HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-23PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 23, 1988 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with members Sorensen, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner Nordby, Summer Intern Joseph Marino and Secretary Peters, present. Mrs. Klauminzer arrived at 7:40 p.m. and Mr. Williams arrived at 7:58 p.m. *************************** REPORTS ********************************** 147. Planning Director a. Summer Intern: Mr. Bowyer introduced summer intern Joseph Marino, a graduate student in planning at the University of Massachusetts, and outlined the work he will be doing to develop a computer data base on the characteristics of housing built since 1980, to collect occupancy patterns of newly constructed housing, including affordable housing, in order to develop updated occupancy indices to be used in projecting future school enrollments and to determine the impact of any Pine Meadows development on Town services. b. Sheraton, Marrett Road: Mr. Bowyer reported the Flatley Company's proposed CD rezoning proposal has not been filed with the Selectmen, as ' required, for consideration at the special town meeting. ************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ********* SUBDIVISION OF LAND 148. W.K. Grace Subdivision, Endorsement of Definitive Plan: Ms. Nordby reported the revised and corrected plans are ready for the Board's endorsement. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen,, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted 4-0-0 to endorse the definitive subdivision plans entitled. "W.K. Grace Subdivision Plan". 149. Philbrook Terrace, Robert Phelan: Mr. Bowyer reported that Hayes Engi- neering, who prepared the field survey used for the subdivision plan, apparently had not.'made a field survey in the wetlands and it appears the elevation of the wetlands is about 1/2 feet higher than is shown on the drawings. He added this raises doubts about whether the proposed drainage system will work. The Board agreed a stop work order should be issued until the matter is cleared up to the satisfaction of the Town. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted 4-0-0: 1. The Planning Board has received reports that there is incorrect information on the topographic plan, prepared by Hayes Engineering Co., for the Grassland Street definitive subdivision plan, and that incorrect information may mean that the work detailed on the proposed grading and utilities plans may not be able to be carried out to achieve the stand- ards required by the Town, particularly for the drainage and storm water runoff systems. The incorrect information is a violation of subsection 3.3 of the "Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land in Meeting of May 23, 1988 -2- Lexington, Mass." which provides that the presentation of complete and correct information is the responsibility of each applicant. 2. In acccordance with Condition #6 of the Certificate of Action dated December 15, 1986, Diamond West Realty Trust, Robert E. Phelan, Trustee, is directed to stop all work on the construction of this subdivision until it can be demonstrated that the subdivision can comply with the required Town standards. Mr. Williams arrived at this time. 150. Pine Meadows Development a. Projected date for Special Town Meeting: Mr. Bowyer reported the Selectmen will schedule the special town meeting for either July 6 or July 13, 1988. b. Planning Board response to the May 16 presentation by Moore Homes: Mr. Sorensen felt it was premature to respond; he felt the number of units the site can contain should be verified first. Mr. Bowyer noted that Gary Larson had applied the provisions of Article 42, of the 1988 Town Meeting, dealing with minimum developable site area, and estimates a possible 98 to 100 units could be built. Mr. Williams suggested two or more clusters of affordable units rather than one. He also felt the ' development was too close to the wetlands. The Board also discussed the feasibility of retaining the golf course as a part of any development of the site, and whether it might permit better planning if the design did not have to incorporate an existing golf course with the housing. 151. Holderness Lane, off Minuteman Lane. Preliminary Plan Decision: The Board reviewed a draft decision, dated 5-23-88. In response to a question from Mr. Sorensen, Landscape Architect Gary Larson, representing the develo- per, stated he would check into why the cluster subdivision seemed to be 1400 sq. ft. short of the amount of open space required by the 'Zoning By -Laws. The Board agreed the required amount of open space must be shown on the defin- itive plan. The Board also discussed whether the open space should be deeded to the Town or retained in some form of private ownership, such as a condomin- ium association, where the Town is granted a deed restriction against any development in the open space. