HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-10-26PLANNING BOARD MINUTES
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Build-
ing, was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with members
Klauminzer, Sorensen, Williams, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner
Rawski and Secretary Peters present.
275. Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed the minutes for the regular and the
executive sessions for the meeting of October 5, 1987. On the motion of Mrs.
Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes
for the regular meeting, as corrected. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by
Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes for the execu-
tive session, as corrected.
************************** REPORTS *************************************
276. Planning Director
a. Pine Meadows: Mr. Bowyer reported on conversations with Mark Moore and
Frank Carney who have an agreement to purchase Pine Meadows. They expect a
long planning process, including a lot of dialogue with Town boards and
commissions. The design team includes BSC Bedford, and landscape architect
Ron Wood. Mr. Moore is meeting with the Selectmen tonight. Mr. Williams
suggested, and the Board agreed that the Planning Board Pine Meadows guide-
lines memo, dated March 4, 1987, be sent again to the Selectmen.
b. Mass. Housing Partnership: The Town has filed the application for
designation as a partnership community.
C. Roberta Leviton, Affordable Housing Report: The report is almost com-
plete, and will consist of three principal parts: 1) "Lexington's Exper-
ience in Producing Affordable Housing", 2) "New Techniques for Producing
Moderate- or Middle Income Housing in Lexington" and 3) "Analysis of
Administrative Requirements for LEXHAB". It will be circulated to the
Planning Board and the Housing Advisory Committee before it goes to press.
d. Photogrametric Maps: A completion date of mid-November is rumored.
******************** 1988 Town Meeting *******************************
277. Amendments to the Accessory Apartment Section of the By -Law: Mrs. Klaumin-
zer reported on the Seminar on Accessory Apartments, sponsored by the Lexington
Council on Aging, held on October 8, 1987, which she and approximately 60 people
attended. Patrick H. Hare of Washington D.C. presented the seminar. The semi-
nar's purpose was to provide marketing information and counseling to homeowners
on how to install accessory apartments, and to show the private sector that
accessory apartments are a business opportunity as well as an opportunity for
The Board began review of a memo, dated October 6, 1987, from Mr. Bowyer, enti-
tled: "Choices, Amendments to Accessory Apartment Section of the 2BL". They
agreed to support a reduction in the minimum floor area of a dwelling from 2,500
sq. ft. to 2,000 sq. ft. required for the inclusion of an accessory apartment.
(the original recommendation of the Accessory Apartment Committee). They also
Minutes for October 26, 1987
Page 2
discussed whether, or under what conditions, new construction to include an
accessory apartment in a dwelling should be permitted. Discussion of the memo
will continue at the next Planning Board meeting.
278. Mason's Hollow, release of units 111,2,4 & 5: On the motion of Mr. Sorensen,
seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously to release units 111,2,4 & 5 from
the covenant.
279. Busa Farm, A & D Realty Trust, Approval of Amendments to the Certificate of
Action and Special Permit, and Endorsement of Plans: Ms. Rawski explained the
amendments were necessary because changes to the impervious surface ratio section
of the Zoning By -Law were approved by the 1987 Town Meeting, and since the appli-
cation for the subdivision was filed prior to that, the developer could choose to
come under either the 1986 or the 1987 Zoning By -Laws provisions relating to the
impervious surface ratio. The developer chose to be regulated by the 1987 Zoning
By -Laws, necessitating the amendments. Also, the name of the street, Farm Road,
was accepted by the Fire Chief. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs.
Wood, it was voted unanimously to approve the amendments to the Certificate of
Action and the Special Permit.
' A memo dated October 21, 1987, from the Engineering reported that all the changes
have been made, and the plans are ready for endorsement. On the motion of Mr.
Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously to endorse the defini-
tive subdivision plans entitled "Busa Farms".
280. 191 Spring Street, Boston Properties, endorsement_ of Subdivision Plan: Ms.
