HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-14PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF JULY 14, 1986 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:36 by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with mem- bers Cripps, Klauminzer, Planning Director Bowyer and Assistant Planner Rawski present. Mr. Sorensen arrived during item 172. Mrs. Wood was absent. 170. Approval of Minutes: On the motion of Mr. Cripps, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted 3-0 to approve the minutes of May 28, 1986, with corrections. *********** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ****************** DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS 171. CUS 1986/1, 25 Bird Hill Road: Frank Compagnone has applied for a build- ing permit for the construction of a dwelling on lot 25, Bird Hill Road, which is an unaccepted street for approximately 748 feet between Swan Lane and Davis Road. Mr. Bowyer reported that about five years ago the Town constructed a new sewer in the Bird Hill Road / Davis Road area, and the street was resurfaced (not reconstructed) to replace the asphalt that was torn up for the sewer construc- tion. The street provides for the needs of vehicular traffic in relation to the proposed use of the land. It is paved to full width, approximately 24 feet. All required municipal services, water and sanitary sewer service currently exist in Bird Hill Road. On the motion of Mr. Cripps, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously: That Bird Hill Road, an unaccepted way, is of sufficient width, suitable grades and adequate construction to provide for the needs of yehicu:,ar traffic in relation to the proposed use, the construction of a single family home on lot 525. This opinion is limited to the construction of the street only and should not be interpreted as implying that lot #25 meets other tests of the Zoning By -Law to qualify it as a buildable lot. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 172. Mason's Hollow, Mass. Ave: Ms. Rawski reported that she and Mr. Bowyer had met with Ron Wood, landscape architect, on the site and discussed what was needed for a planting plan. They observed the site was thickly covered with decidious growth, but additional conifer planting may be required. A planting plan will be required before any building permits are issued. They also discussed house locations and sewer connection procedures. 173. APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Mr. Sorensen gave an oral review of the Board of Appeals hearings scheduled for July 24, 1986. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klaumin- zer, it was voted unanimously to make the following recommendations to the Board of Appeals: Minutes of July 14, 1986 Page 2 324 Concord Avenue, Edward Conboy, Temporary SP, non -complying shed: The Board had no objections to the issuance of a temporary special permit, not to be renewed, with the understanding the shed would be removed within the year. 177 Massachusetts Avenue, Arty's Restaurant, SP, Expansion of Restaurant (hearing postponed from June 19, 1986): The application is still incomplete and the information requested by the Board to show that the off-street parking and loading plan complies with the requirements of the Zoning By -Law has still not been received. The Board agreed to recommend the application for a spe- cial permit be denied. It was agreed to make no comment on the following six cases: 16 Lake Street, Richard Bechtel, SP, addition to non -complying dwelling, 664 Marrett Road, Franklin Snell, SP, swimming pool, 1640-1644 Mass. Avenue, Uniglobe Travel, SP, projecting sign, 3 Meriam Street, Shoes by Lara, SP, projecting sign, 153 North Street, James Manganello, SP, addition to non -complying com- mercial building, and 10 Hillside Terrace, C. J. Snow, Variance, reconstruct non -complying deck. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 174. Sunset Ridge, off Buckman Drive: Mr. Bowyer explained the need for approval of a revised covenant. According to Town Counsel, to record the covenant, the applicant must be the owner of the land. He also explained conditions on partial release of lots. He suggested adding a condition in the motion to release lot 185 stating that the Planning Director and Town Counsel will retain custody of the lot release until the plan is recorded. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously: to accept the revised form of the covenant. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously: to release lot 185, subject to the condition that the Planning Director and Town Counsel retain custody of the release of lot document until the plan is recorded. 175. Lincoln Park Drive, off Lincoln Street: Mrs. Klauminzer stated that she will not participate in the discussion of this item as she is an abuttor. Mr. Bowyer reported the developer is rethinking the design of the development with the inclusion of other property, and has requested an extension of time for action until September 9, 1986. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted 3-0-1, with Mrs. Klauminzer abstaining: to grant an extension of the time for action until September 9, 1986. 