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs Klauminzer, it was voted 5-0-0 to approve the preliminary subdivision plan and decision, as amended. 152. 627-669 Massachusetts Avenue, Boyd -Smith, Sketch Plan Decision: The Board continued their discussion of the three sketch plan variations, submit- ted by the developer. A majority of the Board agreed they preferred Plan A. with some changes, which retains the Dana Morrill as a single unit residence on one lot, and also contains three double units and another single unit, on four additional lots. They noted the decision of the Historic District Com- mission would also need to be incorporated into the development of any prelim- inary plan. The consensus of the Board was that the developer should begin with Plan A to develop a preliminary plan. They suggested he work toward minimizing the Meeting of May 23, 1988 -3- impact on lot 4, and they preferred that lot 5, which contains the liana Mor- rill house, contain one dwelling unit. Mr. Williams preferred it contain two units and asked that the developer study whether this is feasible. 153. PUBLIC HEARING, Orchard Crossing. McNeil & Castelli. Definitive Plan: Mrs. Uhrig opened the hearing at 8:30 p.m. by reading the legal notice. Presenting the plans were John Castelli, Russell Burke of McNeil Associates, Landscape Architect Gary Larson of Larson Associates and Engineer Nicholas Lanney of Briggs Engineering. Mr. Burke described the evolvement of the plan through various stages to the final definitive plan. Mr. Castelli said the name derived from the fact that the property used to be an orchard. Mr. Lanney reviewed the drainage system, describing how they propose to tie into the existing Town drainage systems. He also discussed how the detention basin on Lot A would operate, adding that the drainage system has been review- ed by both the Engineering Department and the Conservation Commission, and their comments and recommendations have been incorporated into the final plan. Mr. Larson presented the site analysis, describing the slopes, vegetation, and other features on the site such as an existing stone wall which Sanderson Road will follow out to Lowell Street. He reviewed the road system, showing the connection with Sanderson Road, with a cul-de-sac off it to the rear portion of the subdivision where the cluster development will be located. In response to a question from Mrs. Wood, Mr. Burke stated that the developers ' propose that Lot A, with the detention basin, be conveyed in fee to the Town, and dedicated as permanent open space. In response to a question, Joel Adler, of the Conservation Commission, said the Commission felt the maintenance of the detention pond and Lot A could best be handled under their jurisdiction. Mr. Williams requested a review of the density calculations for the cluster portion of the subdivision. He also felt the access to the conservation land at the rear portion of the development should be moved or, if that were not possible, better delineated with a fence or stone wall. Mr. Burke noted that both easements, the walking easement from Page Road and the walkway to the back conservation land would be well delineated to the satisfaction of the Board. Mr. Philip Macauda, 8 Page Road, suggested using stone dust for the walkways, and noted he favored the walkways being well delineated. In response to questions from Mr. Bowyer, Mr. Burke noted there should be no standing water in the detention basin, only wetland vegetation. He also described where the sidewalk would be located and how it will relate to the stone wall. In response to questions from Mr. Sorensen, Mr. Burke described how the owners of the two properties have legally merged the subdivision into one application to be constructed as one development Mrs. Uhrig declared the hearing closed at 9:23 p.m. Meeting of May 23, 1988 -4- Later in the evening as direction to the staff, the Board agreed that crushed stone and a stone wall should be used to delineate the walkway to Page Road; there should be a visible sign and a stone wall to mark the way to the public open space in the rear of the site and it should be deeded to the Town. Lot A should be owned and maintained by the three abuttors surrounding it. 154. PUBLIC HEARING, 90 North Hancock, Jeffrey Hodgdon, Definitive Plan: Mrs. Uhrig opened the hearing at 9:25 p.m. by reading the legal notice. Representing the developer, Mr. Hodgdon, were David Crispin and Roger Corbin of BSC - Boston, and Attorney Charles King. Mr. Crispin reviewed the plans and listed the waivers they were requesting: 1. To permit the survey to be based on the the Town's photogrammetric maps. 2. To permit an angular sideline where the street sideline is also the corner boundary line of the lot. 3. To permit a 22 foot wide street. 