HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-06-29PLANNING BOARD MINUTES
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Build-
ing, was called to order 7:43 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs Uhrig, with members
Klauminzer, Sorensen, Williams, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner
Rawski and Secretary Peters present.
176. Approval of Minutes: The Board reviewed the minutes for the meetings of
April 6, 8, 14, 21, 27, 29, May 4 and June 8, 1987. On the motion of Mr. Soren-
sen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes of
the above meetings as written. Mrs. Wood abstained from voting on the minutes of
May 4, 1987, as she had not attended the meeting.
******************** COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING, POLICIES **************************
177. Policy of Construction Standards for Unaccepted Streets, action: The Board
reviewed a revised draft dated June 29, 1987. Mr. Bowyer reported the Engineer-
ing Department has estimated it would cost in the range of $200 to $300 per foot
to construct a 24 foot wide road to Town standards today.
Mrs. Klauminzer noted that she did not see how the Board could require one home
' owner to shoulder the burden of completing 300 feet of road construction, in
which other lots would benefit from the use of the finished road.
Mr. Williams questioned who would guarantee the consistencies of all these bits
and pieces of finished road. He suggested the money required for the construc-
tion of road segments be put into a fund until enough money is collected for the
Town to build the complete length of the road to Town standards. He said the
Town should encourage developers to "bundle" several lots together before con-
structing the road. He added the increase in the value of the lots is not re-
flected in the requirements of the policy, and that developers should be required
to build to Town standards.
Mr. Sorensen suggested the developer be required to construct a road to some
standards, not necessarily Town standards, for the length of the lot frontage
plus some "x" number of feet.
On the motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted 4-1-0, with
Mr. Sorensen voting in the negative, to require that 300 feet of 24' wide paved
road, constructed to Town standards, be required. By an informal poll of the
Board it was also agreed to leave unchanged the limit of a 10% slope as the
maximum grade allowed for streets under the policy.
On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously
to adopt, as amended, the Policy for the Construction of Unaccepted Streets
Relative to Building Lots as of June 29, 1987.
Minutes for June 29, 1987 Page 2
178. Form A/87-17, Lincoln Street, William Hamilton: Ms. Rawski reported the
changes were required because of a dispute between surveyors, so that what shows
on the plan now agrees with what is in the deeds. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen,
seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted 4-1-0 (Mrs. Klauminaer abstained since she
was an abuttor):
to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. (Middlesex
County)," dated June 15, 1987, by Stamski and McNary, Inc., certified by
William F. McNary, Professional Land Surveyor, by William Hamilton, with
Form A/87-17, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control
179. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING, Royal Circle, Grove Street, preliminary plan:
Mrs. Uhrig opened the informational meeting at 8:38 p.m. Approximately 15 resi-
dents were present.
Landscape Architect Gary Larson, from Larson Associates representing applicant
Barry Couette, described the 6.20 acre site on which they are proposing six house
O lots off Grove Street, abutting the Estabrook School property. He said they have
been in contact with the Engineering Department to discuss drainage, and there
are no wetlands on the site. He noted the topography of the site will dictate
considerable cutting to construct the road, and reviewed the detail for grading
the edges of the road where deep cuts will be required. He noted they are not
proposing to build the maximum number of homes allowed on the site. They are
proposing a 15 foot walking easement on which they will construct a walkway from
the road to Estabrook School.
In response to questions from Mrs. Uhrig, Mr. Larson commented there was very
little difference between this plan and the sketch plan, with changes being
mostly the result of Engineering Department comments. He added he would get back
to the Board on the number of large trees that will be lost in order to construct
the road.
In response to questions from Mr. Williams, Mr. Larson said the two existing
structures will be removed. He added they had not considered constructing a
pathway on school property. Mr. Larson also said they had not considered a
cluster plan because the firm had not been asked to by the applicant. Mr. Wil-
liams commented he would like to see the easement delineated on the subdivision
plan, so abuttors would know it is a dedicated easement. He also asked if they
would not have to talk to the Conservation Commission about off-street drainage.
In response to questions from Ms. Rawski, Mr. Larson said they did not know how
much ledge they would find, but if it was ledge, the sides of the road would be
vertically sheared exposed ledge. Ms. Rawski suggested test pit holes be dug to
determine the extent of the ledge in suspect areas. The Board expressed concern
as to how deep these cuts might have to be.
Minutes for June 29, 1987 Page 3
Mr. Larson said they will not be asking for any waivers except for installing a
fire alarm system.
