HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-25PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 25, 1985 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, was called to order by the Chairman, Mrs. Smith, with members Cripps, Flemings, Sorensen, Uhrig, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner Rawski and Secretary Peters present. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Shirley Bryne asked for more information about the Dunback Meadow footpath; in particular, she asked what was meant by an all weather footpath. Mr. Bowyer explained that no design had been prepared yet but it did not necessarily mean the path would be paved. He added that the developer had not submitted a plan, so the Board will move that the article be indefinitely postponed at the Special Town Meeting on December 2, 1985. ******************** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ************ PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVAL UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW 260. Form A/85- 20, Somerset Road, Executors, Marjorie S. Emory Estate: The Board reviewed a plan that previously had been submitted; and that they did not endorse at that time because the plan would increase the non -conformity of the minimum lot area requirement. The applicant has since been granted a variance by the Board of Appeals, so there is no longer any reason for the Planning Board not to endorse the plan. On the motion of Mrs. Flemings, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously: to endorse the plan entitled "Compiled Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington, MA (Middlesex County)", dated January 28, 1985, revised March 15, 1985, by Miller & Nylander Co., certified by Donald J. Forand, Registered Land Surveyor, with application form A/85-17 by Carolyn S. Barnes, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. 261. Form A/85-18, Stedman Road, Town of Lexington: The Board reviewed a plan showing the delineation of property lines between the site to be conveyed to GBDC for the Franklin School conversion and the land to be retained by the Town of Lexington. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted unanimously: to endorse the plan entitled "Plan of land in Lexington, Mass. (Middlesex County), dated March 21, 1985, by BSC - Bedford, certified by Roger M. Corbin, Registered Land Surveyor, with application form A/85-18 by Robert Hutchinson, Jr., Town Manager, as it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 262. Ridge Estates III, off East Emerson Road; Certificate of Action: The Board reviewed the draft Certificate of Action and made several corrections. Ms. Rawski read a memorandum dated 11/25/85 from the Engineering Dept. listing additional conditions that need to be met. It was agreed the staff would include these conditions in the certificate. On the motion of Mrs. Flemings, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted unanimously: Minutes of November 25, 1985 Page 2 to approve the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Ridge Estates III, Lexington, Mass.", dated January 309 1985, revised May 7, 1985, October 28, 1985 and November 13, 1985, by Hayes Engineering Inc., registered professional engineers and land surveyors, Theodore L. Freeman, applicant, and to authorize Planning Director Bowyer to sign the Certificate of Action for the Board when the corrections are made and the additional conditions from the Engineering Dept. are added. The Board will act on the Special Permit at the December 2 meeting. 263. McNeil Associates, 188 Lowell Street, extension of time for Planning Board action: On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to grant the request of McNeil Associates to extend the time for Planning Board action on their application for Preliminary Plan approval until December 31, 1985. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING POLICIES 264. Comprehensive Plan, Housing Element: The Board continued their review of the Housing Element draft, dated November 20, 1985, with Housing Needs Advisory Committee members Eleanor Klauminzer, Joel Adler, William Spencer, William Hays and Ruth Nablo. The Board and Committee agreed to drop POLICIES 4.3 AND 4.4, on page 11, that f dealt with providing accelerated processing and reduced fees for developments complying with this plan and adjusting the timing of previously scheduled public improvements, such as streets or utilities, to make potential sites availabale for use for affordable housing. They also agreed to drop POLICY HNAC 10: that refers to transfer options until the meaning of the phrase is clarified. Mrs. Klauminzer reported that Mr. Hayes will draft some language having to do with making available town -owned sites at reduced costs if subsidized housing is built. Mr. Bowyer reported that funds are available to do an inventory of Town -owned land, and part of the inventory will deal with any restrictions that might be on the use of certain parcels of Town -owned land. The Board completed its revisions to the draft. Mrs. Smith said it was time to circulate the draft after the corrections agreed upon at this meeting are made. The distribution list should include: the Housing Authority, Lexhab, Selectmen, Fair Housing Committee, Human Service Committee, School Committee, Conservation Commission, Town Meeting Members Association. Town Manager, Town Counsel and the Board of Appeals. The Board tentatively agreed to schedule a public meeting the first part of January, at Clarke Junior High School. COMPREHENSIVE PERMIT 265. BIDC, Hartwell Avenue and Wood Street: Mr. Ullian and Mr. Casper, for BIDC, presented the latest site plan. They have eliminated the emergency access across the wetlands and added an emergency access drive from the Signatron property to the cluster at the rear of the site, and an emergency access to Hartwell Avenue from the cluster nearest the corner of Hartwell Avenue and Wood Street. Minutes of November 25, 1985 Page 3 There are now eight three bedroom