HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-07PLANNING BOARD MINUTES OF MAY 7, 1986 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Office Building was called to order at 7:07 p.m. by the Vice -Chairman, Mr. Cripps, with members Klauminzer, Sorensen and Wood, Planner Director Bowyer and Assistant Planner Rawski present. Mrs. Uhrig was absent. 130. Approval of Minutes: On the motion of Mrs. Klauminzer, seconded by Mr. Sorensen it was voted 3-0 to approve the minutes of April 28, as written. Mrs. Wood abstained as she was not present at that meeting. It was agreed to defer action on the approval of other minutes. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 131. Sunset Ridge, off Buckman Drive: Ms. Rawski reported on changes in the plan in response to the Board's requests at the last meeting. She said the change in the alignment of the roadway to keep the paved part of the street at least eight feet from any property line resulted in a somewhat better situation. The depth of the cut was reduced by one foot without increasing the length, approximately 70 feet, of road at the 9 1/2% slope. The town engineer had objected strenuously to reducing the roadway to less than 24 feet. Nevertheless it was still possible to keep the northerly segment of the road eight feet from the back of the lots on Buckman Drive, maintain the 24 foot pavement width, and maintain a turnaround within acceptable design standards although the turning radius is tighter than earlier proposed. She added that a four foot high fence would be erected adjacent to property lines wherever the roadway was more than three feet below the adjoining grade. Screen- ing will be installed along the property lines where lots might have a view of the roadway. She observed that, overall, the plan seemed to be a good solution with only minimal deviations from design standards while still affording protec- tion and screening for abutting lots. Ms. Rawski distributed revised drafts, with proposed changes highlighted from the draft of the Certificate of Action, dated May 7, 1986, and from the draft of the decision for the Special Permit, dated May 7, 1986, which had been distributed earlier. The revisions dealt with: changes in the date of the plans, the section dealing with conditions to be met prior to endorsement, the length of the section of roadway which has a 9.5% grade and the description of the location and number of square feet in three conservation easements. It was agreed to make those changes. On the motion of Mrs. Klauminzer, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to approve the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Sunset Ridge" and to approve the Certificate of Action as corrected. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously to grant a Special Permit with Site Plan Review for the conventional subdivision entitled "Sunset Ridge" and to approve the decision, as corrected. The Board discussed how they could sign a revised copy of the decision so that it could be filed with the Town Clerk the next day. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wood, it was voted unanimously to authorize the planning direct- or to sign the Certificate of Action and the decision on the Special Permit with Site Plan Review in behalf of the Board. Minutes of May 7, 1986 Page 2 132. Pheasant Brook Estates, Section II; extension of time: Mr. Bowyer report- ed that Kahn -Quinn had not responded to the letter which the Board voted to send at its meeting on April 22, 1986, pointing out the problems with the proposed connection to Maple Tree Lane and the absence of agreement with the Conservaiton Commission on the delineation of the wetlands. There is not sufficient time to schedule a public hearing and render a decision within the 60 day period. The standard "Form C" in the Subdivision Rules and Regulations, which Kahn -Quinn completed, contains a request that the time for action on the plan be extended to a period of 120 days from the date of submission. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously to grant an extension of time to July 15, 1986, which is 120 days from the date the application was received, March 18, 1986, as requested in the "Form C" completed by Kahn -Quinn. 133. APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Mrs. Klauminzer gave an oral review of applications to be heard by the Board of Appeals on May 22, 1986. It was agreed to make no recommendation on the follow- ing three cases: 42 Middle Street: Benjamin Potter, SP, swimming pool. 52 Dexter Road: J. M. Ramsey, variance, yard setback. 39 Cary Avenue: Ronald Colwell, SP, non -complying building. ' 294 Woburn Street, Mary Pedrotti, SP, telephone service: the Board will state it has no objection provided there is not more than one employee and no non-resi- dents working on the premises. 537 Lowell Street, Hugh Leichtman, SP, use of barn for living quarters: the Board will state it has no objection to this application which has been approved previously for short periods of time provided the same conditions are included in this permit as were included in the most recent permit approved. 307 Wood Street, James Cosgrove, SP, roadside stand: the Board will state it has no objection to this application which has been granted for a number of years provided the same conditions are included in this permit as were included in the most recent permit approved. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unani- mously to make the recommendations indicated above on the six cases to be heard by the Board of Appeals. Woburn Street, Countryside Manor, SP, RD development: Mrs. Wood requested and it was agreed, that she be recorded in favor of the action taken by the Board at the meeting of April 28, 1986, from which she was absent, in favor of granting the special permit for the Countryside Manor RD development. ************************** REPORTS ***********ss**************** 134. Planning Director a. 1775 Massachusetts Ave., Zoning Violation: Mr. Bowyer reported the Building Commissioner had issued a stop work order because a beauty parlor was being constructed in the space formerly occupied by a travel agency. The construction had started without the issuance of a building permit and Minutes of May 7, 1986 Page 3 the plan submitted showed a greater parking demand than that generated by the travel agency. b. Open Meeting Law: Mrs. Klauminzer requested that at a future meeting, when there is more time, the director explain the charges made against the Board about violations of the Open Meeting Law and the discussions he has had with the district attorney's office in that regard. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. 1 Martha Wood, Clerk