HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-09-28PLANNING BOARD MINUTES
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Build-
ing, was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with members
Klauminzer, Sorensen, Williams, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner
Rawski and Secretary Peters present.
256. Review of Minutes: The Board reviewed the minutes of the regular meeting
and the Executive Session for September 14, 1987. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen,
seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted 4-0-1 (Mrs. Wood abstained since she
had not attended the meeting) to approve the minutes for the regular meeting as
On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer it was voted 3-0-2 to
approve the minutes for the executive session of September 14, 1987, as written,
(Mrs. Wood abstained since she had not attended the meeting, and Mr. Williams
abstained since he had not been present for the executive session portion of the
' 257. Hearings scheduled for October 8, 1987: Mr. Sorensen gave an oral review of
the following cases to be heard by the Board of Appeals:
550 Lowell Street, Donna Compagnone, Variance, to allow a satellite receiv-
ing antenna to remain as installed on the roof: The Planning Board noted
that one of the reasons Article 46 of the 1986 Annual Town Meeting passed
almost unanimously was townspeople wanted to prevent the installation of
unsightly roof -top antennas all over town. They agreed the Town has an
aesthetic objective in restricting the location of satellite dishes to the
back yard, which should be maintained.
The variance should also be opposed because the application for approval was
submitted after construction -installation has been completed, without first
seeking a permit. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it
was voted unanimously to recommend to the Board of Appeals that the variance
be denied.
The Planning Board agreed to make no comment on the following cases:
47 Potter Pond, John and Eleanor Coppadona, SP, addition of screened porch.
959 Waltham Street, Lexington Lodge of Elks, SP, for the parking of seven
trailors to be used for the distribution of telephone books.
258. Hazel Road, Robert Phelan, release of surety: The Board reviewed a memo
from Town Engineer Frank Fields dated September 23, 1987, stating the improve-
ments were constructed in accordance with the approved plan and recommending the
final release of the surety. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs.
Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously to release the remaining $1,500 of surety
held by the Town.
Minutes for September 28, 1987 Page 2
259. Subdivision Update: Ms. Rawski reported applications for definitive subdi-
vision plans had been filed this past week by W. R. Grace, for three commercial
lots off Hayden Avenue, and Woodhaven Realty for 12 residential lots off an
extension of Carriage Drive to Winter Street.
W. R. Grace has requested a 45 day extension to correct errors in the definitive
plan submission which were enumerated by Ms. Rawski. The Board agreed a letter
should be received from the applicant clarifying that this 45 day extension is to
be added to the 60 day time period. The Board will act on the request for a 45
day extension of time at their meeting on October 5, 1987.
The approved plans for the Busa Farms subdivision have tentatively been scheduled
for endorsement by the Board next week if corrections to the plans are made and
legal documents are approved by Town Counsel. It has been found that the the
location of the sewer line conflicts with the location of a Boston Edison duct
bank. The Board agreed this could be handled as a field change. The Fire De-
partment has approved the name "Farm Road" for the subdivision street. The Board
agreed they preferred "Busa Farm Road" as the name.
Ms. Rawski reported Simonds Estate has been checked twice in the past week and no
excessive debris has been seen. Mr. Bowyer added there had been complaints about
about the "ugliness" of some areas in Pheasant Brook Estates, i.e. unmowed and
uncared for areas that are apparently not the responsibility of any property
owner, except the developer, for maintenance.
260. Subdivision Procedures, landscape architects: The Board reviewed a draft
dated September 24, 1987, entitled "Use of Landscape Architects in Subdivisions
and Planned Residential Developments% Mr. Bowyer commented a note could be
added that the Boston Society of Landscape Architects is another source for names
of qualified persons. Mr. Williams suggested Conservation Administrator Wyman be
consulted for names also.
Mrs. Klauminzer suggested and the Board agreed the landscape architects named
should be listed in alphabetical order and not grouped by past experience with
the Board. A revised draft will be prepared for next week's meeting.
261. Capital Budget Recommendations: The Board agreed they did not have any
projects unique to the Planning Board to recommend, and did not wish to suggest
or comment on projects of a more general nature.
262. PUBLIC HEARING, James Manganello, definitive plan: Mrs. Uhrig opened the
hearing at 9:02 p.m. by reading the Public Notice. Representing the applicant
were Harry Fuller, from Carol R. Johnson & Associates, Inc., Cambridge, and
Forrest Lindwall and Carol Doherty, from Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc., Bur-
lington. Two residents were present.
Minutes for September 28, 1987
Page 3
Mr. Fuller presented the definitive plan, proposing three conventional lots on a
280 ft, cul-de-sac off North Street. He reported the storm drainage system had
been revised based on their meeting with the Conservation Commission, and he
reviewed the changes for the Board. He also reported more buffer planting had
been inserted between the commercial and residential properties.
Mr. Fuller said a conservation restriction will be placed on the back land,
including the detention pond. He also said they had tried a cluster plan, but it
did not work on this site, and added they will relocate the lot line behind the
existing commercial building, which presently follows the zone line, in order to
have a 20 foot setback from the commercial building. The Board agreed to require
a 30 foot setback, to conform to the 1987 Zoning By-law.
