HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-05PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 1983 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was called to order at 7:40 p.m., by the Chairman Mrs. Smith, with members Flemings, Nichols, Sorensen, Uhrig and Planning Director Bowyer present. PLANS NOT REQUIRING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 238. 22-26 Bellflower Street, Response to Attorney Maloy: The Board reviewed a draft of a response to Attorney Paul Maloy, who alleges the Planning Board had not given proper notice of its disapproval of Form A-83/14. Mr. Sorensen suggested that the letter be shortened and use only paragraphs 1, 2, and 5 of the draft. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted unanimously to disapprove the request that the subdivision plan be endorsed to show the Planning Board had not notified the applicant in a timely manner and to transmit the letter, as corrected. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING, POLICIES 239. North Lexington Traffic Improvements: DPW Superintendent Walter Tonaszuck, Town Engineer Francis Fields and Richard Cook of BSC, Transportation Consultants, were present to give the Board a status report on the North Lexington traffic improvements project. Mr. Cook reviewed previous submissions to the Massachusetts Department of Public Works and the Federal Highway Administration and traced the evolution of certain changes in the plan. A meeting is scheduled for December 20 at which a revised plan will be presented; it shows: 1) elimination of a new road connecting to Ivan Street, 2) closing of the median strips opposite Eldred Street, 3) construction of a two-way frontage road, 34-36 feet wide which would allow park- ing, 4) closing of a "slip ramp" into the frontage road, 5) development of a new large loop, near the veterinary, to permit reversal of direction and access to the commercial properties, 6) a new internal driveway system permitting access to the commercial properties, and 7) a two-way frontage road with a signalized intersection at Bedford Street near Hartwell Avenue. The Town is still seeking concept approval and is not at the 25% design stage yet. Mr. Tonaszuck thought that the public meeting held on November 29 was well attended and quite constructive. While residents did not appear thrilled with the design for a major highway, he sensed that they did want to have the project go forward and were willing to accept compromises leading to a consensus plan. Mrs. Nichols com- mented it was the most favorable meeting she had attended dealing with those traffic changes. The consensus of the Planning Board was that it was pleased with the progress that had been made. The current proposal appears to have more safety features while still handling traffic movement effectively. The Board expressed some uneasiness about the U-turn/loop providing access to the commercial properties. It suggested a narrower frontage road more compatible with the abutting residential properties. 240. Open Space and Recreation Plan, 1983: Clifford Prentiss, Recreation/Conserva- tion Administrator, was present to explain the 1983 Plan. He said it was princi- pally a rehash of a plan filed in 1977 which seeks to maintain the Town's eligibil- ity to receive State aid. The essence of the report is a list of what the Conserva- tion Commission is trying to acquire. Mrs. Smith expressed concern that the document, which includes the names of the Planning Board members and staff, had been submitted to the State without the Q m Q Planning Board Minutes: December 5, 1983 2 22'7 authorization of the Planning Board. Mrs. Flemings commented there are change the Planning Board would have requested to have if they had input before the document was filed. Mr. Prentiss reviewed the list of the Conservation Commission's priorities, giving a brief explanation of each project. Mrs. Nichols inquired about the "Concord Avenue green belt." Mr. Prentiss responded that was a legacy from the Olmsted "emerald necklace" plan of connecting the Cambridge reservoir lands to the Boston Fenway green space. Some parts of that plan are still viable but the continuous connection has been broken by private ownerships and Route 128. In discussing the recreation for use of playing fields wa offset the decline in school the Lincoln Street playfield, use. objectives, Mr. Prentiss explained that the pressure s due to the growth in young adult leagues which has age population. He outlined the problems of improving the former dump site, for more acceptable recreation Mrs. Nichols pointed out several statistical corrections that should be made, par- ticularly in household income, because the report makes the Town appear wealthier than is the case. That might affect the eligibility for State aid. Mrs. Smith said that she understood that all the State requires is that the Planning Board review the document; it does not need to approve it. She thought the Board should support the goals and objectives but did not want to sign on to either the project list or the priorities. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to the State indicating general support for the plan. Board members did not want to jeop- ardize the Town's eligibility for obtaining State aid. The Board's position on individual projects can be determined at another time. ARTICLES FOR 1984 TOWN MEETING 241. Proposed Amendments on Off -Street Parking in the Center Business District: The Board reviewed a memo dated December 2, 1983, on the objectives of the proposed amendments. After some revisions, five were selected to be included in a handout to be available at the public hearing. It was agreed the following members would be responsible for the articles indicated. Article A, Comprehensive Parking Revision Sorensen Article B, CB Parking Nichols, Smith Article C, Other CB Districts to CG Flemings Article D, Height Limitation Uhrig REPORTS 242. Planning Board Members, Subcommittees a. Center Revitalization Committee: Mrs. Nichols, Mr. Sorensen, and Mr. Bowyer reported on the Center Revitalization Committee meeting on December 1. The Committee had reviewed a proposal for a substantial new parking area adjacent to Park Drive and near the high school. As the property is on park land, permission of the Legislature will be needed before it can be used for off-street parking. Mr. Sorensen noted there were some neighborhood concerns about a large parking area in that location. Planning Board Minutes: December 5, 1983 3 Mr. Sorensen commented on the Committee's review of Norman Abend's traffic report on Lexington center. He noted there were differences, due to other priorities, on most of Abend's recommendations. b. Subcommittee on Approval Not Required Procedures: Mr. Sorensen reported he had a meeting arranged with Town Counsel for December 13. The meeting was adjourned at 10:36 p.m. / f�e udith J. uY%Yig, Clerk C 1