HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-21PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 21, 1985 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was called to order at 7:35 p.m., by the Chairman Mrs. Smith, with members Cripps, Flemings, Sorensen, Uhrig, and Planning Director Bowyer present. SUBDIVISION OF LAND 16. Pine Meadows Estates, Preliminary Plan: The Board reviewed a draft of a decision on the preliminary subdivision plan. Some editorial changes were made. On the motion of Mrs. Uhrig, seconded by Mrs. Flemings, it was voted unanimously to disapprove the preliminary plan for the proposed subdivision for the reasons set forth in the "Decision on Pine Meadows Estates Preliminary Subdivision Plan" as amended. Mrs. Smith commented that a development of this size should submit more information so that the impact of the development can be ascertained. ARTICLES FOR 1985 TOWN MEETING 17. Hearing Schedule: Mr. Bowyer reported that a provision of Chapter 40A requires that the Planning Board hold a hearing within 65 days from the time it is notified by the Board of Selectmen of receipt of a petition to amend the Zoning By -Law. That means the three hearings for South Lexington night, sched- uled for March 11, would violate that provision of the statute. It was agreed to ' hold those hearings on February 19. 18. Article D. Conversion of One -Family Dwelling: The Board agreed to a change in the wording in 5.3.2a 4) to insert the words floor area used for residential purposes to clarify that a building not used for residential purposes as of January 1, 1983 could not qualify for conversion. 19. Article B, Planned Residential Development: Jacquelyn Davison, Frank and Louise Kava, Marian Reilly and Alan Wade of the South Lexington Civic Association were present to request that the Planning Board prohibit the construction of nursing homes and congregate living facilities in single family residential districts by a special permit. They advocated that those types of developments should require a rezoning to be voted on by Town Meeting. They pointed out that two major developments were proposed on either side of Waltham Street near the Waltham City line. New developments of this type for senior citizens will be large structures that will look like apartment buildings or institutional build- ings. Their potential impact on single family neighborhoods means that they should be voted upon by the Town Meeting. Mrs. Smith responded that the Board was aware of that concern. In its proposed revision of the residential development regulations, it proposes to employ a density standard and have criteria about the appearance of those types of devel- opments so they would be complimentary to single family neighborhoods. In further discussion of the issue of flexible development standards and the use of "qualitative" criteria, a poll of the Board showed that four members favored greater use of qualitative criteria; Mr. Sorensen did not and thought the regula- tion should be based on numerical standards. Planning Board Minutes: January 21, 1985 2 20. RO to RD, Woburn Street: Peter Kelley, Richard Perry and landscape archi- tect Gary Larson were present to explain the problems they had encountered in complying with the 650 foot length of dead-end street requirement now in the subdivision regulations and proposed to be included in the Zoning By -Law. The Board wrestled with the issue of providing two means of access to buildings, particularly as it applied to this site which is difficult to develop because of a stretch of wetland through the middle of it. The Board noted the anomaly of a rigorous requirement for single family homes in a subdivision and the lack of a requirement in a multi -family development where there may be far more dwelling units and people exposed to risk. Larson and Kelley proposed several alternatives which included a divided roadway, using a portion of a parking lot as a second means of access and other paved fire lanes around buildings. No solutions were apparent for that development site. The Board agreed on the principle of two means of access by emergency vehicles to all buildings. The staff was asked to work further on this issue and to consult with the Fire Chief and other Town departments. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING, POLICIES 21. Housing Element, Comprehensive Plan: Eleanor Klauminzer, Joel Adler, William Hays, David Kravetz and william Spencer of the Housing Needs Advisory Committee were present for continuation of the review of the draft of the housing element of the Comprehensive Plan. The discussion focused on Section 3 of the draft dated November, 1984, dealing with local responsibility and inclusionary housing requirement. In Policy 3.5, it was agreed to require the inclusion of affordable housing units and to do so by permitting a bonus to a developer for providing such units. In Policy 3.6, it was agreed that a variety of types of housing units affordable by different income levels, including low-, moderate-, and middle-income families, should be permitted as a method of complying with the policy. A sliding scale is proposed that shows different percentages of the total number of units based on their affordability. Questions were raised about the basis of the percentages shown in the draft. It was agreed that further analysis and justification of percentages would be needed before the policy could be distributed further. In Policy 3.7, dealing with the Town joining in an active partnership for the provision of affordable housng, discussion focused on the proposals enumerated under the policy. Rewording and some changes were suggested. When the Board and the Committee meet again, they will continue the discussion starting with Policy 3.8. REPORTS 22. Planning Director a. Subdivision off Pleasant Street: Mr. Bowyer reported that Boyd -Smith had shown a proposed definitive subdivision plan on the DiNunzio land off Pleasant Street near Worthen Road East. They expect to submit the defini- tive plan soon. Planning Board Minutes: January 21, 1985 3 b. Valleyfield: A definitive subdivision plan for Hamilton's land off Valleyfield Street has been submitted. c. Custance Property: A building permit application has been submitted by Moore Homes for the development of a mixed retail/office development on the Custance property at Bedford Street. It will have about 12,000 square feet of retail space, a total of 41,000 square feet of floor area and 130 park- ing spaces. The meeting was adjourned at 11:54 p.m. f C udith J. Uhr , Clerk 1