HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-22PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MINUTES OF JANUARY 22, 1986 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:30 by the Chairman, Mrs. Smith, with members Cripps, Sorensen, Uhrig, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner Rawski and Secretary Peters present. The meeting was recessed at 7:31 p.m. to meet with the Board of Selectmen. 13. VACANCY ON BOARD: The joint meeting of the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, was called to order by the Chairman of the Selectmen, Mr. Marshall, at 7:37 p.m. Present were Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Uhrig, Mr. Cripps and Mr. Sorensen of the Planning Board, and Mr. Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Eddison and Mr. Dailey of the Selectmen. On the motion of Mr. Eddison, seconded by Mrs. Smith, it was voted unanimously (8-0) to appoint Martha Wood to fill the vacancy on the Planning Board caused by the resignation of Elizabeth Flemings, until the Town Elections of March 3, 1986. Mrs. Smith spoke of the many contributions Mrs. Flemings had made in time and effort to the Planning Board, adding that she would be missed. ' 14. APPLICATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE PERMIT: Mr. Marshall took the occasion to remind those present of the BIDC Comprehensive Permit application for a special permit that will be heard by the Board of Appeals the following evening, Thurs- day, January 23, 1986. He noted that many Town Meeting Members were under the impression that this application would be coming before the Annual Town Meeting for vote by the Town, and did not plan to attend the Board of Appeals hearing. He hoped that the citizens and the press would publicize that the Comprehensive Permit process does not include anything more than the hearing before the Board of Appeals, beginning tomorrow evening. Both Boards agreed to meet on February 11, 1986, 7:00 p.m., for discussion of their positions on the BIDC application before the adjourned hearing of the Board of Appeals tentatively scheduled for February 27. Mr. Marshall added that Robert Engler, the consultant hired by the Town to review the BIDC application, would be attending tomorrow's meeting and would have a report ready for the Selectmen and the Planning Board, in time for their joint meeting. Mrs. Smith reconvened the Planning Board meeting in Room G-15, of the Town Office Building at 7:47 p.m. Mrs. Wood attended the meeting. Although appointed, she can not act as a Planning Board member until sworn in. 15. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: On the motion of Mr. Cripps, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the meetings of January 6 and January 8, 1986 as corrected. 16. Form A/86-2, Spring Street, Lowell R. Fox: Ms. Rawski explained that this is a resubmittal of a plan the Board declined to endorse on January 8, 1986 because it appeared to create a lot without frontage. She presented additional material that has been submitted showing the lot dimensions have not been Minutes of January 22, 1986 Page 2 changed. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps it was voted unanimously: to endorse the plan entitled Plan of Land in Lexington & Waltham Mass. (Middlesex County)", dated December 5, 1985, by BSC - Bedford, certified by Roger M. Corbin, Registered Land Surveyor, with application form A/85-21, by Lowell R. Fox, agent, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. 17. Form A/86-3, Solomon Pierce and Ingleside Roads, Cynthia S. Kirksey: Ms. Rawski presented plans dividing two lots into three lots, having the required frontage and acreage. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps it was voted unanimously: to endorse the the plan entitled "Plan of in Lexington, Mass. (Middlesex County)", dated January 15, 1986, by BSC - Bedford, Roger M. Corbin, Registered Land Surveyor, with application form A/86-2, by Cynthia S. Kirksey, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. 18. Form A/86-4, Maple Street, Lots Y & Z, Kahn/Quinn Group: Ms. Rawski pre- sented a plan combining several small lots into two lots conforming to zoning requirements. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted unanimously: to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass., dated January 14, 1986, by T & M Engineering Association, Inc., Erland S. Townsend, Jr., Registered Land Surveyor, with application form A/86-4 by Sidney Gorovitz, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. 19. 1985 Annual Report: The Board reviewed a draft of the 1985 Planning Board report for the Annual Report. The Board suggested some additional language for clarification, and Mrs. Uhrig will prepare the section on the Hanscom Area Traf- fic Study (HATS) Committee. On the motion of Mr. Cripps, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig it was voted unanimously to adopt the 1985 Planning Board report, as corrected. 20. HATS, North Lincoln Development: While discussing the HATS section of the Annual Report, the Board also reviewed the letter from Mrs. Delori, of the Lin- coln Planning Board, to John Hollywood, Chairman of HATS, dated January 15, 1986, discussing several new traffic generators in Lincoln near Hanscom Field, includ- ing an option by Grace Chapel, currently located in Lexington, to buy 31 acres of undeveloped land. The Board agreed to inform Mr. Hollywood that Lexington is concerned with any new potential traffic increases in the area and supports the Lincoln Planning Board's request for a HATS review of these potential traffic generators as soon as pos- sible. Mrs. Smith noted that MASSPORT's concerns are the same as the Town's, and sug- gested that they also be notified. She added that it was time to encourage HATS to become more active again. 