Rawski reported all documents are ready to be signed, and the covenant has been
approved by Town Counsel. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mrs. Klaumin-
zer, it was voted unanimously to endorse the definitive subdivision plan entitled
"Fullers Hill, a Subdivision in Lexington, Mass".
281. Turnburry Hill, Hill Street, Otis Brown, presentation of new sketch plan:
Present were Otis Brown, applicant, Leonard Colwell, and Frank DiPietro and Roger
Corbin, from BSC Bedford, and Landscape Architect Cliff Prentiss. The proposal
which had been known as Beechwood Lane has been re -named Turnburry Hill. The
plan showed the 3.6 acre site developed as a cluster subdivision with three
single family houses and two duplexes, including the relocated Colwell house.
Mr. Prentiss presented the site plan. He noted that approximately 60% of the
trees on the heavily wooded site would be lost if a conventional subdivision were
built, and approximately 25% of the trees would be lost if a cluster plan were
developed. He said the street layout, which follows the path of the existing
driveway and ends in a modified hammerhead turnaround, is proposed to be kept as
a private street. He noted a portion of the street layout exceeds the 8% maximum
slope permitted by the "Development Regulations" in order to lessen the impact on
the site and reduce the loss of trees. He also commented that the building
setback along the perimeter of the site is nearly double that required by the
Zoning By -Law.
Minutes for October 26, 1.987 Page 3
The Board questioned whether the hammerhead turnaround had been designed to Town
standards. They noted driveway entrances were located at the ends of the hammer-
head which would interfere with snow plowing, and that the circular driveway
serving the relocated Colwell residence looks like a turnaround, and might be
used by more vehicles than the hammerhead turnaround.
The Board agreed the snow storage areas should be delineated on the plan, and a
sidewalk -path added. Mr. Sorensen thought the 8% limit for the maximum slope,
permitted for the street layout, should be maintained. Mr. Brown invited the
Board to walk up the existing driveway which has a 10% slope for part of the way,
to see what a 10% slope is like.
Donald Lang, 6 Childs Road, asked what control the Planning Board has over a
road that will be kept as a private road. Mr. Bowyer responded there could be
more flexibility with design standards, but that the Town's construction stand-
ards would still have to be adhered to.
In response to a question from JohnLvara, 8 Childs Road, as to how far the homes
were located from the site boundaries, Mr. Prentiss said the minimum distance was
45 feet. in response to a question from Mrs. Klauminzer, Mr. Brown said the
developer would be building the homes.
282 PUBLIC HEARING - Carriage Drive, Definitive Plan, Winnetucket Realty Trust,
formerly Woodhaven Realty: The Board agreed not to recess the meeting to Esta -
brook Hall for the hearing, scheduled there for 9:00 p.m., since no one was there
when a staff person went over shortly after nine. Signs were posted at the front
exterior door to Gary Hall, the main hall, at the top of stairs down to Estabrook
and on the podium in Estabrook Hall, stating the hearing was being held in Room
G-15. .
Mrs. Uhrig opened the hearing at 9:10 p.m. by reading the public notice. Approx-
imately 6-8 residents were present, as well as Landscape Architect Gary Larson,
with developers Peter Kelley and Richard Perry of Winnetucket Realty Trust.
Mr. Larson presented a revised "sketch" plan, rather than the definitive plan
filed with the Planning Board. He explained the Engineering Department and the
Conservation Commission had indicated the drainage system as proposed did not
comply with the Wetland Protection Act and would require revision. He added
Conservation Administrator Charles Wyman recommended the detention basin be
relocated to the adjoining open meadow, and not be within the buffer zone of the
brook. in order to relocate the detention basin to the open meadow it was neces-
sary to change the proposed house locations. Their solution was to turn a por-
tion of the site, lots i18-11 around the cul-de-sac, into a cluster development,
requiring the reconfiguration of four or possibly five dwelling units depending
on the calculation of density and the proof plan submitted by the applicant. The
triangular portion of the property in the rear of lot 019, an area of approximate-
ly one acre, would be deeded to the Town as conservation land. The balance of
the site would remain as previously designed.
