HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-19PLANNING BOARD
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Office
Building, was called to order at 8:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with
members Cripps, Klauminzer, Sorensen, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant
Planner Rawski and Secretary Peters present.
138. Approval of Minutes: On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs.
Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the meetings of
February 11, 12, 18, 19, 24, March 10, 1986, as submitted, and the minutes of the
meeting of March 17, 1986, as corrected.
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139. 16 Garfield Street, Robert--Reasonberg, Form A/86-10: The Board reviewed a
plan showing two lots with no change in their frontages, whose lot lines are
revised, resulting in an increase in area of the non-comforming lot making it
less non -conforming. The second lot will continue to conform to the area and
frontage requirements of the zoning district. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen,
seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously:
to endorse the plan entitled "Compiled Plan of Land In Lexington, Mass.",
' dated April 14, 1986, by B.S.C. - Bedford, certified by Donald J. Forand,
professional land surveyor, with Form A/85-10 by Robert Reasenberg, as it
does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law.
140. 188-194 Lowell Street, McNeil/Castelli: Russell Burke, project director
for McNeil Associates reviewed with the Board a sketch plan entitled "Environmen-
tal Analysis, Lowell Street, Lexington, Massachusetts" dated January 24, 1986,
with Subdivision Study added April 15, 1986. Also present were William Roop,
from McNeil Associates, Mr. and Mrs. John Castelli and Joseph Castelli.
The plan showed a subdivision plan using both the Castelli property and the Papas
property which is under option by McNeil. The Castelli property and the first
five lots of the McNeil property which front on Lowell Street will be developed
as a conventional subdivision. The rear portion of the McNeil land will be
developed as a cluster subdivision. Mr. Burke said this plan had evolved as a
result of their discussions with the Board, and input from the neighborhood, who
oppose making Page Road a through street to Lowell Street.
The plan provides that 25% of the area shall remain as common open space, and
less than 15% of the site is covered with impervious surfaces. The plan will
leave existing trails to conservation land undisturbed.
The Board was generally pleased with the plan. Mr. Sorensen expressed concern
over possible administrative problems with a single development combining parcels
owned by two separate applicants. He suggested they set up a realty trust and
act as one entity. The Castellis do not favor this approach preferring to retain
ownership of their land. Neither party wishes to sell out to the other party.
In response to a question from Mrs. Klauminzer, Mr. Burke reported the cluster
development will be one lot set up under a trust with master deeds. He said
Minutes of May 19, 1986
Page 2
they proposed the conventional portion of the subdivision be served by a road
built to subdivision standards for acceptance as a town road, and the cluster
portion of the subdivision be served by a private interior drive.
The Board continued to discuss problems that could arise from the split owner-
ship of the site. William Roop of McNeil Associates said they are working on
legal documentation they feel will be acceptable to Town Counsel and will allay
the concerns of the Board about future problems that might be faced by the Town,
if the development does not proceed as the applicants predict.
Mr. Bowyer suggested a concurrent filing in which the two applicants would speci-
fy who was going to be responsible for all aspects of the completion of the
subdivision. He added the Board may also add conditions that can protect the
Town as part of their decision.
Mrs. Uhrig asked about the proof plan. Mr. Burke said it had not been prepared
or certified by a certified land surveyor, but would be. In response to her
question, Ms. Rawski said the staff thought they could proceed to the preparation
of a definitive plan. The Board informally agreed, adding they would be expect-
ing to receive the legal documentation Mr. Roop discussed designed to prevent
potential problems for the Town because of the split ownership of the land.
141. Lincoln Park, off Lincoln Street, William Hamilton, site plan review: Mrs.
Rlauminaer announced she would not participate in any discussion or vote from now
on, since she is an interested party (lives within 300 feet of the proposed
subdivision). Ms. Rawski reviewed her memo on the Lincoln Park Drive Subdivision
dated May 15, 1986. The public hearing on the subdivision will be held May 28,
1986, at 8:00 p.m., in the Selectmen's Meeting Room.
Mrs. Uhrig spoke against granting any waiver except that for the installation of
the fire alarm box. Mr. Sorensen commented that according to Ms. Rawski's memo
the existing house would become so non -conforming that if a variance is not
granted, the house would have to be demolished in order to construct the subdivi-
sion. He added that there appeared to a "reserve strip" between the property
line and the left side of the road right-of-way, which is not permitted. He said
the right-of-way should be right on the property line.
It was reported that the neighborhood had concerns about drainage problems. Ms.
Rawski reported the Engineering Department felt construction of the subdivision
road may actually lessen present drainage problems by enclosing water runoff into
a storm drain system. The applicant has been asked to provide proof that he has
the right to use the Town easement for drainage that is located on private prop-
erty across Lincoln Street. The existing pipe in the easement will have to be
replaced with a larger pipe to handle drainage from the new road. The Board
agreed the developer must demonstrate he has the permission of the property owner
to install a larger pipe or show an alternate drainage solution.
