HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-16PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 16, 1988 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15 and Estabrook Hall, Cary Hall, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with members Sorensen, Williams, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner Nordby and Secretary Peters present. Mrs. Klauminzer was absent. PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION 140. Meeting and Public Dates for June and July: The Board reviewed dates for upcoming hearings and tentatively agreed to schedule meetings for June 6, and June 20, 1988. ************************* REPORTS ******************************************** 141. Planning Director a. CD,RD Rezonings: Mr. Bowyer reported that he had met with three appli- cants, each proposing a CD or RD rezoning. All three hope to bring their pro- posals before the Special Town Meeting, tentatively scheduled for this summer, to act on the notice to convert the Pine Meadows property filed by Moore Homes Inc. under Chapter 61B. ' The Board reacted negatively to any plans that would bring rezoning propo- sals before a Special Town Meeting on such short notice. They recommended the applicants be discouraged noting that town meeting usually does not deal favorably with rezoning proposals brought before special town meet- ings. They added that if the vote fails, under the repetitive petition rule, the applicant will have to wait two years before he can again file for the rezoning. The Board agreed the applicants should be encouraged to schedule a meeting with it in August or September in preparation for bring- ing the rezoning proposals to the annual town meeting next spring. 142. Ad Hoc Committee on Pine Meadows: The Board reviewed and amended a draft charge and proposed membership, representing various Town boards and committees, for the Ad Hoc Committee on Pine Meadows. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Williams, it was voted 4-0-0 to approve the charge and the membership representation, as amended. ************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS **************** 143. INFORMATIONAL MEETING, Holderness Lane,_ off Minuteman Lane,_ Robert_ Phelan, preliminary plan: Mrs Uhrig noted a legal hearing is not required for a preli- minary plan. She added the purpose of the meeting is to gather information and it can therefore be more informal than the public hearing required for a defini- tive plan. She introduced Mr. Phelan, the developer, who reviewed existing site conditions and explained his proposal to build six new dwelling units, two of which will be contained in one building. Landscape Architect Gary Larson, representing the applicant, discussed how existing vegetation, trees and a stone wall had shaped the design of the cluster development, and explained how the cluster plan had evolved from a series of sketch plans that had been presented for comments from the Board. Meeting of May 16, 1988 -2- Engineer Frank DiPietro, BSC - Bedford and representing the applicant, noted a waiver of the standard circular turnaround was being requested since the hammer- head type of turnaround would cause less disturbance to the site. He added there would be a four to five foot retaining wall along one side of the road in order to maintain an acceptable grade. In response to a question from Mrs. Uhrig, Mr. DiPietro stated they would be requesting four waivers: from the standard fire alarm, the traffic study, the standard turnaround and from the frontage requirement for the existing home on the corner of Minuteman Lane and the subdivision road. Mr. Sorensen commented a variance would probably be required to permit less frontage than required by the Zoning By -Law. In response to questions from Mr. Williams and Mrs. Uhrig, Mr. DiPietro stated the sidewalk would be along the north side of the road, and the open space could be maintained by either the Town or an association of owners on the new street. In response to questions from Joannne Fray, 2361A Mass. Ave., about whether there will be any runoff from the development onto her property; whether the detention area would affect her septic tank and why they proposed a hammerhead turnaround; Mr. DiPietro said the drainage system was designed to contain all surface water on the site and that a hammerhead reduced the amount of paving required, caused less disturbance to the site and was more aesthetically pleasing. Mr. Phelan added they would be glad to check her septic system if she ' gave them permission to go on her property. Concerns about drainage, increased traffic and the duplex unit were expressed by Marie Galloway, 2405 Mass. Avenue, Richard Scalise, 17 Battle Green Road and David Cerundolo, 6 Powers Court. Arthur Landry, 5 Minuteman Lane and owner of the site, said he was developing the property so that various members of his family could live in Lexington. Mrs. Uhrig declared the hearing closed at 8:38 p.m. 144. 627-669 Massachusetts Ave., Sketch Plan, Boyd -Smith: Joel Roos, repre- senting the developer, presented three sketch plans showing three different layouts of four duplexes. He noted the proof plan showed 8 units on four lot cluster plans, and added the property was in the RT, two-family dwelling, dis- trict. The Board agreed they preferred Plan A where the integrity of the Morell-Dana house, with no additions, would be retained. APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 145. Hearings scheduled for May 26, 1988: Mr. Sorensen gave an oral review of the following cases to be heard by the Board of Appeals on May 26, 1988: 7 Stedman Road, Greater Boston Community Development, SP. signs: Mr. Sorensen reported GBCD wished to install a large standing sign and two smaller signs to direct people to the office at the Franklin School Apart- ments. The Board expressed concern that the proposed 3'3" x 6' sign was too large and not appropriate for the surrounding neighborhood. 