HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-10-24PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 24, 1983 231 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was called to order at 7:38 p.m., by the Chairman Mrs. Smith, with members Flemings, Nichols, Sorensen, Uhrig and Planning Director Bowyer present. PLANS NOT REQUIRING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 204. 275 Wood Street, Priscilla Daudelin, Form A-83/10: Mr. Bowyer reported that Town Counsel had reviewed the plan and discussed it with Patricia Hagedorn, attorney for the applicant, who was present. Mr. Cohen recommended that the Planning Board not sign any plan containing a reference to a 1976 variance because that variance is of no effect; he recommended the Board consider the plan as coming before it for the LO first time. On the motion of Mrs. Uhrig, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted N unanimously to disapprove the plan because it is a subdivision within the meaning of ® the Subdivision Control Law and requires approval because neither of the proposed Q lots has the frontage required by the Zoning By -Law. m Mrs. Hagedorn inquired of the Board what steps her client should take to obtain per- mission to construct a house on a separate lot. 205. 4-6 Sherburne Road, Catherine Hersey, Form A-83/12 and Form A-83/13: The Board reviewed two plans of the same land, one proposed to be submitted to land court and the other proposed to be submitted to the registry of deeds. The applicants con- tended there were two lots, one with 80 feet of frontage and 13,843 square feet of area, and the other with 90 feet of frontage and 13,802 square feet of area. Mr. ' Bowyer reported that about 1967 an addition was built on the house at 4 Sherburne that extended to the lot line then separating the two lots. The fact that no vari- ance from the side yard setback requirement was requested at that time is evidence that "two" lots were considered as one. The Building Commissioner has determined that all of the land at 4-6 Sherburne Road is one lot for zoning purposes. On the motion of Mrs. Flemings, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted unanimously to disap- prove the plans because it is a subdivision within the meaning of the Subdivision Control Law and requires approval because neither of the proposed lots has the frontage or area required by the Zoning By -Law. 206. 22-26 Bellflower Street, Leo McSweeney, Form A-83/14: The Board reviewed a plan showing a proposed subdivision of land with 100 feet of frontage on Bellflower Street and 27,000 square feet of area. Mr. Bowyer commented that proposed Lot B2, with 12,700 square feet of area does not have any frontage because it abuts the paper rights-of-way of Edna Street and Emerald Street, neither of which are unac- cepted streets and neither of which appears on the zoning map. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted unanimously to disapprove the plan because it is a subdivision within the meaning of the Subdivision Control Law and requires approval because proposed Lot B2 does not have frontage on any street. 207. 2 Middle Street, David Edell, Form A-83/15: Roger Corbin was present to ex- plain that 1,362 square feet of land and 15.99 feet of frontage are proposed to be transferred from land court Lot 92 to land court lot 91, an existing separate non- conforming lot with 50 feet of frontage. The remainder of lot 92 is to be combined with lot 93 leaving a total area of 17,791 square feet and existing frontage on Cary Avenue. The effect is to add area and frontage to an existing non -conforming lot. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted unanimously that: Planning Board Minutes of October 24, 1983 2 233 The plan entitled "Land Court Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass., being a sub- division of Lot 92, LCC6962-C," dated October 20, 1983, by Joseph W. Moore Company, Bedford, Mass., certified by Roger M. Corbin, Registered Land Sur- veyor, with application Form A-83/15 by Roger Corbin for David Edell, does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. 208. 92 Hayden Avenue, Form A-83/16: Mr. Bowyer reported that the plan was a con- firmation of lot lines of a plan originally approved by the Planning Board on March 24, 1964. Roger Corbin explained new owners of the property wanted to record a plan for mortgage purposes. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted unanimously that: The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.," dated October 17, 1983, N by Joseph W. Moore Company, Bedford, Mass., certified by Roger M. Corbin, ® Registered Land Surveyor, with application Form A-83/16, by Roger Corbin for a trustees of 92 Hayden Avenue Trust, does not require approval under the Subdi- vision Control Law. Q ARTICLES FOR 1984 TOWN MEETING 209. 