142. Mason's Hollow, Mark Moore, Massachusetts Ave., site plan review: Ms.
Rawski reviewed the memo dated May 15, 1986, on the proposed cluster development,
with the Board. She reported the most recent plan dated 5-12-86 was the one he
will probably proceed with, which contains five units in three buildings plus the
existing house. In response to a question from Mrs. Uhrig, Mr. Bowyer said the
Board did not have to accept this density. Mr. Sorensen commented that the Board
Minutes of May 19, 1986
Page 3
had encouraged Mr. Moore to cluster his units and to have less separate build-
ings. He felt the units would not be very visible from the street.
Mrs. Klauminzer and Mrs. Wood agreed that it was probably the best plan they had
seen to date. Ms. Rawski reported the latest extension of time for action by the
Board runs out on June 26, 1986.
143. Standards for Two -lot Subdivisions: The Board briefly discussed setting
standards for two -lot subdivision proposals. Mr. Bowyer reported the staff and
the Engineering Department had thought about constructing new streets, which the
Town then had to accept and maintain, to serve only one new house. They were
trying to avoid short unnecessary streets. He suggested the Board could require
a plan showing that a conventional road could be constructed complying fully with
the Subdivision Rules and Regulations. He added the right -of way would be shown
to establish frontage; but the construction of the subdivision street could be
reduced to a lesser standard by a waiver. He said this would eliminate "bumps"
along a road such as the 2 lot subdivision on James Street, recently approved.
Mr. Sorensen was uncertain what this would do to frontage requirements. He added
he would like to think more about this.
Mrs. Klauminzer gave an oral review of the cases tentatively scheduled to be
' heard by the Board of Appeals on June 12, 1986.
52 Lowell Street, Rosina Buss, SP, operation of roadside stand: This is an
application for renewal of the special permit granted for one year last year on
the condition that there would be no other business carried on there. The Board
has not received any complaints about the alleged car repair use discussed last
year. Mr. Sorensen suggested the Planning Board not object to the granting of
the special permit with the condition that if it is observed other uses are
happening on the premise, the special permit should be revoked. On the motion of
Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to state no
objection to the application, on the condition that if it is observed other
unauthorized uses are occuring on the premises, the special permit should be
17 Massachusetts Avenue, Art's Restaurant, Inc. SP, function room: The Board
reviewed the plans and questioned whether the parking met the requirements of
Section 11 of the Zoning By -Laws. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by
Martha Wood, it was voted unanimously to recommend against granting the special
permit until it is shown there is adequate parking for all businesses sharing the
The Board agreed to make no comment on the following two cases:
24 Peacock Farm Road, John Hauser, Variance, front setback.
16 Slocum Road, Barbara Palant, Variance, garage addition.
190 Spring Street, (Xerox Property), Boston Properties, SPS (hearing date not
set): Mr. Bowyer reviewed the proposal with the Board. He explained Mr.
Domnitz's amendment to Article 45, Building rights, passed at Town Meeting, has
made the plan unworkable as proposed. The Building Commissioner will write to
the applicant informing him of this.
Minutes of May 19, 1986 Page 4
145. Planning Board, Subcommittees
a. Planning Board schedule: The Board agreed to meet May 28, 1986, in the
Selectmen's Meeting Room, June 2, 1986, and June 23, 1986.
b. HATS Information form: Mrs. Uhrig distributed a form entitled
Study Committee would like member towns to give to developers who come in
with new development proposals.
c. Board of Appeals: Mr. Cripps reported the application by Bellecour for
a special permit to expand the restaurant has been denied, and the space
will probably be developed as retail sales, which only requires a building
permit. He also reported that Countryside's application for a special
permit had been granted.
d. Franklin School: Martha Wood reported the Franklin School resident
selection committee will meet May 28, 1986 to develop criteria.
146. Planning Director
a. Compliance with Open Meeting Law: Mr. Bowyer reported on his conversa-
tions with the District Attorney's office, relating to the complaints filed
there by the Countryside Neighborhood Association.
' Minutes are classified as public records, and the Board has ten days to
furnish the Association with a copy of the minutes in whatever form prepara-
tion of the minutes had reached. The Association has been furnished
all minutes requested within this time period. In the review of drafts, the
Board does not have an obligation to furnish draft reports to the audience,
but should conduct their business in a way to make it as understandable as
possible, avoiding cryptic references to page, line or paragraph numbers
and explaining the content of the portion of the report they are discussing.
The Open Meeting Law also requires that the meeting be held in a room large
enough for all who wish to attend, which may be difficult to predict if an
unexpectedly large group arrives for a meeting. If it is necessary to move
the meeting to a larger room, notices should be posted directing anyone
wishing to attend to the new room.
b. Suburban Beltway Conference: Mr. Bowyer reported the conference, to be
held on June 2 and 3, 1986, will be national in scope. He will be speaking
to the conference on Monday on methods for limiting development along Route
128 since additional lanes can no longer be be added to accomodate the
increasing traffic. He invited the Board to call the planning office if any
of them are interested in attending the conference.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:57 p.m.
Martha Wood