Gerard Skocay, 106 Grove St., William Murphy, 6 Robinson Road, expressed concerns
about the loss of trees on the site, and surface water run-off from the site.
In response to another question from Mr. Skocay, Mr. Williams said the Conserva-
tion Commission has no plans to try to purchase the property, as they already
have sufficient land for conservation purposes in that area of town.
In response to a question from David Feuerstein, 12 Robinson Rd., Mr. Larson said
surface water run-off would not be increased because any water run-off from the
homes will be collected in roof drains and directed from driveways into the
street drainage system.
In response to concerns expressed by Debra Cary, 110 Grove Street, Mr. Larson
noted that the effects of blasting can be controlled. He added they have just
begun to investigate the technical specifications for the blasting.
The informational meeting was adjourned at 9:26
180. Busa Farms, Lillian Road, A & D Realty Trust: The Board reviewed a letter
dated June 12, 1987 from Alfred Busa requesting an extension of time for action
by the Board on the Busa Farms subdivision application, on the motion of Mr.
Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously to grant an
' extension of time for action until July 30, 1987.
I81. Simonds Estate, Oscar Cormier:
a. Mead Circle, set surety: The Board reviewed a memo from the Town Engin-
eer dated June 16, 1987, stating that a surety estimate of $15,000 should
cover any further work required to complete Mead Circle.
On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unani-
mously to set surety at $15,000.
b. North Emerson Road, set surety: The Board reviewed a memo from the
Town Engineer dated June 16, 1987, stating that a surety estimate of $4,942
(151 of engineering costs) should cover any further work required to com-
plete North Emerson Road. The memo also recommended the Conservation Admin-
istrator review the land dedicated to public conservation use, to see if all
of the improvements have been made before the Board releases the additional
$2,5UU estimated for conservation improvements.
On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unani-
mously to set surety at $5,000, and to request the Conservation Administrat-
or review the land dedicated for public conservation use, and confirm the
improvements have been made.
182. Minuteman Ridge, Scott Road, Theodore Freeman, final release of surety:
The Board reviewed a memo dated June 1, 1987 from the Town Engineer stating that
that all work had been completed at Scott Road off Concord Ave, and that the road
had been accepted by the 1983 Town Meeting. Mr. Williams recommended, and the
Board agreed, that the Conservation Administrator be asked to make an onsite
Minutes for June 29, 1987
Page 4
inspection of the two conservation paths to see if they have been completed to
the town's construction standards. Mr. Williams recommended the Board withhold
$1,000 of the surety if the work has not been satisfactorily completed.
On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously
to release all of the remaining surety if the Conservation Administrator confirms
the two conservation foot paths have been satisfactorily completed, and to with-
hold $1,000 if the work has not been satisfactorily completed.
183. Trinity Covenant Estates, Clematis Road, Theodore Freeman, action on re-
quest for release of surety: The Engineering Department reports that the road
work has been completed. There are some dead trees to be replaced, and the
developer has not submitted as -built plans to the engineering department. On the
motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously to re-
lease surety after the dead trees have been replaced and the engineering depart-
ment has received as -built plans of the subdivision.
184. Minuteman Lane, Robert Phelan, presentation of sketch plan: Frank DiPietro,
of BSC -Bedford, presented a sketch plan for a subdivision consisting of three
separate parcels with a house on each. Combined, the parcels have frontage on
both Minute Man Lane and Massachusetts Avenue. The house at #2377 will be separ-
ated out of the proposed subdivision leaving the development parcel with frontage
only on Minute Man Lane. The development proposal is for eight conventional lots
along a dead end street off Minute Man Lane, six of which would be available for
' building lots. Mr. DiPietro commented applicant Robert Phelan is looking for
guidance as to the general direction the plan should follow to constitute a
suitable development.
Mrs. Uhrig commented the plan did not seem to have evolved from any site analysis
with consideration of natural features. She added the plan appears to have been
drawn to work around the existing dwellings and to accommodate the circle test,
frontage and area, and would require granting an excessive number of waivers to
make it work. She recommended and the Board agreed, that the applicant retain a
landscape architect to explore different development options for the property,
including an alternative for a cluster or a special residential development.
185. APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS: Mr. Williams gave an oral review of
hearings before the Board of Appeals scheduled for July 16, 1987.
11 Valley Road, Elizabeth Johnson, 3 Variances, accessory apartment:
Mr. Williams reported the applicant's home contains approx. 2300 sq.fto
including an addition recently added, and the accessory apartment would
occupy 36.8% of the home.