176. Graystone, Boyd -Smith: Joel Roos presented the revised plans for the new cross-section of the road, within the right-of-way, and discussed the retain- ing wall at the rear of the property which will be between two to eight feet high. Ms. Rawski reported that the Board is still waiting for a landscaping Minutes of July 14, 1986 Page 3 plan for the entrance of the subdivision. Mr. Bowyer noted there was a need for more planting in that area. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously: to approve, by design change, the reduction of the wall segment between 5+75 to 6+00, approximately 25 feet of wall, providing the height of the wall is not more than eight feet; and to approve the revised cross- section, with the exception of the wall being within the right-of-way, provided the Engineering Department endorses the revision. In response to questions from William Smith, asking why the Board has not approved surety on the Graystone subdivision and released lots at The Hamp- tons, Mr. Bowyer explained that the procedure to be followed was that lots would be released one at a time or in groups of two or three at a time and only after a certification by the Town Engineer that the construction of the subdivision was in compliance at that time. This was the understanding that had been reached with the Town Manager in his recent meeting with Boyd -Smith. This procedure was thought to be necessary because of the past history at both the Hampton and Graystone subdivisions of construction occurring which was not in compliance with the approved plans. The Town has to have a procedure to insure that these subdivisions are in compliance with the approved plans and the provision of surety in not an effective method of insuring compliance in a development under construction. Mr. Smith objected to this procedure and said there should be an impartial party to review the matter. He added that a request for the release of all ' the lots would be submitted to the Planning Board. 177. Grassland Subdivision, off Grassland Street: Ms. Rawski reviewed a sketch plan with the Board. They agreed to require a road width of 24 feet, and a sidewalk on one side of the road. They also wished to see a plan with the houses sited. Mr. Sorensen questioned whether the lots met the circle test. BUILDING DEVELOPMENT 178. Bedford Street / Worthen Road / Camellia Place traffic: The Board re- viewed a traffic study of this intersection prepared by BSC Enginering. The Board of Selectmen is attempting to work out an improved traffic pattern which has been aggravated by the construction of two new office buildings. The Planning Board thought that the use of Camellia Place, which is controlled by a traffic signal, would contribute to better traffic management. The Planning Board encourages the Board of Selectmen to pursue this approach provided a connection of Camellia Place to Hancock avenue is not included in the plan and any connection across the Vine Brook is environmentally acceptable. Mr. Sorensen left following item 178. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 179. Development Regulations: Mr. Bowyer gave a progress report on the merg- ing of the Subdivision Rules and Regulations with the separate rules for special permits, granted under the Zoning By -Law, into a new document to be entitled "Development Regulations"; and that will establish revised proced- ures, requirements for data and fees for the submittal of various types of Minutes of July 14, 1986 Page 4 plans. He suggested informational meetings, with notices sent to abuttors when a preliminary plan is filed. Mrs. Uhrig had concerns about the perception of the public hearing process. Mrs. Klauminzer supported the concept of informational meetings. The Board felt the preliminary estimates of fees to be charged were too low, and recommended that they be raised. *********************** COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING, POLICIES ******************** 180. North Lincoln Proposal: Mrs. Uhrig announced there would be a meeting of the Lincoln Selectmen and Planning Board with the Lexington Selectmen and Planning Board on Wednesday, July 16, 1986, at the Lincoln Town Offices, 8:00 p.m., to discuss the "47 Acres" proposal. Mr. Bowyer distributed some data on the intensity of development along Route 2A in Lexington, and noted that the traffic impact of this proposal will be much less than the traffic impact of the existing commercial development within Lexington in the Marrett Road area. ******************************* REPORTS ************************************* 181. Planning Board, Subcommittees Ia. Housing Needs Advisory Committee: Mrs. Klauminzer reported that the Committee needs to get things in place before the they meet with the Selectmen to discuss the Committee's charge, so no meeting date has been set. 182. Planning Director a. Beechwood Lane subdivision, 88 Hill Street, Colwell property: Mr. Bowyer reported the staff had begun review of a definitive subdivi- sion plan for seven lots filed on July 11, 1986. The Board must act on it by September 8, 1986. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. 1 Stephen B. Cripps, Vice Chairman