1 1 Meeting of May 16, 1988 On the motion recommend the er signs are -3- of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted 4-0-0 to large sign be reduced in size or eliminated, since the small - sufficient for directing visitors to the office. The Board also agreed to make heard that evening: 85 Hancock Avenue, Robert conforming dwelling. 37 Baker Avenue, Richard non -conforming dwelling. no comment on the following applications being V. Whitman, SP, to add a second story to a non - N. DiFronzo, SP, to add a second story dormer to a 453 Concord Avenue, The Cotting School, revision of SP, proposed additions 30 Woburn Street, Shell Oil Co., revision of SP, for signs. At 8:56, Mrs. Uhrig recessed the meeting to reconvene in Estabrook Hall, Cary Hall, for a presentation on Pine Meadows by Moore Homes Inc. and the Town's housing consultant, Robert Engler. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 146. Pine Meadows-Meagherville School Site Joint Development: The Planning Board was joined by members of the Board's Pine Meadows Ad Hoc Committee, as well as Mark Moore, Frank Carney and Architect Bill Hubner, Landscape Architect Ron Wood and Engineer Frank DiPietro representing Moore Homes, Inc. Also pre- sent was Robert Engler, housing consultant for the Town. Mr. Carney began the presentation of the revised three schemes for development of the Pine Meadows and Meagherville school sites, noting that recommendations they had received from previous meetings and input from various town boards and committees had been incorporated in the revised plans. Mr. Wood reviewed the locus map, proof plan and the three schemes. Using only the Pine Meadow site, a conventional subdivision of approximately 104 lots seemed feasible. He presented their scheme A with 152 dwelling units, in a cluster plan, in combination with a Par 3 - 9 hole golf course. He reported their calculations of allowable density in Schemes B and C, in which the two sites are combined, showed approximately 157 units on the Pine Meadow site and 71 units on the Meagherville site for a total of 228 units. Scheme B would include a par 3 - 9 hole golf course on the existing Pine Meadows property and 71 units of affordable housing on the Meagherville site. Scheme C would include a conventional 9 hole course on both sites. He added that there would be a combination of approximately 148 market rate units with approximately 68 units of affordable housing in Scheme C. Mr. Moore said that 90% of Scheme C would consist of some sort of open space, with the housing organized around village greens; the golf course would be improved and integrated with all the housing; the Meagherville ballfield would be retained and perhaps expanded; and no wetlands would be disturbed except for two road crossings. He added that Moore Homes feels Scheme C meets the guide- lines set by the Town and by Moore Homes. He added they had separated the clusters of affordable housing and market rate housing so that condominium fees would be less for the affordable housing. Mr. Engler commented he did not feel the state would be concerned with the mixed income housing if the affordable housing and market rate clusters of dwelling units were separate. He noted Meeting of May 16, 1988 -4- there was more concern that rising condominium fees could have an excessive negative impact on the affordable units in the future. Questions from members of the Pine Meadows Ad Hoc Committee focused on the separation of the affordable housing and market rate housing, and the ownership, operation and type of golf course contemplated. In response to a question from Mr. Bowyer, Mr. Carney said they estimated condo- minium fees would be approximately $150-$225 per month. In response to a ques- tion from Mr. Williams, Mr. Carney said rental housing was also being consider- ed. In response to a question from Mrs. Uhrig, Mr. Carney said they were plan- ning two bedroom market rate units, with an occassional three or four bedroom unit, of approximately 1700 to 2200 square feet, in the $325,000 to $475,000 price range. In response to questions from Consultant Peter Nichols, working with the Pine Meadows Advisory Committee, Mr. Carney stated they hoped to begin construction of the market rate housing in the spring of 1989, and estimate they will build approximately 30 units per year. At 10:20 p.m., Mrs. Uhrig adjourned this portion of the meeting, and at 10:28 p.m., the Planning Board reconvened their regular meeting in Room G-15, Town Office Building. Mr. Williams was absent. ' Also present were: Conservation Administrator Charles Wyman, Conservation Commissioners Joyce Miller and Lisa Baci, housing consultant, Robert Engler, Peter Nichols, Marshall Derby of LEXHAB, and Margaret Rawls. Mrs. Uhrig commented the 120 day period triggered by the provisions of GL 61B7 has begun, and asked for comments. Mr. Derby commented that he did not feel the relocation of the affordable housing (from the first Scheme C) was an improvement. Mr. Sorensen commented that no proof plan has been presented, and asked who will fund the affordable housing. In response to a question from Mrs. Miller, as to why the Town allowed the Meagherville School site to be included in the develop- ment of the Pine Meadows property, Mr. Engler noted the Town wants to increase its supply of affordable housing stock, and this seems a feasible way to do it. Mrs. Miller requested the value of the Meagherville site to Moore Homes be made known to the Town. Mr. Nichols said that he is investigating this for the Town. Mr. Wyman suggested each representative report back on tonight's meeting with Moore Homes to the board or committee they are representing, and that another meeting be scheduled in late June or mid July. The meeting was adjourned at 11.02 p.m. Martha Wood, Vice Chairman