The Board noted the applicant is actually requesting variances from the
special permit process regulating accessory apartments. They recalled that
in 1983 the Town Meeting debated, at length, the number of dwellings to be
eligible to have accessory apartments, and that the 2500 square foot mini-
mum, the 30% maximum floor area and the no addition requirement were con-
sciously adopted. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it
was voted unanimously to recommend the three variances be denied since
permitting the three variances would fly in the face of the intent of the
Town Meeting, and because no hardship has been demonstrated.
Minutes for June 29, 1987
Page 5
131 Spring Street, Raytheon Co., SP, to improve an existing emergency access
road: On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted
unanimously to recommend the special permit be granted with the condition
that the entrance from Spring Street be kept chained, and used only for
emergency access. Use for the convenience of the employees when there is
traffic congestion on Spring Street is not an emergency.
1709-1727 Mass. Avenue, Estate of Abram Slater, Variance to reduce height
requirement of loading bays to 11 1/2 feet instead of the required 14 feet:
Mr. Sorensen reported he has researched heights of trucks. While there may
not be tractor trailer trucks serving this building, there are other trucks,
such as trash collection trucks, which are 12'-8" high and will not fit
under the 11 1/2 foot second floor.
On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unani-
mously to recommend the variance be denied because the applicant has not
justified the need for a variance by providing documentation on the height
of trucks serving uses which were in the former building and which will
continue to serve the new building, as well as the service and delivery
needs of other potential occupants of the new building.
700 Waltham St., formerly 31 Allen St., John Carroll, SP, to continue the
uses allowed under the previous permit to pick up and keep cars on the
' premises: Mr. Williams reported this is an application for a renewal of an
existing special permit. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr.
Williams, it was voted unanimously to recommend the special permit be grant-
ed as long as all the conditions in the current permit are included in the
new permit.
The Board also agreed to make no comment on the following cases:
68 Gleason Road, Anne Menashi, Variance, enlarge or enclose existing
screened porch.
23 Dexter Road, William & Virginia Reid, Variance, to add a front vestibule
and steps.
********************** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION ****************************
186. Election of Officers: Mrs. Wood nominated Mrs. Uhrig for chairman. There
were no other nominations, and the Board voted unanimously to elect Mrs. Uhrig
Mrs. Klaumimzer nominated Mrs. Wood for vice-chairman. There were no other
nominations, and the Board voted unanimously to elect Mrs. Wood vice-chairman.
Mrs. Wood nominated Mrs. Klauminzer for clerk. There were no other nominations,
and the Board voted unanimously to elect Mrs. Klauminzer clerk.
Minutes for June 29, 1987
Page 6
******************************* REPORTS *********************************
187. Planning Board, Subcommittees
a. Condominium Conversion Control Board: Mrs. Uhrig reported the Board of
Selectmen had asked if the Planning Board wished to be appointed as the
Condominium Conversion Control Board. The Board agreed they would decline.
b. Board of Appeal Hearings: Mrs. Uhrig reported on hearings for 6/11/87:
1) 537 Lowell Street, SP granted, for continued use of a barn as living
quarters; 2) Lexington Montesorri School, SP granted for 2 years, to use
temporary trailors for classrooms; 3) 64 Garfield Street, variance denied,
for the addition of a front porch; 4) 8 Columbus Street, variance denied,
deck must be removed; 5) 2 Mason Street, variance denied, to construct an
addition; 6) 80 Maple St., SP granted, allowing Saturday openings 10 to 3
at the Care -a. Lot Child Center and 7) Greeley Village, variance granted, to
construct residential and educational unit.
Mr. Sorensen reported on hearings for 6/25/87: 1) 114 Burlington Street,
variance denied, to add a greenhouse; 2) 52 Lowell Street, SP granted,
roadside stand and Christmas trees; 3) 1729 Mass. Avenue, SP granted, for
projecting sign; 4) 14 Muzzey Street, 2 variances granted, corner of front
tower, and 2 compact car spaces; 5) Days Inn, SP granted, to change exist -
ing Catch Penny signs to Days Inn.
c. Mass. Partnership Housing Award: Mr. Bowyer reported that Lexington was
been honored with an "Achievement Award for Outstanding Land Use Planning to
Support Affordable Housing" which was presented at the Mass. Housing Part-
nership Conference and Expo '87 on June 18, 1987. He added the conference
was held at the World Trade Center in Boston and approximately 700 persons
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
Marh Wood, Clerk