HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-08-29PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF AUGUST 29, 1983 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Smith, with members Flemings, Nichols, Sorensen, Uhrig and Planning Director Bowyer present. 153. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of August 1, 1983, were corrected and on the motion of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mrs. Flemings, were approved unanimously as corrected. PLANS NOT REQUIRING SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 154. Pelham Road, Sister Mary Sears, SGM: Form A-83/3: The Board was in receipt of a letter from Norman Cohen, Town Counsel, dated August 22, 1983, indicating the plan should be endorsed. Mr. Sorensen thought that Town Counsel's letter dia not address the issue adequately. He is concerned about people reading more into the Planning Board's endorsement of a Form A than the plan actually represents. It was agreed that Town Counsel will be requested to attend a future meeting to clarify the ground rules for approval not required plans. On the motion of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted 4-1, with Mr. Sorensen opposed, that with the notations now shown on the plan: The plan entitled "Compiled Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass." dated March 31, 1983, revised August 11, 1983, by Miller and Nylander Company, certified by Donald J. Forand, Registered Land Surveyor, with application Form A-83/3 by Sister Mary Sears, SGM, does not require approval under the Subdivi- sion Control Law. 155. 750 Marrett Road, Boston Edison, Form A-83/6 and 750 Marrett Road, Boston Edison, Form A-83/7 The Board reviewed two plans of land now owned by Boston Edison Company which will be conveyed to Nolan Norton Company to carry out the CD rezoning amendment approved in 1982. One plan, Form A-83/6, deals with registered land and carries a notation that Lot 11, which is in the RO zoning district, does not meet the frontage re- quirement. On the motion of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mrs. Flemings, it was voted unanimously: The plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass." dated August 12, 1983, by Miller and Nylander Company, certified by Donald J. Forand, Registered Land Surveyor, with application Form A-83/6 by Boston Edison Company, does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The other plan deals with unregistered land and has a notation referring to the CD zoning district. Mr. Sorensen requested that a note be added, "Parcels Al -2 and A2-2 are combined into one lot." On the motion of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted unanimously, that with the notation suggested by Mr. Sorensen added: The plan entitled "Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass." dated August 11, 1983, by Miller and Nylander Company, certified by Donald J. Forand, Registered Land Surveyor, with application Form A-83/7 by Boston Edison Company, does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. 1 Planning Board Minutes of August 29, 1983 SUBDIVISION OF LAND 2 156. Willow Ridge, off Worthen Road East, Notice to Abutters: The Board reviewed a draft of a narrative to accompany the legal notice of the public hearings for the Willow Ridge Subdivision, which will be send to abutters. The narrative is in- tended to alert abutters to a decision on the issue of connecting Barrett Road through to Wellington Lane Avenue and to outline the context in which that decision will be made. Members suggested revisions to the draft. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Flemings, it was agreed unanimously to transmit the narrative, as amended, to abutters. 157. Land Between Maple -Woburn Street, Kahn -Quinn: Mr. Bowyer showed the Board a sketch plan for a conventional subdivision with 109 house lots on the former Green - White land. Mr. Bowyer pointed out numerous locations in which wetlands were pro- posed to be filled for roads or house lots. He indicated the next step for review of this subdivision was for the applicant to submit a certified plan showing the location of wetlands and to obtain agreement among the applicant, the Conservation Commission and the Planning Board as to the location and extent of wetlands. That step should be accomplished before any more time is spent on the laying out of roads or lots. The Board agreed that was the appropriate way to handle the subdi- vision at this stage. 158. APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Mr. Sorensen presented an oral review of the cases to be heard by the Board of Appeals on September 8, 1983. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Flemings, it was voted unanimously that the Board would make no recommendation on the following cases: 20 Pelham Road, Westbridge School: SP, maintain school 231 Bedford Street, Carmen Lombardo: SP, hairdresser 446 Waltham Street, Vincent Esposito: Variance, side yard 20 Pearl Street, Donald Miller: Variance, front yard 1666 Mass. Avenue, Putnam Pantry, SP: The Board reviewed its recommendation on this case in view of additional information now available and presented to the Center Revitalization Committee. A draft of a recommendation was reviewed and several changes made. On the motion of Mrs. Uhrig, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted unanimously to recommend that the special permit be granted subject to conditions dealing with the hours of operation, access to the store, lighting and a fence across the property line adjoining the residential area. COMMUNICATIONS 159. Historic Districts_ Commission re: Mass. Avenue, First Baptist Church David Hoiriis, attorney, Donald Jenkins and Harold Milliken were present to explain the Baptist Church's plans for an access drive for handicapped and elderly persons and parking area. Mr. Hoiriis explained that with a change in demographics, there is now a higher percentage of older persons and they desire to have an entrance on ' the same level as the sanctuary. Much of the discussion focused on adequate screen- ing of nearby residential properties and the extensive alteration of the site due to its steepness and tight dimensions. Planning Board Minutes of August 29, 1983 3 On the motion of Mrs. Flemings, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously to send a letter to the Historic Districts Commission indicating the Planning Board is not opposed to the access driveway, to stress the need for an accurate topo- graphic and grading plan, to urge compliance with the spirit of the ten -foot set back requirement, for more intensive uses adjacent to residential properties, and that sufficient screening and buffering be provided. 160. Capital Improvements Program The Board discussed a request from the Town Manager to all boards, committees, and departments that they submit requests for capital improvement projects. Mrs. Smith was concerned about the availability of sufficient money for publishing planning reports. Mrs. Nichols inquired about a new set of photogrametric maps to replace the 1971 series. Members inquired about the project proposed last year, for plant- ing of street trees. Mrs. Smith suggested a formal request be put in for a word processor station and computer capability for processing planning data. 161. MinuteMan Voc Tech School District The Board reviewed a draft of a letter to the Board of Selectmen requesting a legal opinion on three points in response to a newspaper article reporting on the pro- posal by the MinuteMan School to build a hotel/conference center and cocktail lounge on their property on Marrett Road. Amendments to the draft were suggested. On the motion of Mrs. Uhrig, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted unanimously to send a letter as amended, to the Board of Selectmen requesting legal opinions on the procedures which would be necessary for the MinuteMan School district to con- struct non -educational facilities on their property. 162. Selectmen's Goals and Objectives The Board reviewed the Selectmen's goals adopted on August 8, 1983. As a number o ning issues, the need for coordination is joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen ARTICLES FOR 1984 TOWN MEETING and objectives for the fiscal year 1984, the goals and objectives deal with plan - apparent and it was agreed to arrange a to discuss common issues. 163. Waltham Street Land, RD Development, Paino Associates: In accordance with the Board's policy "Guidelines ..... for RD Amendments," the Board is required to in - dictate whether a proposal has a chance to receive a favorable recommendation for rezoning from the Board. After an informal poll, it was agreed the Board would not provide a favorable recommendation to the 1984 Town Meeting for the concept plan presented. Members identified seven reasons why it could not support the proposal and the Planning Director was asked to prepare a draft letter to Paino Associates, incorporating those reasons, for action at the next meeting. REPORTS 164. Planning Board Members, Subcommittees ' a. Projects for 1984 Town Meeting: It was agreed to discuss, at the next meeting, articles which the Board may wish to submit to the 1984 Town Meeting. 1 1 G Planning Board Minutes of August 29, 1983 4 b. Meeting Schedule: The Board will conduct a public hearing on September 12, 1983, and a business meeting on September 13, 1983. It was agreed that members would hold open September 19 and 26 as potential meeting dates. The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. c/ Judith 7. Uh , Clerk