HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-09-09PLANNING BOARD MINUTES
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, was called to
order at 7:36 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Smith, with members Cripps, Flemings,
Sorensen, Uhrig, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner Rawski and Secretary
Peters present.
On the motion of Mr. Cripps, seconded
to accept, as written, the minutes of
3, 17, 19, 1984, February 25, May 20,
minutes of October 29, 1984 (Executive
by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously
October 1, 1984 (Exec. Session), December
June 3, 17, July 1, 22, 1985; and the
Session) and August 12, 1985, as correct -
Shirley Byrne of Meadow Brook Avenue reported that she has heard the Willow Ridge
subdivision, off Barrett Road, may become active again. She requested that the
road be called Barrett Road all the way through to Wellington Lane Avenue. She
preferred that Charlotte Way, a name originally proposed for a footpath, in
memory of her mother, not be used. The Board has no information on this, but
will keep her recommendation in mind.
The Board, Mr. Bowyer and Ms. Rawski signed the signature authorization letter
for the Recorder of Land Court.
192. Comprehensive Permit, BIDC, Wood St. Hartwell Ave.: At 7:57 the Planning
Board recessed to join the Selectmen, other boards and interested citizens, in
Estebrook Hall, to hear a presentation by BIDC on their proposal to build housing
on the corner of Wood Street and Hartwell Avenue under the Comprehensive Permit
process as allowed in Chapter 40B of the General Laws.
Arthur Ullian, William Kasper and W. Gerald Venable presented the plans for BIDC
and answered questions from the audience.
The Board reconvened at 9:55 p.m. in Room G-15.
193. Galehouse, Buckman Drive; Richard Galehouse and Joseph Steinkrauss present-
ed a sketch plan for a subdivision of 4.2 acres of land off Buckman Drive, zoned
RS. They propose to divide the parcel into five lots. Two of the homes will be
for themselves, and will perhaps contain "accessory" apartments. Mr. Galehouse
showed several cul-de-sac proposals to the Board including the use of two hammer-
head endings of the road. They are advocating these endings to preserve more of
the natural assets of the property. Roger Corbin confirmed the availability of
utilities: water, sewer, and storm drainage on Buckman Drive and the location of
their road almost halfway between two existing fire hydrants on Buckman Drive.
The proposed road would not have any slopes of more than 8% (with cuts).
Mrs. Flemings noted that the plan was actually a cluster plan, and Mr. Sorensen
reminded the developers that 25% of the development must be dedicated as open
Minutes, September 9, 1985 page 2
land. The Board had concerns about the use of the hammer -head type of cul-de-sac
ending. Mr. Corbin said that other towns have used these for years. Mr. Stein-
krauss said they had checked with two deputy fire chiefs and they had few prob-
lems with the configuration. The Board discussed whether the plan has to be a
cluster in order to allow the inclusion of accessory apartments in two of the
homes. The Board was sympathetic to the concept of preserving as much as possible
of the natural beauty of the land and the plans for using accessory apartments.
They encouraged the developers to consult with the Engineering Department and the
Department of Public Works for guidance on the hammerheads.
194. Pheasant Brook, Kahn -Quinn; Ms. Rawski informed the Board that the staff
thought the revised site plan for lot 3 was satisfactory. On the motion of Mr.
Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to approve the revis-
ed site plan.
195. Hampton, off Concord; The Board approved a letter to Boyd -Smith objecting
to changes from the approved site plan by construction of retaining walls by the
developer; informing them that they must submit a revised site plan for approval
by the Board before making changes in the field.
196. Ridge Estates II off Ridge Road; On the motion of Mrs. Flemings, seconded
by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted unanimously to accept the quitclaim deed for the
conservation land in the Ridge Estates II subdivision.
Mr. Cripps gave an oral review of the cases to be heard by the Board of Appeals
on September 12, 1985.
It was unanimously agreed to make no comment on all'of the applications (listed
below) that will be heard on September 12.
21 Winthrop Road, William Hutchins; Special Permit, continued use of a
three car garage
531 Massachusetts Ave., Ryan and Molle; Variance, side lot line
91 Hartwell Ave., c/o Boston Properties; Special Permit, sign.
10 Independence Ave., Jon Westling; Variance, side yard setback.
196 Woburn Street, David Modoono; Special Permit, use regulation.
The Board also reviewed the applications to be heard by the Board of Appeals on
September 26, 1985.
20 Maguire Road, Dupree Assoc.; Review of Site Plan (see minutes of August
12, 1985). Mr. Bowyer will transmit the Board's recommendations
incorporating the position taken at the August 12 meeting.
269 Bedford Street, Mobil Oil: Variance, front yard setback: On the motion
of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps it was voted unanimously to
recommend against the approval of the application for a variance of the
front yard setback. The Board felt that the addition of the canopy, to the
gas station, in what is basically a residential area, with two historic
Minutes, September 9, 1985
page 3
homes nearby, should not be permitted, as it is aesthetically inapproriate
and no hardship has been shown.
269 Bedford Street, Mobil Oil: Special Permit, signs: On the motion of Mr.
Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to recommend
against the approval of two signs. The Board felt that one sign is
sufficient given the location in what is basically a residential area.
35 Bedford Street, Liberties, Health Stop; Special Permit, sign. On the
motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to
recommend permitting the sign to be moved providing the sign is not
internally illuminated, and that it is of the same type as the existing
198. Planning Director.
a. Meeting Schedule: Mr. Bowyer proposed the Board consider having one
meeting a month for planning activities only or meeting with other boards
and committees. There would be two business meetings a month at which the
Board would meet with developers. The Board agreed to try it. Meetings
will be scheduled for September 23 and 30, and October 7, 21 and 28, 1985.
b. Staff Work Schedule: Mr. Bowyer reports that Ms. Rawski is busy with
the revision of the Development Regulations, the South Lexington study and
the Zoning Map, while he is working on the 774 Comprehensive Permit proposal
' before the Town. Mrs. Smith would like the Housing Needs Advisory Group to
join the Board when BIDC presents its Wood Street proposal.
c. Lowell Street, Castelli property; subdivision plan: Mr. Castelli was in
to talk to Mr. Bowyer about the McNeil subdivision proposal that abuts his
property. He would like to use their road in conjunction with the
development of his property. Mr. Bowyer suggested that he meet with McNeil
Associates to work toward either the development of one subdivision or two
subdivisions with an agreed upon road plan.
d. Capital budget requests: Mr. Bowyer reported that the Board has been
as for any capital budget request they might have. Updating the
photogrametrics was suggested.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
Step$en Cripps, Clerk