units and 128 units overall. Two of the three bedroom units encroach into the buffer area on the northeast boundary of the property. Mrs. Smith commented that the Town needs to be absolutely sure that the second access across Signatron property is feasible and urged them to consult with them as soon as possible to confirm they will agree to this. She added that the Board would prefer they move the two units slightly so they do not encroach into the buffer zone. David Williams hoped they would be able to recycle the barn to another use as he felt it was worth preserving. He said the plan was an improvement over the one previously presented, and hoped they would be talking soon with the Conservation Commission. Mr. Ullian discussed various methods of holding 20% of the units in perpetuity as subsidized rental units. He proposed that at the end of the current financing period of 14 years, they would: 1) make them available to the Lexington Housing Authority or Lexhab at the cost to construct in 1986 with an adjustment for the tax implications of capital gains obligations, or 2) to make these units available to be purchased at whatever federal or state program exists at the time of refinancing. Mrs. Flemings wished to see these proposals in writing. Mr. Bowyer noted that recently both State and Federal agencies have refused to ' approve funding for the Lexington Housing Authority to own market rate units in luxury condominium complexes because fees could be increased to pay for operating expenses or capital improvements needs that are inappropriate for subsidized housing. He asked why Mr. Ullian thought this problem would be any different in 14 years. Mr. Ullian acknowledged the issue. Mrs. Smith stressed the necessity for the Town to be involved in the tenant selection process; Mr. Ullian agreed as far as the income qualified verification process for low and moderate income households. Mr. Spencer reported the Fair Housing Committee urged that there be one centralized waiting list, so no could be on more than one list at different complexes. Mrs. Smith liked the design changes, and hoped they would get the two buildings out of the buffer area. She again urged BIDC to finalize an agreement with Signatron to use their driveway as a second access to the complex. Mr. Ullian said BIDC would like to file for a Comprehensive Permit with the Board of Appeals as soon as they get all their information together. Mrs. Smith recommended they avoid the holiday period and file in January. Mrs. Flemings added the Board needs the information on the proposals for the subsidized units in the future requested tonight as soon as possible so they have time to prepare their report for the Board of Appeals on the Comprehensive Permit application. ZONING MAP ************************************** 266. Unaccepted Streets to Appear on the Zoning Map: The Board reviewed two lists entitled: "UNACCEPTED STREETS THAT APPEAR ON ZONING MAP" and "NON -STREETS THAT DO NOT APPEAR ON THE ZONING MAP". They agreed that the maximum allowable street grade should be 10% rather than 12% to agree with their "POLICY ON F U J Minutes of November 25, 1985 Page 4 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR UNACCEPTED STREETS, RELATIVE TO BUILDING LOTS" previously approved by the Board. On the motion of Mrs. Flemings seconded by Mr. Sorensen it was voted unanimously: 1) that streets appearing on a list, as corrected, entitled: "UNACCEPTED STREETS THAT APPEAR ON ZONING MAP" dated November 21, 1985 will appear on the Zoning Map as Unaccepted Streets; 2) that others such as drives, driveways and rights -of -ways, appearing on a list, as corrected, entitled: "NON -STREETS THAT DO NOT APPEAR ON THE ZONING MAP" dated November 21, 1985, will not appear on the Zoning Map; and 3) the written lists, giving dimensions, will be official for the purpose of interpretation. 267. APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Mr. Sorensen presented an oral review of the cases to be heard by the Board of. Appeals on December 12, 1985. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to make no comment on the following five cases: 1403 Massachusetts Ave., Arts/Lexington and Share -A -Ride; SP, sign. 52B Waltham St., Grant Cole Realtors, Ronald W. Cowell, President; SP, sign. 110 Hartwell Ave., Hartwood Limited Partnership; SP, sign. 238 Wood St., Mass. Inst. of Technology, Lincoln Lab.; SP, addition. 24 Lincoln St., Hayden Precision Ice Skating Teams; SP, sell Christmas trees. 95 Hayden Avenue, The Beal Companies, Ledgemont; SPS, remodeling and addition: The Planning Board will review this application, also to be heard on December 12, 1985, when additional material requested from the developer has been received by the Board. ****************************** REPORTS ************************************** 268. Planning Board, Subcommittees: a. Congregate Housing: Mrs. Flemings reported on a meeting of the Congregate Housing Committee held November 12, 1985. They have prepared a final outline of their report and will be putting it in draft form next. 269. Planning Director: a) Dunback Meadows footpath: Mr. Bowyer reported that the specific information required for informed action at Town Meeting has not been forthcoming from the developer. Also, there should be more dialogue between the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission. He recommended postponing the article until the Annual Town Meeting in the spring. b) Countryside Manor: Ms. Rawski met with the Woodhaven group today and reviewed their plans with them, noting details still to be done. The roads will comply with design standards for subdivision roads. Mrs. Smith 1 1 Minutes of November 25, 1985 Page 5 reminded Mr. Bowyer to notify the Countryside Neighborhood Association when the Board discusses the report they will be making to the Board of Appeals. The Association is to be informed this is not a public hearing; that is held by the Board of Appeals. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p. m. n Stephen Cripps, Clerk