HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-16PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MINUTES OF DECEMBER 16, 1985 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, was called to order by the Vice -Chairman Mrs. Uhrig, with members Cripps, Flemings, Sorensen, Planning Director Bowyer and Secretary Peters present. Mrs. Smith was absent. 283. Approval of minutes: On the motion of Mr. Cripps, seconded by Mr. Soren- sen, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes of December 9, 1985. ********************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS *********** OPINION ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS 284. 19 Earl Street, William Herring; CUS/2: The Board reviewed a plan showing proposed improvements to Earl Street, and an Engineering Department report dated December 13, 1985, stating that the existing situation and proposed improvements comply with the Planning Board's policy. The applicant has agreed to perform these improvements. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously that: Earl Street, insofar as it provides frontage for lots 31-32 and lots 33-34 is not now of adequate grade and construction. However, if the improvements to a section of Earl Street are made as shown on a plan entitled "Plan and ' Profile of a Section of Earl Street in Lexington, Mass. (Middlesex County), dated 10-23-85, revised 12-2-85, prepared for William Herring by BSC - Bedford, and bearing the stamp of Francis D. DiPietro, Registered Professional Engineer, then Earl Street will be considered to be of adequate grade and construction for a period of two years from the time of Mr. DiPietro's written certification that the improvements have been made. This opinion is limited to the grade and construction of the street only and should not be interpreted as implying that lots 31-2-3-4 meet other tests of the Zoning -By -Law to qualify them as building lots. The applicant also agreed to provide surety to the Town to guarantee completion of the improvements. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Flemings, it was voted unanimously: to accept as surety a Woburn Bank and Trust Company bankbook, No. 15793, in the name of the Town of Lexington, with an opening balance of $11,000, and a blank signed withdrawal slip; with completed form G-3 - Performance Bond Secured by Bank Passbook, and Assignment of Surety, to be held by the Town until all improvements are completed and approved by the Town Engineer. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 285. 188 Lowell Street, NcNeil and Associates: William Roop and Russell Burke of McNeil and Associates reviewed with the Board their design options for a proposed joint subdivision with the Castelli property. John Castelli was also present along with several residents of Page Road. Mr. Roop referred to a locus map showing the boundaries of the two properties. He reported that they have eliminated plans to use the Page Road easement because it would probably require Town Meeting approval and there is neighborhood opposition to its use. He added Minutes of December 16, 1985 Page 2 that the combination of the two properties would mean one less street opening on to Lowell Street, and would give them more flexibility in subdivision design of a difficult site. Mr. Sorensen commented he had difficulty understanding what they are proposing because all that was presented to the Board was a property map with no information on natural features and no design proposal. He asked what happen- ed to the sketch plan discussed at the last meeting. The staff provided the previous sketch plan showing the combined subdivisions. Mr. Castelli stated that he favored the combination of the properties, although he has filed a separate preliminary plan application. In response to a concern stated by Mrs. Flemings over the lack of any contours on the sketch plan, he orally described the topography and tree coverage. He thought the sketch plan worked well and that the single exit onto Lowell Street was in a low traffic area. Mrs. Flemings added that the Board still had problems with the cul-de-sac area of the subdivision. Mr. Roop said they are working on a cluster design that would create open space at the rear of the subdivision which would connect two separat- ed parcels of Town conservation land. Mr. Castelli asked Mr. Bowyer what advantages a cluster design had over a conven- tional subdivision plan. Mr. Bowyer replied that with a cluster it was possible to achieve more significant open spaces. He added that under the provisions of the By -Law there would be the same number of lots either way. Torgny Svanes, 7 Page Road, whose lot contains the Page Street easement under discussion, said using the easement would damage his lot, and also objected to the use of Sanderson Road as access to the Pappas property. Philip Macauda, 8 Page Road, expressed fears that an opening to Lowell Street would cause excessive traffic through the neighborhood. Margit Svanes, 7 Page Road, said that Page Road should not be used as access and asked that the developers leave as much back land as possible open for conservation purposes linking the two abutting conser- vation sites. Russell Burke said that the narrowness of the lot creates great difficulty in designing the circulation of the subdivision. Mr. Roop maintained there just was not that much flexibility for design of the subdivision. He cited two options. 1. Use the two separate preliminary plans currently before the Board, which would require going to the Town Meeting for permission to use the Page Road easement, and two separate exits on to Lowell Street 2. Combine the land for one subdivision as per the sketch plan. Mr. Roop said they will work on a cluster solution using the sketch plan. Mr. Sorensen reminded them they will need a proof plan with a cluster plan. Mr. Roop said McNeil and Associates would like more time to develop their new plan. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to grant an extension of time for action on the preliminary subdivision plan per a letter to be received from McNeil Associates requesting an extension of time. Minutes of December 16, 1985 Page 3 ******************* ARTICLES FOR THE 1986 TOWN MEETING ************************* 286. Planning Board articles to be submitted for the Warrant: In addition to the proposed articles discussed at the Board's December 9th meeting, Mr. Sorensen proposed changing the minimum lot area required in the RO Residential District from 30,000 sq. ft. to 15,500 sq. ft. He felt that the arguements for the larger lot size are no longer valid since the Town now has town -wide sewer service and he would rather see a uniform residential zone throughout the Town. Several members inquired how much research would be needed to present such an article. Mr. Bowyer thought it would be a lot of work to be done in the limited time before the public hearing. It was agreed to file the proposed amendment now with the idea it might be withdrawn as more information is developed. The Board agreed to authorize the filing of the following articles for the 1986 Town Meeting: 1. Zoning, Technical Corrections 2. Zoning, Adjustments - Planned Residential Development 3. Zoning, Adjustments - Parking 4. Zoning, Non -conforming Dwellings 5. Zoning, Conversion of Dwelling to Congregate Housing 6. Zoning, Minimum Lot Area, RO District 7. Zoning, Building Height 8. Zoning, Satellite Antennas 9. Footway, Dunback Meadow ************************** REPORTS ******************************************* 287. Annual Report: Mr. Bowyer will draft the Annual Report. Mrs. Uhrig will check the HATS minutes to add their actions to the report. 288. Planning Board: a. Board of Appeals hearing: Mr. Sorensen gave an oral report of the December 12th hearing of the Board of Appeals. He reported they granted all applications before them including the Beal Company application for a Special Permit. b. Center Reivtalization Committee: Mr. Cripps reported that the Center Revitalization Committee continues to meet. He is proposing more street benches in the center of town. c. Congregate Housing Committee: Mrs. Flemings reported the Congregate Housing Committee will meet 12-18-85. The meeting adjourned at 9:16 P.M. 1 �J Clerk