HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-24PLANNING BOARD
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town office
Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Uhrig, with
members Cripps, Klauminzer, Sorensen, Wood, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant
Planner Rawski, and Secretary Peters present.
Mrs. Uhrig presented an oral review of cases to be heard by the Board of Appeals
on April 10, 1986. On the motion of Mrs. Uhrig, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was
voted unanimously to make no comment on the following cases:
72 Oak Street, Ira Crowe; Variance, front yard setback
15 Henderson Road, Daniel Grosshans; Variance, front yard setback
324 Concord Ave., Edward Conboy; Variance, front yard setback
550 Lowell Street, Frank Compagnone; SP, swimming pool
8 Tyler Road, Fernando Silva; SP, swimming pool
83. Mason's Hollow, Mass. Ave., Moore Homes, Inc.; Extension of Time: The Board
' reviewed a letter from Mark Moore requesting an extension of time for action by
the Board until May 12, 1986. On the motion Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs.
Klauminzer it was voted unanimously to grant the extension of time for action by
the Board until May 12, 1986.
Mr. Moore also asked the Board to make a determinaton on how the proof plan will
be calculated because of the existing building in the historic district on the
site. Mr. Bowyer will contact Town Counsel for advice on the matter. Mr. Bowyer
noted that even if a proof plan can show seven units the Board may determine a
more appropriate density for the site will be less units since this application
is under the planned residential development provisions in Section 9 of the
Zoning By -Law and a special permit is required.
84. Sunset Ridge, Buckman Drive; Extension of Time: Mr. Bowyer reported the
Engineering Department and the Conservation Commission have not reached agreement
on the best method to control drainage as it leaves the site, so the drainage
portion of the application is incomplete. The applicant has requested an exten-
sion of time for action by the Board until May 6, 1986.
The Board agreed to open the public hearing at the scheduled 8:00 P.M. time
tonight, and continue it until April 22, 1986, so the additional drainage inform-
ation can be reviewed at that time.
85. PUBLIC HEARING: Sunset Ridge subdivision, Buckman Drive; Mrs. Uhrig opened
the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. by reading the legal notice advertising the
application for a definitive subdivision and concurrently the application for a
special permit for a conventional subdivision entitled Sunset Ridge.
Minutes of March 24, 1986 Page 2
Presenting the application were: Joseph Steinkrauss and Richard Galehouse, appli-
cants, Frank DiPietro, engineer from BSC, and Patricia Smith, consultant -
Mr. Steinkrauss described the plan as a five lot conventional subdivision off
Buckman Drive. They have met twice with the Conservation Commission, and have
discussed with them the proposed drainage design and blasting procedures for
ledge removal. They confirmed the Engineering Department preferred a closed
drainage system and the Conservation Commission preferred a detention pond sys-
tem. A drainage solution has not been agreed upon, but either the open or the
closed drainage systems would contain all water runoff in the street drainage
system as it leaves the boundaries of the subdivision.
He described the procedure for ledge removal, noting that a blasting permit is
required by the town, who strictly monitor all blasting required for removal of
the ledge. He added the method was to use very small charges and to crack the
rock, resulting in no dust or large rocks being loosened.
Mrs. Uhrig noted that the Board liked the plan in general and the siting of the
homes, and encouraged the applicants to work out a drainage plan satisfactory to
both the Engineering Department and the Conservation Commission. She added the
hearing would be continued to another date for discussion of drainage, and the
discussion tonight would focus on everything else.
In answer to a question from Ms. Rawski, they said the retaining wall along the
' edge of the right-of-way would be a maximum of eight to ten feet high. They are
asking for a waiver of the 8% maximum slope permitted to 9 1/2X for about 60 feet
of -roadway, and for a waiver of sidewalk construction. In response to a question
from Mr. Sorensen, they reported that the grade was 4% for approximately 100 feet
where the subdivision road enters Buckman Drive, and the pavement width will be
24 feet. Driveways off the hammerhead turnarounds have been placed so the town
plows can push the snow off the ends, without blocking driveways.
Harvey Mazer, 70 Buckman Drive, asked if they would commit to additional screen-
ing if the abuttors felt it was necessary. Irving Burstein, 42 Buckman Drive,
asked whether the road had to be built as approved and Mrs. Uhrig assured him it
did. John Brennan, 73 Buckman Drive, questioned the vagueness of blasting plans
and the potential drainage problems on Philip Road with the addition of the new
road. Maryanne Jule, 69 Buckman Drive, felt the site was unbuildable and ques-
tioned under what conditions the Board granted waivers. Mr. Cripps answered
conditions of the site are part of the considerations. In answer to a question
from Dorothy Pearlman it was reported construction of the road would take between
60 to 90 days to complete. Mr. DiPietro estimated blasting would probably occur
for around 30 days, with around two to four charges set off per day. William
Welch, 10 Bird Hill Road, suggested having a sidewalk that follows the lay of the
land rather than cutting into slopes and filling to provide a uniform grade.
