HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-12-01PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF DECEMBER 1, 1986 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:38 P.M. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with members Cripps, Sorensen, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner Rawski and Secretary Peters present. Mrs. Klauminzer was absent. 286. Minutes of November 17, 1986: The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of November 17, 1986. On the motion of Mrs. Wood, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted 3-0-1 to approve the minutes as corrected. Mrs. Uhrig abstained because she had not attended the meeting. ************ ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************* PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW 287. Form A/86-27, Lillian Road, A & D Realty Trust: The Board reviewed a plan showing the transfer of a parcel of land labeled 28-3C from Lot 28-5A to Lot 28-2E, with the note that 28-3C is not to be considered a separate building lot and is to be combined with lot 28-2E. Lots 28-5A and 28-2E continue to conform to the frontage and area requirements of the RS zoning district. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously: ' to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington Mass. (Middle- sex County)", dated November 7, 1986, by BSC - Bedford, certified by Donald J. Forand, Professional Land Surveyor, applicant A & D Realty Trust, with application Form A/86-27, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 288. Pheasant Brook Subdivision, Phase II, Kahn -Quinn: James McDowell, of T & M Engineering Assoc., representing the applicant, Pheasant Brook Es- tates Inc., reported that the developer's meeting with the Conservation Commission had produced revisions to the definitive plan now before the Planning Board. He presented a letter requesting a 60 day extension of time for action by the Board to start on the date the Conservation Commission approves an Order of Conditions for the development. Mrs. Uhrig noted the public hearing had been held on the definitive plan before the Board, and the Board's action had to be based on that plan, not a revised plan. She added, and the Board agreed, that since the Board could not act on the revised plans, they were not inclined to grant any extension of time for action by the Board, and would file their decision by December 4, 1986, as required, unless the developer requested permission to withdraw his application for approval of the definitive plan. Mr. McDowell presented a letter dated December 1, 1986, requesting permis- sion to withdraw the definitive plan. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, se- conded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to grant the developer per- mission to withdraw the definitive plan entitled "Pheasant Brook Estates - Section Two, Lexington, Mass.", dated May 12, 1986 by T & M Engineering Associates, applicant Pheasant Brook Estates, Inc. Minutes of December 1, 1986 page 2 289. Sunset Ridge, off Buckman Drive: Ms. Rawski reported that the lot release document for lot 181 signed by the Board last week was not in a form suitable for recording. She presented, for endorsement by the Board, a form dated December 1, 1986, releasing lot 181, that was suitable for recording and which the Board signed. 290. Beechwood Lane, off Hill Street: The Board reviewed a draft letter to Mr. Colwell, the developer, summarizing the Board's thoughts and recommenda- tions on his development proposal presented at last week's Planning Board meeting. Mrs. Uhrig reported that Mr. Colwell has told her he plans to go ahead with a conventional subdivision plan, revising the most recently submitted subdivision plan to eliminate previous Planning Board objections to the plan. The Board agreed seven separate buildings were too many for the site. She urged him to come in with a sketch plan as soon as possible. The Board approved the draft letter with an additional paragraph inviting Mr. Colwell to meet with the Board at their next meeting on December 15, 1986 to discuss alternative sketch plans. 291. Carriage Drive development, Woodhaven Realty: Peter Kelley and Rich- ard Perry of Woodhaven Realty introduced Gary Larson, Landscape Architect, who reviewed a sketch plan for a cluster development off Carriage Drive. The proof plan showed a development of 13 lots. The cluster plan showed a ' dead-end road of 580 feet from the existing end of Carriage Drive to the beginning of a "loop" road making the proposed dead-end road longer than the permitted 650 feet. The size of the homes would be roughly 2500/3000 square feet; the impervious surface ratio is under 15%; and approximately 26% of the site would be left as open space. In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Kelley said they felt a through street would not produce as desirable a development, and that they were concerned that people would use it as a short-cut from Grove Street to Bedford Street if the road went through to Winter Street. Mr. Sorensen commented that some of the Board's reservations could be dealt with, but that technically, the cul-de-sac would not work. The Board liked the cluster plan, and recommended Mr. Larson work out a plan combining the loop road concept with a through street. They also agreed the a 24 foot wide pavement would be required. 292. APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS: Mr. Sorensen gave an oral review of cases to be heard on December 11, 1986. 231 Bedford Street, Carmen & Annette Lombardo, Variance, front yard setback: The applicant wished to extend a front landing in order to be able to open the front door the whole way. The Board noted that ex- tending the landing further into the setback would leave little room for sight lines for cars entering onto a busy street from the sloping driveway. They suggested other solutions, such as entering from the side of the building, be explored. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted 3-0-1 (Mrs. Uhrig abstained) to recommend to the Board of Appeals the application for a variance be denied. Minutes of December 1, 1986 Page 3 13 Donald Street, John McCadden, SP, continued use and enclosure of deck: The Board agreed to recommend the application be denied, since the existing deck to be rebuilt and enclosed is only two feet from the side lot line. They felt there is a significant difference in the intrusion onto the abutter's property between a deck, which is close to the ground, and a roofed enclosed structure two feet from the lot line. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to recommend the application be denied. 18 Fair Oaks Terrace, Yvonne Yekta, Variance, construction of dwelling: While recognizing the personal hardship, the Board felt it would be difficult to justify and would set a bad precedent if a variance were granted to construct a home on an 8,600 square feet lot in a residence zone requiring 15,500 square feet. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to support the de- cision of the Building Commissioner that the "grandfathered" status of the lot was lost when a portion of the nonconforming lot was sold. 39 Valleyfield Street, Richard P. Domings, appeal from decision of the Building Commissioner denying a building permit: On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously to recommend the Board of Appeals uphold the decision of the Building Commissioner, since the adjoining parcel has been combined by use with the principal ' lot. The Board agreed to make no comment on the following applications: 150 East Street, Doran Greenhouses, Inc., SP, sale of nursery & farm goods and seasonal sale of Christmas trees and wreaths. 8 Emerald Street, the Lexington Rotary, Variance, front yard setback. ***************************** REPORTS 293. Planning Board, subcommittees a. Upcoming meetings, Mrs Uhrig announced the following meetings: 1) Housing Advisory Committee, December 3, 1986 - the first meet- ing under their new charge and name, with new members. 2) Massport meeting, December 15, 1986, - to discuss the Grenier Report. 3) Selectmen's quarterly breakfast meeting, December 6, 19869 - Mrs. Uhrig will attend. 4) HATS meeting, December 4, 1986. b. 100 Year Flood Plain/Parking Amendment: Mrs. Uhrig reported she talked with Joyce Miller, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, about preparation of this amendment for the 1987 Annual Town Meeting. They discussed a joint filing by the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission. Mrs. Uhrig reported there is some feeling this amendment should go ahead. Minutes of December 1, 1986 Page 4 294. Planning Director a. Zoning Maps: Mr. Bowyer reported letters have gone to the real - tors in town inviting them to order larger wall maps if they wish to do so, and that the smaller map for sale to the general public will go to the printers next week. b. 1729 Mass. Ave., Building Destroyed by Fire Mr. Bowyer reported the By -Law allows re -building as of right, as long as the use and size remain the same; even if the plan is not the same. A dif- ferent use is allowed if the parking requirements are the same or less for the new use. A two story building is not permitted without providing parking spaces for the entire building. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. f- Martha Wood, Clerk