The applicant requested the hearing be continued to give them the opportunity to
make the revisions to the definitive plan necessary to bring it into compliance
with the regulations.
Minutes for October 26, 1987
Page 4
The Board agreed to continue the hearing until November 23, 1987. They invited
questions from the audience before adjourning the hearing. Richard Glantze, 95
Winter Street, requested an explanation of the cluster concept. Arnold Gruber,
20 Carriage Drive, expressed concerns about making Carriage Drive a through
street. He did feel the right angle turn where the cul-de-sac joins the street
should lessen the impact of extending Carriage Drive through to Winter Street.
Mrs. Uhrig declared the hearing adjourned until November 23, 1987 at 9:43 p.m.
283. Form A%87-25, Robert E. Phelan, 2377 Mass. Ave.: The Board reviewed a plan
showing the separation of Lot A, on Massachusetts Avenue, from Lot B, which will
be combined with Lot 1. The frontage of Lot A remains unchanged •and its lot area
conforms to the zoning of the district. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by
Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously:
to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. (Middlesex
County)", dated October 20, 1987, by BSC - Bedford, certified by Donald J.
Forand, Registered Land Surveyor, with Form A/87-25 by Robert E. Phelan, as
it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law.
284. Hearings scheduled for October 29, 1987, Mr. Sorensen gave an oral report of
the following applications:
143 Reed Street, Carmella R. Braswell, renewal of a special permit, for a
telephone answering service. Mr. Sorensen reported this was a routine
renewal with nothing changed from the original permit except the applicant
requested the permit be issued for 5 to 10 years. On the motion Mr. Soren-
sen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously to recommend the spec-
ial permit be granted for a period of five years, provided the same condi-
tions contained in the previous special permit are included in this special
1768 Massachusetts Avenue, Aris Bidianos (Maunders), SP, fast food or take
out food, to add 2 pizza ovens, fryolator and grill. The Board questioned
how the applicant planned to prevent the escape of cooking odors to the
outside. They noted the problem was not addressed in the application. They
also noted there was not enough detail on the drawing to understand what was
proposed. The consensus of the Board was to make no recommendation other
than the comments above.
12 Revolutionary Road, Vladimir Schwartz, SP, to add second story over
breezeway and garage. The Board had no comment on the application except to
note a variance might also be required for the addition, since the drawings
appear to show the second floor addition overhang partially extending into
the 26 foot setback in front of the garage, which would increase the noncon-
formity of the dwelling.
Minutes for October 26, 1987 Page 5
The Planning Board also agreed to make no comment on the following cases:
19 Crescent Hill Avenue, Frank Buda, SP, continued use of a single family
dwelling and detached garage.
26 Cary Avenue, Dana and Martha Doo, SP, continued use of a single family
330 Bedford Street, Jack and June Sarmanian, variance, side yard setback for
285. Planning Board, Subcommittees
a. HATS: Mrs. Uhrig reported Senator Carol Amick conducted two meetings to
work for better growth management on a regional basis in the four towns,
Lexington, Bedford, Lincoln and Concord. Selectmen Jack Eddison has also
expressed support for this effort. The result has been an expansion of HATS
goals to include regional planning and growth management by HATS representa-
tives from the four towns.
b. Housing Advisory Committee: Mrs. Klauminzer reported the Housing Advis-
ory Committee (HAC) has made two suggestions in their October 23, 1987
letter to the Planning Board. One was to add a housing professional to the
Town's staff, which the Board of Selectmen have agreed to try to do. The
second suggestion was to establish a coordinating committee to act as a
liason between the various housing interests in town.
The Committee would like to discuss its views on the role of the Housing
Advisory Committee with the Planning Board. The Board will invite the
Housing Advisory Committee to join them to discuss this and other housing -
zoning issues at their November 9, 1987 meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
Eleanor K1 auminzer, Clerk