Mr. Douglas Holmes, 4 John Wilson Lane, presented a scale model with his inter-
pretation of what the finished grading of the road and the home sites would be
if the plan were approved.
Mrs. Uhrig reported the applicants have requested an extension of time for action
by the Board until May 6, 1986, and that the hearing will be continued until
Minutes of March 24, 1986
Page 3
April 22, 1986, at 8.00 P.M. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. The hearing was
declared continued until that time, and recessed at 9:28 P.M.
The Planning Board resumed their regular meeting in Room G-15 at 9:32 P.M.
On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously
to grant the applicant's request for an extension of time for action by the Board
until May 6, 1986.
************************ ARTICLES FOR 1986 TOWN MEETING *****************
86. Planning Board Articles: Mr. Sorensen proposed asking Town Meeting to
schedule specific times and dates to debate Articles 47, 48 and 49. He suggested
either April 4th or 9th for Articles 48 and 49, and the 28th for Article 47.
Mrs. Uhrig will talk with the moderator and selectmen.
Article 40: Mrs. Uhrig will present the report. The Board agreed to divide
he the motion into two parts and Mrs. Uhrig will ask permission of the moderator
to do so. On the motion of Mr. Cripps, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted
to make a favorable recommendation on the proposed amendment to the Town
Meeting, and to approve the wording of the draft report dated 3/20/86.
Article 41: Mrs. Wood will present the report. It was ageed to add a *
' under the RD column saying the "yes" is subject to the preliminary site develop-
ment and use plan approved by Town Meeting. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen,
seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously:
to make a favorable recommendation on the proposed amendment to the Town
Meeting, and to approve the wording of the draft report dated 3/21/86, with
the additional note added.
Mrs. Wood left the meeting due to illness.
Article 42: Mr. Sorensen will present the report. On the motion of Mr.
Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Cripps, it was voted unanimously (4-0):
to make a favorable recommendation on the proposed amendment to the Town
Meeting and to approve the wording of the draft report dated 3/10/86.
Article 43: Mr. Sorensen will present the report. On the motion of Mr.
Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously (4-0):
to make a favorable recommendation on the proposed amendment to the Town
Meeting and to approve the wording of the draft report dated 3/21/86.
Article 44: Mrs. Klauminzer will present the report. On the motion of Mrs.
Klauminzer, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously (4-0):
to make a favorable recommendation on the proposed amendment to the Town
Meeting and to approve the wording of the draft report dated 3/21/86.
Article 45: Mr. Cripps will present the report. On the motion of Mr.
Cripps, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously (4-0):
Minutes of March 24, 1986
Page 4
to make a favorable recommendation on the proposed amendment to the Town
Meeting and to approve the wording of the draft report dated 3/12/86.
Article 46: Mr. Cripps will present the report. On the motion of Mr.
Cripps, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously (4-0):
to make a favorable recommendation on the proposed amendment to the Town
Meeting and to approve the wording of the draft report dated 3/12/86.
The Board took action on Articles 48 & 49 earlier in the meeting when Mrs. Wood
was present.
87. Article 48: Mr. Cripps will present the report. On the motion of Mr.
Cripps, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously:
to make a favorable recommendation on the proposed amendment to the Town
Meeting, and to approve the wording of the draft report dated 3/21/86.
88. Article 49: Mr. Sorensen will present the report. Mrs. Uhrig noted print-
ing errors on page 5 which will be corrected, and Mrs. Wood noted errors in the
footnotes on pages 4 & 6. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs.
Klauminzer, it was voted unanimously:
to recommend that the proposed amendment not be approved by Town Meeting and
the wording of the report be approved as corrected.
89. Annual Housing Report: Mr. Bowyer presented a draft of the Annual Housing
Report for review by the Board. The Board will also have copies of the Housing
Element of the Comprehensive Plan to distribute to the Town Meeting Members, and
invite comments from them on the Housing Element draft, perhaps via a tear -off
response form.
Mrs. Klauminzer suggested that somewhere in the Housing Report it be stated that
not all affordable housing comes as a result of a Town subsidy; some can come as
a result of the inclusionary provisions which a developer provides. She reported
questions had been asked on the bus tour about why the Town should subsidize
middle income housing with some sort of Town funding or land and she would like
to see some wording that this is not always the case.
90. Planning Director
a. Article 26, Aerial Photogrammetric Maps: Mr. Bowyer reported the Se-
lectmen were divided about whether to recommend in favor, with Mr. Marshall
being the swing vote. If the Selectmen support the article, Jacquelyn Smith
will present it, and Mr. Bowyer recommended that all the Boards, Commissions
that work with the maps speak in support, if it reaches the floor for a
vote. Mr. Cripps offered to speak for the Planning Board.
b. Article 47 Choate Symmes: The Board will discuss the report next Monday
night. Mr. Sorensen felt development of the site was excessive, and recom-
mended the applicant try to reduce the number of units oposed.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:37 P.M. /
Stephen Cripps _ •✓rte
Vice Chairman