HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-12-07PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 1987 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Build- ing, was called to order at 7:37 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with members Klauminzer, Sorensen, Williams, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner Rawski and Secretary Peters present. 314. Approval of Minutes: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes of the regular meeting and the minutes of the executive session held on November 23, 1987. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Williams, it was voted unani- mously to approve the minutes of the regular meeting and the executive session as corrected. ******************************* REPORTS 315. Planning Director a. House No. 6005, An Act Relative to Review Fees for Zoning and Subdivi- sion Approvals: Mr. Bowyer that reported the bill, if passed, would require the establishment of a revolving fund since it would prohibit the deposit of tees into a town's general fund except by mutual agreement of the applicant and the special permit granting authority. Fees could be charged only to reimburse the municipality for the portion of personnel costs directly attributable to the application processing, review and inspection of the specific development project. The Board agreed to take a position against the bill as it is contrary to the Town's procedures and would greatly com- plicate the review process of the Board. On the motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously to send a letter to Senator Kraus, Rep. Doran and others that the Board might wish to inform of their position on this bill. b. Screening for the Raytheon addition: A letter has been received from James Lambie asking that the Town not require screening next to the abutting residential land as required by Section 10, Landscaping, of the Zoning By - Law. c. Pine Meadows Neighborhood Study: The Board discussed a paper prepared by Mr. Bowyer entitled "Pine Meadows Neighborhood Study, Work Program and Things to Do" dated November 13, 1987. Mr. Bowyer reported the staff will soon begin to assemble information from the Recreation Committee, Conserva- tion Commission, Engineering and DPW Departments about neighborhoods adjoin- ing the Pine Meadows property. ****************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW 316. Form A/87-27, Lots 1,2,3 Walnut Street, Robert E. Phelan: The Board review- ed a plan showing three lots with sufficient frontage and lot area to conform to the zoning requirements of the residential district. Lot 1 straddles lots 2 and 3; with the two portions of Lot 1 connected by a thin strip along the rear of lots 2 and 3. The Board objected to this configuration, but agreed they could Minutes for December 7, 1987 Page 2 not withhold endorsment of the plan. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously: to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. (Middlesex County)" dated October 27, 1987, by BSC - Bedford, certified by Donald J. Forand, Professional Land Surveyor, with application form A/87-27, by Robert E. Phelan, applicant. 317. Form A/87-28, Eastern Avenue, John E. Ryan: The Board reviewed a plan showing a lot with sufficient lot area and frontage on a public way with no changes in its lot lines. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously: to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass." dated Novem- ber 6, 1987, by James W. Barry, Registered Land Surveyor, with application Form A/87-28, by James E. Ryan, applicant, with the addition of a note stating the endorsement of the Planning Board is not a determination by the Planning Board as to conformance with zoning regulations. 318. W.R. Grace, decision on definitive plan: The Board reviewed a draft Certi- ficate of Action, making corrections. On the motion of Mrs. Klauminzer, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously to approve the subdivision plan entitled "W.R. Grace Subdivision Plan, Lexington, Mass.", dated September 18, 1987 and revised October 1, 1987, by Beckstoffer & Associates, and W. R. Grace & Co., and to approve the Certificate of Action as amended. AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM ****************************** 319. Guidelines for Use of Vacant School Sites: The Board reviewed a paper entitled "Guidliues for the Use of Four Vacant Publicly Owned Sites" dated Decem- ber 4, 1987. Joining them for the discussion were Housing Advisory Committee members Elizabeth Flemings, Thomas Coffman, William Spencer, Edmond Grant and Joel Adler. Mr. Bowyer noted that all four sites were suitable for some type of family, low/middle income housing, or almost any type of affordable housing. Mr. Spen- cer mentioned that some state programs have a minimum number of units required on a site in order to qualify for state funds, which might be a problem on the smaller sites. The discussion focussed on the "SUGGESTED GUIDELINES" portion of the paper. The Board and the Housing Advisory Committee agreed on the six suggested guidelines for the use of the school sites. In response to questions from Mrs. Flemings as to when the analysis of the sites would be completed by Mr. Engler, the Town's consultant, Mr. Bowyer reported it is scheduled to be completed around early February. ************************ ARTICLES FOR TOWN MEETING **************************** 320. Amendments to the Accessory Apartment By -Law: The Board continued their review of "Choices, Accessory Apartment Amendments" dated October 6, 1987. Mem- bers of the Housing Advisory Committee present gave their suggestions on the amendments. Minutes for December 7, 1987 Page 3 Mr. Spencer and Mrs. Flemings spoke of the need to develop guidelines based on neighborhood standards, if new construction is permitted to allow an accessory apartment. They would increase to 35% (but not more than 1,000 sq.ft.) the maximum percentage of floor area for an accessory apartment. The Housing Advisory Committee asked that space be reserved in the Warrant for an article that would adopt the state law regarding tax relief if the units are for the elderly. ************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ****************** SUBDIVISION