In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Fuller reported the drainage system
has been approved by the Conservation Commission. He agreed the walking easement
along the boundary between the commercial and residential property should be
delineated better. Mr. Lindwall, commenting on #17 in the Engineering Depart-
ment's memorandum dated 9/8/87, said they did not envision problems with drainage
or the groundwater elevation restricting the design of homes because there is an
8 or 9 foot elevation difference from the home sites to the detention pond, and
that this would be subject to the determination of the Building Commissioner when
applications for building permits are made. He said they have responded to all
' the comments in the Engineering Department's memo, and they would send a letter
responding point by point. They requested a 45 day extension of time for action
by the Board in order to revise the drawings. The Board agreed to act on this
request at next Monday's meeting.
Mr. Fuller reported they are suggesting the subdivision street be named North
Park Circle, but that the name has not been submitted to the Fire Department for
Mr. and Mrs. Patric Barbieri expressed concerns and had questions about the
proposed buffers between the commercial and residential zoned properties.
Mrs. Uhrig declared the hearing closed at 9:55 p.m.
************************** ARTICLES FOR 1988 TOWN MEETING *********************
263. Projects for 1988 Town Meeting: The Board discussed a memo dated 9/24/87
from Mr. Bowyer on the subject of articles for 1988 Town Meeting, and agreed to
set some priorities as to what should be prepared, and agreed to the following
order of priorities:
1) Implementation of Housing Resolution: Mrs. Uhrig noted the Board has a lot
of work to prepare for the 1988 Town Meeting to respond to the Article 50 Reso-
lution on Rental Housing which calls for proposals and zoning amendments to
increase the supply of affordable rental housing. The resolution asked the Board
to identify privately owned sites and encourage new RD multi -family housing
development and to review accessory apartment regulations. The Planning Board
will also work in collaboration with the Selectmen, the Conservation Commission,
the Lexington Housing Authority and the Lexington Housing Assistance Board and
other concerned committees to identify publicly owned sites suitable for afford-
Minutes for September 28, 1987
Page 4
able housing. The Board also discussed a draft entitled: "Tasks, Work Elements
to Do the Program", dated 9/28/87 which outlines the Planning Boards tasks.
Mr. Bowyer reported the staff had spent considerable time on items that meet the
broader scope of the Resolution including items for the Town administration.
Some of the items for which the Planning Board has direct responsibility have
been deferred. There has been no response from the Board of Selectmen on housing
matters from the joint meeting on August 31. The Board agreed that if it is to
meet its responsibilities under the Resolution, the staff will have to concen-
trate on completion of the Planning Board's tasks, while keeping the Selectmen
informed of their progress.
2) Revision of the Non -Conformity Section of the Zoning By -Law: The Board
agreed that the principal revision to the Zoning By -Law should be the section on
nonconformtiy. The work begun by the summer intern at Palmer & Dodge should be
completed; standards for minimum lot frontage and lot area for grandfathered lots
should be revised; and standards for combination of undersized lots should be
incorporated into the By -Law.
3) Completion of the South Lexington Study: The Board agreed completion of the
study is important despite the interruptions of other projects. The staff should
aim to complete at least the publication of the traffic study done by Dermot
Kelly and the housing portion of the study.
' 4) Stage II of Commercial Revision: It was agreed the Towm Meeting amendment
allowing commercial vehicles in residential districts should be rectified . Work
on home occupations and the redistricting of the East Lexington strip, temporar-
ily designated as CRS, Retail Shopping, can be deferred.
5) Amendments to Development Regulations: The priority items for revision are
to provide for commercial subdivisions, to provide for two -lot residential subdi-
visions, and to correct the time references due to changes in state law. Work on
revision of design standards can be deferred.
6) Other items: It was agreed the following have a lower priority: RD, CD
Guidelines, Adjustments to the Housing Element and drafting of a Commercial
Element in the Comprehensive Plan. The Board may be heavily involved in the
development of the Pine Meadows golf course property but that depends on the
timing of the sale of the property.
*********** REPORTS ****************************************************
Planning Board, Subcommittees:
a. Board of Appeals hearings for September 24, 1987: Mrs. Klauminzer
reported a special permit with SPS had been granted for Brookhaven, with
conditions; the application by Lexington Arts & Crafts Society for a special
permit for a temporary sign three times a year was granted for seven years;
and variances were granted at 27 Mason Street (additions), 4 Upland Road
(deck with porch connection) and 2 Burns Road, (garage).
b. MAPC Action Alert: Mrs. Uhrig reported that pending before the Comittee
MITIGATION AND RELIEF which the MAPC Executive Committee voted to support.
Minutes for September 28, 1987
Page 5
They have urged all member cities and towns to write in support of this
bill. The Board agreed to write such a letter.
c. Bikeway Committee: Mrs. Wood reported on the most recent Bikeway Com-
mittee meeting. The consultant does not expect to complete the design for
the commuter bikeway until August 1988, with construction work to begin in
the fall of 1988.
d. Meeting Schedule: The Board agreed to schedule meetings for:
November 9 and 23, and December 7 and 21, 1987, in addition to meetings
on October 5 and 26, 1987 as previously scheduled.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
Eleanor Klauminzer,Clerk