HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-11-30PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF NOVEMBER 30, 1987 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room 201, Town Office Build- ing was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with members Klauminzer, Sorensen, Williams, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer and Secretary Peters present. ******************* ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* SUBDIVISION OF LAND 306. North Street Developnment, decision on definitive plan: The Board reviewed a draft certificate of action and a draft special permit for the subdivision off North Street. They objected to naming the street Belmont Street, since the Town of Belmont is on the opposite side of Lexington, and it could be confusing. They agreed to require the name of the street be changed. On the motion of Mr. Soren- sen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously to approve the sub- division plan entitled: "North Street Development, Definitive Plan", dated August 13, 1987, and the certificate of action, as amended (disapproval of the street name); and to grant the special permit with site plan approval, as written. APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS ' 307. Raytheon, SPS hearing on December 10 1987: The Board reviewed a draft zoning and site development analysis dated November 30, 1987, which stated the application does not comply with Section 10, Landscaping, of the Zoning By -Law. Mr. Bowyer reported the traffic study is inadequate, that the traffic counts are incomplete and that several sections of the report do not comply with Section 12, Traffic, of the Zoning By -Law. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously to transmit to the Board of Appeals the revised zoning and site analysis with a brief statement recommending the hearing be continued since the traffic report submitted by the applicant is inadequate, and the landscaping portion of the application does not comply with the 'Zoning By -Law. *************************** AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM ************************* 308. School Sites: The Board reviewed a staff memo entitled: "Thoughts on the Use of Four Vacant Publicly Owned Sites", dated October 26, 1987, focusing on the section entitled "Objectives and Targets". They discussed the different methods of bringing the Town into conformity with the requirements of Chapter 774. In response to questions from Mr. Williams, it was noted that accessory apartments do not qualify for low- and moderate -income housing unless they are specifically restricted. As an interim goal, the Board agreed to work toward achieving compliance with the Housing Resolution approved at the 1979 Town Meeting. The shortfalls there are 148 units of subsidized family type housing and 27 units of subsidized elderly units. They also agreed a long range or a numerical goal in not necessarily desirable, and to recommend the Town continue to give its best effort toward achieving the requirements of Chapter 774. Meeting of November 30, 1987 Page 2 Mr. Bowyer commented that there are two ways to meet the numerical requirements set by Chapter 774: 1) produce subsidized housing equal to 10% of the Town's housing stock or 2) devote 1 1/2% of the developable privately owned land in Town to subsidized housing. In Lexington, this amounts to around 100 acres, and the Town is close to meeting this requirement. Under suggested approaches, the Board agreed that the vacant school sites be developed for mixed -income affordable housing, perhaps, as an example, with a mix of 1/3 low-income, 1/3 moderate -income and 1/3 middle-income, depending on site development economics and state program guidelines. The Board also agreed a site could have a mix of ownership and rental housing. 309. Report on Affordable Housing, prepared by Roberta Leviton The Board dis- cussed the draft report that had been previously distributed. Mr. Bowyer noted there are sufficient funds remaining in the grant to pay the printing and distri- bution costs. The Board agreed a summary of the report needs to be prepared. ***************** ARTICLES FOR TOWN MEETING *********************************** 310. Accessory Apartment Amendment: The Board reviewed a memorandum, that also has been distributed to the Housing Advisory Committee for comment, entitled: "Choices, Amendments to Accessory Apartment Section of ZBL", dated October 6, 1987. They discussed methods for liberalizing regulations governing the con- struction of accessory apartments in order to encourage the construction of more ' accessory apartments in town. They will meet with the Housing Advisory Committee on December 7, 1987 to hear their comments and suggestions. ********************** REPORTS *************************************** 311. Planning Board, Subcommittees: a. Minuteman Commuter Bikeway Committee: Mrs. Wood reported that Bikeway Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 1987. She asked that members contact her if they have any comments or suggestions to pass on to the Committee. b. Hats: Mrs. Uhrig reported that HATS II will meet next Thursday, Decem- ber 10, at 7:30 p.m. to approve their new charge, if no other changes are proposed, and to discuss the organization of the reconstituted committee. They will also discuss the approach to a possible Memorandum of Under- standing with MASSPORT. 312. Planning Director a. Parking Structure: Mr. Bowyer reported on a phone call from David Wells about a parking structure for Lexington center, which is being discussed by the Lexington Center Committee. From what Mr. Wells said, it appeared it was in the very preliminary stage, no plans, etc. Mr. Bowyer said he sug- gested to Margery Baffin, Chairman of the Committee, that they review the research he had prepared three or four years ago on the center. He told her the planning staff was not in a position to spend time on parking in Lexing- ton center because of priorities, on other work, set recently by the Planning Board. Meeting of November 30, 1987 Page 3 b. Pine Meadow: The TMMA Committee has expressed an interest in what is going on around Pine Meadows. C. 14-16 Hartwell Avenue: Mr. Bowyer reported that Michael Colangelo had approached him about building a motel there whose FAR would exceed that allowed by the Zoning By -Law. He inquired as to the Board's position on such inquiries. The Board reaffirmed the position it had taken on the 93-97 Mass. Ave. case in August that the floor area ratio regulation was the fundamental control of density in a commercial district and the Board would not recommend in favor of a variance to exceed the permitted FAR. 313. EXECUTIVE SESSION: On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Williams, after a poll of the Board, it was voted unanimously (5-0) to go into Executive Session to discuss: 1) the value of real property and 2) litigation against the Town, and to reconvene in open session only for the purpose of adjourning. The Board returned to open session at 11:05 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 p.m. �/) Irt ' Eleanor Klauminzer, Clerk PLANNING BOARD MINUTES EXECUTIVE SESSION OF NOVEMBER 30, 1987 After a unanimous vote of the five members present, by poll of the Board, the Lexington Planning Board met in Executive Session in Room 201, Town Office Building, at 10:17 p.m. to discuss strategy with respect to litiga- tion and value of real property which, if discussed in open session may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the Town. Present were Chairman Uhrig, members Klauminzer, Sorensen, Williams, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer and Secretary Peters. Litigation against the Town, Tracer Lane: The Board discussed a legal memorandum prepared by Rackemann, Sawyer and Brewster for Mr. Nahigian, which addresses issues related to Lexington's Subdivision Rules and Regula- tions, that was forwarded to Norman Cohen by Stephen M. Politi. The memo- randum questioned the legality of the 650 foot limit for a dead end street, contained in the Development Regulations. It also reviewed the Development Regulations for any potential defects or inconsistencies, especially those which might apply to the Tracer Lane proposal. Value of real property, Pine Meadows: The Board continued their discussion of the staff memorandum on policy development entitled "Thoughts on Pine Meadows", dated November 19, 1987, that was begun at their last meeting. Various proposals were discussed to use abutting Town owned property in conjunction with the Moore Homes property (formerly Pine Meadows) with no ' specific design in mind. The Board reviewed techniques for calculating the permitted density on a site that is to be developed. They also discussed possible trade-offs involving the economic value of the Town owned property and the inclusion of affordable housing in the development of the Pine Meadows property by Moore Homes. The Planning Board returned to open session at 11:05 p.m. �&, , �// /a, "2 � Eleanor Klauminzer, Clerk 1