4. To permit a 4 foot sidewalk and the deletion of the grass strip. 5. To permit sloped granite curbs except for rounding at the entrance of the driveway where the curbs will remain vertical. In response to a question from Mrs. Wood, Mr. Crispin confirmed there would be a restriction in the deed of the second home forbidding direct access onto North Hancock Street from Lot 2. In response to a question from Eugene Skelton, 91 North Hancock Street, it was stated there would be a 20 foot setback at the rear of the new home. In response to a question from Marvin Mason, 3 Linmoor Terrace, it was stated the drainage analysis indicated surface water runoff would be contained on the site. Abuttors also expressed concerns about gaps in the screening around the perimeter of the subdivision. Mrs. Uhrig declared the hearing closed at 9:43 p.m. Later in the evening, as direction to the staff, the Board agreed to require additional plantings in the foliage break along the property line; to permit a 22 foot roadway; and to require the area of the turnaround beyond the curbing of the subdivision roadway be maintained so that it is accessible and usable in all seasons for turning movements of large vehicles. 155. Turnbury Hill, off Hill Street, Otis Brown, Jr.: Mr. Bowyer reported they have filed an application for approval of a preliminary subdivision plan. APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 156. Hearings scheduled for June 9, 1988: Mr. Sorensen gave an oral review of the following hearings: 4 Viles Road, David Fine, Variance, rear yard setback: Mr. Sorensen reported the applicant wishes to construct a playhouse/garden house within the setbacks of the property. He noted, and the Board agreed, that there seemed to be room in the back yard to site the playhouse/ garden house so it can conform to setback requirements. They felt that Meeting of May 23, 1988 -5- maintaining consistency in administration of the Zoning By-law requires that the variance be denied, as variances have been denied in the past for other sheds of similar size and appearance. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood it was voted unanimously to recommend the variance be denied since no hardship, as defined by state statute, has been demonstrated. 5 Manning Street, David Luterman, Variance, front yard setback to accom- modate steps adjacent to a handicapped lift and ramp: On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously to recom- mend the application be granted as a temporary variance and that it lapse when the property is no longer used by a handicapped person. 7 Fern Street, Susan Schauffele, SP, psychotherapist office: The Board discussed their concerns that the very narrow lots found in that area of town create problems for the additional parking required with a home office, and agreed an office on such a narrow lot would too adversely impact on the neighboring lots. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted 3-2-U, with Mrs. Klauminzer and Mr. Williams voting in the negative, to recommend against granting the special permit. 187-9 Bedford Street, Phillip Ciampa Salon, SP. standing sign: The Board applauded the consolidation of many different signs to one sign. How- ever, they felt the sign proposed was much too large for the neighbor- hood. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously to recommend the special permit be granted only if the sign is no larger than four feet wide and six feet high (from grade). The Board also agreed to make no comment on the following two cases: 39 James Street, David Johnson, Variance, front yard setback. 24 Lincoln Street, Hayden Recreation Center, SP, temp. standing sign. 157. Schedule for public hearing on 191 Spring St. repetitive petition: The Board reviewed dates for scheduling the public hearing, and agreed to schedule the hearing for June 20, 1988. ************************* REPORTS ********************************* 158. Planning Board, Subcommittees: a. Commuter Bike Path: Mrs. Wood reported on the public meeting held on May 17, 1988 to present the final design for the bikeway. Construction should begin in September. She said concerns focused on the need for adequate screening for abutting property owners. There was general agreement that these needs would be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and, when seen fit, the State will pay 1/2 the cost of any necessary screening. b. HATS 11: Mrs. Uhrig reported on the May 7, 1988 meeting at which it was announced the Air Force is adding approximately 700,000 sq. ft. of floor space, as part of an effort to consolidate operations from other locations. C 1 Meeting of May 23, 1988 c. Moderator's Meeting: Mrs. Uhrig announced there would be a meeting on May 25, 1988 conducted by the moderator to discuss ways to stream -line Town Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. C Eleanor Klauminzer, Clerk