21. Katandin Woods Comprehensive Permit: The Board discussed a letter dated January 15, 1986, from William Casper, BIDC, to Robert Engler, the consultant Minutes of January 22, 1986 Page 3 hired by the Town to review the application for a comprehensive permit submitted by BIDC for Katandin Woods Apartments, and a letter to Mr. Hutchinson from Mr. Engler dated January 16, 1986. Mr. Bowyer noted that Mr. Engler's experience made him very familiar with the comprehensive permit process. Mrs. Klauminzer added that he is a consultant to EOCD on the Teller program, and asked if he would appear for the Town if the permit is denied by the Board of Appeals and BIDC appeals to the State. Mr. Bowyer replied that was part of his contract. Mrs. Klauminzer noted that many Town Meeting Members still are not aware that the BIDC proposal will not be coming to Town Meeting for a vote, and suggested that some board or committee should undertake to clarify this process to Town Meeting Members. Mrs. Smith agreed and felt that Town Meeting Members needed to have some kind of caucus to hear about the comprehensive permit process. The Board discussed a mailing that would include their hearing schedule and also describe the comprehensive permit process. Mrs. Uhrig suggested raising this need for information at the Board of Appeals hearing on BIDC on January 23. The Board agreed the whole process needed much more explanation town -wide. ARTICLES FOR 1986 TOWN MEETING 22. Article EE - Congregate Housing Conversion: The Board discussed the sections dealing with a support service manager, resident living quarters and the exterior appearance of the dwelling, suggesting changes and clarification. ' 23. Article AA - Technical Corrections: The Board discussed dividing the article into two parts; Technical Corrections and Technical Interpretations and Policies. since some of the provisions of the article seemed to go beyond the category of technical corrections to revision of the By -Law. The Board agreed to delete everything after the first paragraph of the explanation of the amendment to 3.2.2, Variances in the 1/17/86 draft. 24. Article BB - Residential Development: The Board suggested taking the small technical corrections and adding them to Article AA; and dropping the density and discretionary sections as being politically unwise. Mrs. Uhrig questioned the advisibility of revising parts of Section 9, Planned Residential Development, since it had only been passed last year. Mrs. Smith felt she could not support changes that would might increase density and would conflict with Planning Board presentation at the 1985 Town Meeting. 25. Article CC - Adjustments Off -Street Parking: Mr. Sorensen questioned the use of the phrase in A2) "good engineering practice". Mr. Bowyer will review it with Town Counsel. Mr. Sorensen also felt that A4) c), dealing with common driveways, was confusing as written. It was agreed common driveways should be allowed in both residential and commercial districts. All favored presenting Article CC to Town Meeting. 26. Article DD - Expansion of Non -Conforming Dwelling: The Board had no object- ions to the amendment as written in the 1/17/86 draft. 27. Article FF - Building Heights: The Board discussed the implications of allowing a maximum of 2 stories rather than 2 1/2 stories currently permitted in the By -Law for buildings in the R0, RS, RT, CN and CG Districts. Mr. Sorensen suggested Mr. Bowyer check the State Building Code for what it permits in resi- dential zones. Minutes of January 22, 1986 28. Article GG - Satellite Antennas: applied only in residential areas, and ground. Page 4 The Board agreed the amendment would be all antennas had to be located on the 29. Recommendation to Selectmen for Acceptance of Streets: The Board discussesd the letter to Mr. Bowyer from Francis Fields dated January 21, 1986, pertaining to the laying out of Jean Road, Maple Tree Lane, Pearl Street and Tavern Lane. Mr. Bowyer reported that according to the Town Manager, no funding for this work will be recommended at Town Meeting this year. The Board questioned the choice of these streets for improvement. They named Laconia Street, Fairview Avenue, Outlook Drive between Middleby and Downing, Kimball Road, the Colony Road -Wood- land Road -York Street connection, the Richard Road -Tower Road connection, Winston Road and Blake Road as being higher priority streets that should be investigated for action in 1987 and subsequent years. The Board agreed their recommendation letter to the Selectmen should stress that the streets to be accepted by the Town should be constructed to the same standards as in the Subdivision Rules and Regulations, and that in recent years the Planning Board has not permitted a street to be constructed with a pavement width less than 24 feet. 30. Planning Board, Subcommittees. a. Resignation of Ruth Nablo from the Housing Needs Advisory Committee: The Board accepted with regret Ruth Nablo's resignation. They discussed asking ' Elizabeth Flemings to serve in her place. Mrs. Klauminzer will ask her. Mrs. Klauminzer also announced that she has resigned as Chairman of the HNAC. 31. Planning Director a. Memo from Steven Frederickson, Building Commissioner: Mr. Bowyer explained that the memo was in response to a request from him for suggestions for future By -Law revisions. Mr. Frederickson listed his revisions in order of priority: 1) Height limitations, setbacks and screening provisions for satellite dishes. 2) Remove the restriction on the number of stories permitted since the State Building Code sets minimum heights of a story, and this in effect limits the number of stories, if the By -Law addresses maximum heights. 3) Setbacks should be defined as being to the nearest projection of the structure and not to the foundation. 4) Height of fences on property lines should be restricted to 10 feet. 5) Restrictions for boat trailers, utility trailers, recreational vehicles should be specified as to location on property and number allowed. 6) Clarify difference between real estate signs and temporary political or construction signs. 7) Amend swimming pool regulations to conform to State Building Code. 8) Clarify commercial or political advertising on commercial vehicles. regulations. (Section 8.10) [1 Minutes of January 22, 1986 Page 5 Mr. Bowyer reported some of these requests are included in Articles AA -GG. Some will be deferred until 1987. Meeting adjourned 11:02 p.m. Stephen Cripps, Clerk �'/