teens to staff to retrieve their belongings. Repeat offenders will receive a verbal warning, a copy of the policy and if needed a letter to parents. Trustees discussed the added responsibility of removing and storing of valuable items. They questioned under what circumstances the items are left. Jen reported that at times, teens are in another space in the building but more often want to drop their items and leave the building. Jessie suggested that we put a write up in the high school newsletter. Koren wants trustees to be aware in case a parent is angered by the removal of the items. The consensus is to approve the policy. Adjournment Kate made a motion to adjourn, Howard seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Adjournment Howard made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Jessie. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned.