HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-03PLANNING BOARD MINUTES
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was
called to order at 7:30 p.m., by the Chairman Mrs. Smith, with members Cripps,
Flemings, Sorensen, Uhrig, Planning Director Bowyer and Assistant Planner
Davidson present.
235. Memorandum of agreement on Transportation and Growth Issues: The Board
reviewed the draft of a memorandum of agreement among the towns of Bedford,
Concord, Lexington and Lincoln which would create a permanent committee to be
known as the Hanscom Area Traffic Committee comprised of one selectmen, one
planning board member, and one at -large member from each town. The purpose of
the committee is to promote traffic improvements and to promote measures to
balance growth and traffic flow in the four towns.
The Planning Board agreed in principle with forming such a committee and its
charge. The Board had difficulty with the language which called for any Town
board which takes an action contrary to the recommendation of the Hanscom Area
Committee to report in writing to the Board of Selectmen its reason for taking
such an action. The Planning Board thought it should respond if the Hans-com
Area Traffic Committee had made a comment. On the motion of Mrs. Flemings,
seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously to endorse the memorandum of
agreement with the understanding that the procedure for town boards to report to
their own board of selectmen on actions taken needs additional work and clarifi-
Mrs. Smith commented that under the purposes and responsibilities of the commit-
tee, d. Promoting Measures to Balance Growth and Traffic Flow, deserved a very
high priority.
236. 404-416 Concord Avenue, William Smith, Form A-84/25: The Board reviewed a
plan showing the transfer of back land from Norman Daigle and from David and
Lorraine Salto to land of George and Barbara Forten. On the motion of Mr.
Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Cripps, it was voted unanimously:
To endorse the plan entitled, "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.," dated
October 2, 1984 by Hayes Engineering Inc., Wakefield, Mass., certified by
Sydney Field, Jr., Registered Land Surveyor, with application Form A-84/25,
by William Smith for the owners Norman Daigle and David and Lorraine Salto,
because it does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law,
provided a notation, "The above endorsement is not a determination by the
Planning Board as to conformance with zoning regulations," is placed on the
plan prior to its recording.
237. 186-200 Grant Street, Carlson Florist, Inc., Form A-84/26: The Board
reviewed a plan showing the division of part of the Carlson Florist property on
Grant Street into three lots, 4, 5, and 6, each of which has sufficient frontage,
and a change in the side lot line between Lots 7 and 8, neither of which has
sufficient frontage to comply with current zoning, but are pre-recorded lots from
Planning Board Minutes: Decemer 3, 1984
1948 at which time they complied with the
meeting of July 9, 1984). On the motion
Flemings, it was voted unanimously:
frontage requirements (see Item 146,
of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs.
To endorse the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.," dated
November 30, 1984, by Nelson Engineering, Inc., Concord, Mass., certified by
Ralph D. Nelson, Registered Land Surveyor, with application Form A-84/26, by
Herbert T. Carlson, because it does not require approval under the Sub-
division Control Law provided a note stating, "The above endorsement is not
a determination by the Planning Board as to conformance with zoning regula-
tions," is placed on the plan prior to its recording.
238. James Street, Kui-Yung Jung, Preliminary Subdivision Plan: The Board was
in receipt of a preliminary sketch for a subdivision plan submitted by Kui-Yung
Jung for property off James Street. Mr. Jung proposed to subdivide the property
into two lots, one with 150 feet of frontage and the other with 100 feet of
frontage. The property is in the RO zoning district and each lot is required to
have 150 feet of frontage. On the motion of Mrs. Uhrig, seconded by Mrs. Flem-
ings, it was voted unanimously to communicate with Mr. Jung that the Board would
not approve a definitive subdivision plan with that lot configuration because one
of the proposed lots does not have the minimum frontage required by the zoning
By -Law.
239. Hampton Subdivision, PUBLIC HEARING, Concord Avenue, Boyd -Smith: Chairman
Smith opened the combined hearing on the definitive subdivision plan and the
application for a special permit at 8:05 p.m. Joel Roos, William Smith, Paul
Boyd and Registered Engineer Ed Stern of Hayes Engineering Inc., represented the
Three residents of the area were in attendance. Mrs. Smith commented on the
potential for a walking easement, allowing access to conservation land, to occur
at the end of Hampton Road. This easement would serve the residents of the
subdivision. Mr. Smith stated that they would be meeting with the Conservation
Commission to discuss this issue, but to date no decision had been made.
Mr. Bowyer asked for a clarification as to the ownership of the proposed land-
scape easement adjoining Hampton Road. Mr. Smith said that it would be a private
agreement between two land owners and not a concern of the Town. Mr. Sorensen
asked for a clarification of the staus of Lot 8 which is not a building lot. Mr.
Roos described the possibilities as: including it in the right-of-way, consider-
ing it as a part of Lot 1, or selling it to the abutter. Mr. Smith said no
decision had been made yet on its stasis.
The hearing was declared closed at 8:20 p.m. but the Board agreed to defer action
until December 19, 1984.
240. Housing Element: Acting Chairman Eleanor Klauminzer, Joel Adler, Tina
Dirks, Sherry Edmonds, William Hayes, and Ruth Nablo of the Housing Needs Advis-
ory Committee were present for a joint discussion of a first draft of the housing
Planning Board Minutes: Decemer 3, 1984 3
element of the comprehensive plan. Mr. Bowyer explained that the draft was a
synthesis of staff work and the draft of housing policies prepared by the Housing
Needs Advisory Committee.
The discussion focused on Section 1, the diversity objective. It was agreed to
defer discussion of the proposals until all of the policies have been discussed.
It wa also agreed that percentages or numbers would not be stated as objectives
or targets in the policies. It is likely that too much attention will be focused
on the numbers, and how they were arrived at, to the detriment of evaluation of
the policy itself.
Mr. Sorensen inquired as to the percentage distribution of the components of cost
in developing housing. Mr. Bowyer agreed to provide some data on that.
The next joint meeting of the Board and the Committee will be in January,
possibly January 7.
241. Planning Board Members, Subcommittees
a. Schedule of Meetings: The Board reviewed a list of items needing
action. It was agreed to schedule a contingency public hearing on the
Xerox definitive subdivision situation on Wednesday, December 19.
' With respect to articles for the 1985 Town Meeting, it was agreed to spon-
sor five articles: a revision of the residential development sections,
standards for conversion of one family to two family houses, an FAR
requirement for the CM and CH districts, the annual technical corrections
article, and treatment of liquor stores in the former CB districts. Mr.
Sorensen questioned whether the residential development revision could be
ready; it was agreed to continue forward with the article and make a judge-
ment on that question later. Mrs. Uhrig thought it was imperative that the
Board go forward with a floor area ratio requirement for the districts on
Bedford Street and Hartwell Avenue. It was agreed that the Planning Board
would sponsor an article to deal with the rights of the liquor stores that
were in the CB district but are now in a CG district as a result of the
amendment made at the 1984 Town Meeting, which was advocated by the
Planning Board.
It was agreed to schedule December 17 as a time to hear all the proposals
to be made for RD or CD rezonings. Several developers had requested an
opportunity for a preliminary reading of the Board, in accordance with the
RD, CD policy.
b. Congregate Housing Proposal, Lowell and North Streets: Mr. Bowyer
reported that the reference in Section 9.2 to an SPS refers to the proce-
dural requirement of allowing 35 days for the Planning Board to submit a
report and not to the ten substantive points reviewed in an SPS. A traffic
study is not required.
Mr. Bowyer reported that a letter had been received from Ephraim Weiss and
from Allan Gottlieb, both making the case that only one facility is permit-
ted on a lot. The staff should prepare a draft report for action at the
Planning Board Minutes: Decemer 3, 1984
meeting on December 10. It was agreed that the report would state that
congregate housing is desirable in Lexington, that the Planning Board
accepts the interpretation of facility made by the Building Commissioner
but the congregate living provisions needs to be reworked. The traffic
impact is not that great, particularly considering the location on Lowell
Street and other functional impacts do not appear adverse. Whether the
Planning Board would recommend in favor of the proposal or not depends on
building and site design and the appearance of the development, its scale
and its relationship to other nearby properties. The Board would like to
see more information on the massing and elevations of the building before
it makes its recommendation.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:01 p.m.
`--udith J. Uhrij,/ Clerk