OF LAND 321. PUBLIC HEARING Tracer Lane, Definitive Plan: Mrs. Uhrig opened the hearing at 9:00 p.m. by reading the legal notice. Approximately seven Lexington residents and two Waltham residents were present. Richard Cook, of BSC - Bedford presented the plan for a one lot subdivision, with access from Tracer Lane in the Town of Waltham. At the outset, he indicated there were additional details that had to be discussed with the Conservation Commissioner and other governmental agencies and that an extension of time would be desirable. He described the bridge structure that would be used to cross the wetlands, which is approximately 550 feet in length. He noted the utilities will be carried above the ground on this structure, and all road surface water will be ' diverted into a detention pond. Attorney David C. Johnson made an oral request for an extension of time until about February 25, 1987 for action by the Board in order to complete discussion of the drainage plans with the Conservation Commission. Mrs. Uhrig stated that there were a number of pieces of missing information from Lexington departments and from several agencies of the City of Waltham about how fire protection and other public services would be provided to the site. It was unanimously agreed to grant the extension of time requested with Mr. Johnson to submit a letter stating the exact date, which would be 60 additional days from the expiration of time on the current application. At 9:20 p.m., Mrs. Uhrig declared the hearing continued to a date unspecified. 322. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING, Carriage Drive, definitive plan: Mrs. Uhrig opened the continued hearing at 9:25 p.m. by reading the letter notifying resi- dents of the continued public hearing. Gary Larson of Larson Associates reported the developer is waiting for the geotechnical report, dealing with the proposed dam, to be found to be acceptable by the Engineering Department. In response to a question from Mrs. Uhrig, Joyce Miller, Chairman of the Conser- vation Commission, reported the Commission would be writing the Order of Condi- tions at their next meeting, adding the Commission had no problem with the plan as long as the geotechnical report is approved. In response to questions from the Board, it was stated that the three abutters of the circle would be respon- sible for the maintenance of the island in the turnaround, and that this would be written into their deeds. Mr. Williams asked that the walking easement into the Town recreation land be as wide as possible. Minutes for December 7, 1987 Page 4 Mrs. Uhrig declared the hearing closed at 9:32 p.m. 323. INFORMATIONAL MEETING, 188-194 Lowell Street, Preliminary Plan: Mrs. Uhrig opened the meeting at 9:36 p.m. by reading the Notice to Residents. She comment- ed the two parcels are in separate ownership, but will be developed as one subdi- vision. Approximately six residents were present. Russell Burke, of McNeil & Associates, Inc., presented the preliminary plan for the property at 188 Lowell Street. The plan shows five conventional lots for single family homes at the front of the site, and a cluster of eight units on land in the rear portion of the site. He noted the Planning Department had suggested the properties might best be developed as a single subdivision, and he he added the developers had found this to be the best solution. He introduced Nicholas Lanney, of Briggs Engineering, who reviewed the drainage plans, and Gary Larson, of Larson Associates who presented the site plan for the subdivision. Mr. Lanney noted they would be requesting no waivers except for installation of the the fire alarm system. Mr. Castelli discussed his part of the development, at 194 Lowell Street, which will contain lO conventional lots for single family dwellings. A separate lot, lot A on the Castelli property which does not meet the area requirements of the Zoning -By -Law, will contain a detention basin, and is identified on the plan as an unbuildable lot. Mr. Larson presented an alternate road layout designed to answer some of the Engineering Department's recommendations. He asked for direction by the Board as to which road layout they preferred. He added Lot A on the Castelli property, containing the detention basin, could be conveyed to the Town for open space, or kept in private ownership by the Castellis, whatever the Town wished. In response to a question from Mrs. Klauminzer, it was stated the land at the rear of the condominiums was proposed to be owned by the condominium trust, with a public easement over it to the adjoining Town land. Subsequently they said they would consider conveying the parcel to the Town. Mr. Williams urged the provision of a walking easement, well delineated, from the new street along the boundary of lots 8 & 9 to Page Road. Mr. Bowyer recommended the developers investigate the relocation of the street off 188 Lowell Street to the nursing home boundary line of the site so as to provide greater separation between the proposed new dwellings and the nursing home. Melvin Kutchin, 9 Page Road, was concerned about abutting properties being flood- ed more than they already are, and questioned the use of cluster housing in a single family district. Maxine Kutchin, 9 Page Road, feared the footpath to Page Road would increase the amount of thefts in the neighborhood. James Purvis, 11 Page Road, was concerned with an increase in drainage in the low area to the rear of the condominiums, abutting his property. Mr. Lanney noted that all road surface drainage would be carried by the road system eventually into Monroe Brook. 1 I I Minutes for December 7, 1487 Page 5 William Demontigny, 41 Bartlett Avenue, expressed concerns about the appearance of the condominiums at the rear of the property. Mr. Burke asked for the sense of the Board on which of the two road layouts they preferred. The Board agreed the the stone wall should be preserved, whichever road layout was used. They also agreed the open space to the rear of the condo- miniums should be deeded to the Town. Mrs. Uhrig declared the hearing closed at 10:43 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. il� %-� Eleanor Klauminzer, Clerk