16 Hayden Avenue, CD Rezoning; Temple, Barker & Sloane : H. M. Temple, Chairman, and Gregory Muzzy, Vice President, of Temple, Barker & Sloane, Wilson Pollock, architect, ADD Inc., Norman Abend, Traffic Engineer, and Roger Altreuter of Spaulding & Slye, were present to present a proposal for rezoning 16 Hayden Avenue from a single residence to a CD district to construct a 30,000 square foot office building. Mr. Muzzy indicated that Temple, Barker & Sloane, which occupies about ' two-thirds of 33 Hayden Avenue, across the street, did not sufficient space for the growth of the company. One hundred thirty-three parking spaces would be provided of which 31 would be underneath the building. Mr. Muzzy argued that: CD zoning is con- sistent with other development on Hayden Avenue; the site, which now contains a one family house, is inappropriate for the single residence; the site is surrounded by major highways, which provide efficient access to the site; and the Town would de- rive substantial tax revenue from the development. TBS pledges to work on the improvement of the sight line at the intersection of the Route 2 exit ramp and Hay- den Avenue. Norman Abend commented on the projected traffic impact and the need to improve sight line visibility adjacent to the Route 2 exit ramp. He furnished the Board with a traffic impact report. In response to Mr. Muzzy's question, an informal poll of the Board showed that all of the members thought that single residential development is not the best use of the site. Mrs. Smith commented the matter of rezoning is one of timing, in relation to other development and traffic problems in the area. Several members commented that the proposed intensity of the development may be an issue. Mrs. Smith suggested that TBS touch base with the Conservation Commission relative to wetland issues, the State DPW relative to the sight lines at the Route 2 exit ramp and with the Engi- neering Department and other property owners relative to providing sewer service to the site. She commented that it was difficult for the Planning Board to endorse the proposal because it is conducting a study of the South Lexington area. Mr. Muzzy inquired whether the proposal might not run parallel with the Planning Board's study. Mrs. Smith thought that was workable. Planning Board Minutes of October 24, 1983 3 109 COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING, POLICIES 210. Housing Analysis: Acting Chairman Eleanor Klauminzer, Sherry Edmonds, Arturo Gutierrez and prospective member Joel Adler of the Housing Needs Advisory Committee, Assistant Planner Arslan and Planning Intern Mary Trudeau were present for a contin- uation of the discussion of the housing analysis draft report. Discussion was on Chapter 5, "Housing Issues to Think About." Mrs. Klauminzer suggested that attention be given to the concept of housing meeting the different stages of a person's life cycle. That would show how Lexington's housing supply matches up with the needs of individuals and families of different ages. Mrs. Edmonds suggested comments be included about the range of choice and life cycle as they are interrelated. She also suggested more attention to congre- gate housing and the special housing needs of the elderly. Mrs. Smith suggested ® mention of the relationship of housing to maintaining an outstanding school system Q which has an important effect on property values. m It was agreed that the Board and the Committee would meet on Monday, October 31, at Q 8:30 p.m. to complete work on Chapter 5; housing will be the only item on the agenda for that meeting. REPORTS 211. Planning Board Members, Subcommittees a. Historic Districts Commission Hearing: Mr. Sorensen reported on rather confused proceedings before the Historic Districts Commission. Joel Greenstein was before the Commission with a proposal for the Ralph Hall building, 1654-6 Massachusetts Avenue. Stephen Owren said he had the first option to acquire that property. Mr. Greenstein withdrew and Mr. Owren engaged the Commission in discussion about what would be acceptable without reference to any plans. b. North Lincoln Land Use: Mrs. Smith showed a copy of,a report on land use and transportation in North Lincoln which will be the subject of a town -wide conference in Lincoln on October 29. She noted that the report revives the issue of the relocation of Route 2 by the so-called Northern Alignment nearer to Route 2A. c. Muzzey School: Mrs. Smith reported that, although she is a member of the negotiating team for the redevelopment of the Muzzey School, she has received very little information and did not have anything to report. The meeting was adjourned at 11:02 p.m. udith J. Uh , Clerk 1 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 31, 1983 103 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Smith, with members Flemings, Nichols, Sorensen, Uhrig and Planning Director Bowyer present. 212. 87 Cedar Street, Certificate of Compliance: Mr. Bowyer reported that Leonard Jellis, to whom the Town had sold a lot off Cedar Street in 1950, had been unable to complete the sale of the property because there was no evidence that the Plan- ning Board had certified the building was constructed in accordance with plans pre- viously approved by the Planning Board. That certification was a condition of the Town's original sale. Mr. Bowyer reported that Building Commissioner Peter DiMatteo and he had inspected the property and Mr. DiMatteo found that it complied with the plans approved by the Building Department. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded LO by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted unanimously that the Planning Board finds that the N building at 87 Cedar Street has been constructed in accordance with the plans and ® specifications approved by the Lexington Planning Board in 1950. The Board then signed the Certificate of Compliance. coW EXECUTIVE SESSION Q On a motion by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted unanimously, by poll of the Board, to go into Executive Session: 1) to consider the value of real property, and 2) to discuss strategy with respect to litigation, which, in both cases, discussion in an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the Board's position. At 7:48 p.m., the Board went into Executive Session. Following the Executive Session, the Board returned to Open Session at 9:11 p.m. t The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m. udith J.`Uhr' Clerk C