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The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was
called to order at 7:34 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Smith, with members Nichols,
Sandy, Sorensen and Uhrig, and Planning Director Bowyer present.
The minutes of the Executive Session of June 7, 1982, were corrected and on a motion
by Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Sandy, were approved unanimously as corrected.
On the motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, the minutes of the meeting of
July 6, 1982, were approved unanimously as written. Mr. Sandy suggested that when
necessary to understand the sequence of events during a meeting, the minutes show the
chronological order of the meeting rather than following the numerical order of the
items on the agenda.
The minutes of the meeting of July 12, 1982, were corrected and on a motion by Mr.
Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, were approved unanimously as corrected.
The minutes of the meeting of July 20, 1982, were corrected and on a motion by Mrs.
Nichols, seconded by Mr. Sandy, were approved unanimously as corrected.
The minutes of the Executive Session of July 20, 1982, were corrected and on a motion
by Mrs. Uhrig, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, were approved unanimously as corrected.
114. Land off North Street, Form A -82/3A
Mr. Bowyer presented a revised version of a plan which the Board had approved at its
meeting of April 12, 1982. He explained there had been several questions raised in
Burlington and by the Lexington Building Commissioner as to the use of buildings on
the property for dwelling purposes. The Burlington Planning Board required that a
notation be put on the plan before its approval. As requested by Lexington Building
Commissioner Peter DiMatteo, a notation was put on the plan that the use of two of
the buildings was not verified as to zoning compliance. The two lots created have
sufficient area and frontage and appropriate notations are placed to alert persons to
the zoning issues involved.
On the motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted unanimously:
The plan entitled "Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington, Woburn, and Burlington,
Mass." dated July 12, 1982, by Miller & Nylander Company of Lexington, Mass.,
certified by Donald J. Forand, registered land surveyor, does not require
approval under the subdivision control law.
The plan is a revision of a plan that accompanied application Form A-82/3 by Bruno
and Aldo Galinelli.
Planning Board Minutes:
Meeting of August 9, 1982
The Board reviewed a memorandum from Town Manager Robert M. Hutchinson, Jr., dated
July 23, 1982, reporting that the Board of Selectmen had voted to request the Plan-
ning Board waive the $750.00 filing fee for the Muzzey School CD rezoning as sub-
mitted by Elgin Associates. It was agreed that the Planning Board should not take
isolated action and should treat all rezoning requests for municipal building pro-
jects uniformly. The Planning Board is not opposed to waiving the fee in this case
as long as the Board of Selectmen understands the action is precedent setting and
would apply to all similar cases in the future. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen,
seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it was voted unanimously that the Planning Board should com-
municate to the Board of Selectmen that it intends to deny the request for a waiver
of the filing fee for Elgin Associates unless the Board of Selectmen indicates that
N it wants to have the filing fee for all municipal building projects waived.
Q 116. Applications to Board of Appeals
Q The Board reviewed a staff analysis of the Board of Appeals cases to be heard on
August 12, 1980. It was agreed to make no recommendation on the following cases:
34 Middle Street, Bruce Kinney: Variance, side yard; special permit, pool
12 Appletree Lane, Alexander Valenkin: Variance, front yard
17 Fairview Avenue, George Chan elian: Variance, frontyard: Mr. Sorensen pointed
out that based on the information tat t e of as 70 feet of frontage, there would
be no violation because Section 7.4.1b provides that lots with more than 50 but not
more than 75 feet, are required to have a minimum side yard of 10 feet. It was
agreed to transmit this information to the Board of Appeals
Page 2
365 Waltham Street, Joseph DeMarzo: SP, sign: It was agreed to oppose the erection
of a free standing sign for the reasons stated in the staff recommendation. It was
also agreed to add Mr. Sandy's suggestion that the size of the sign be limited to
2' x 3'.
4 Hartwell Place, Data Instruments: SP, temporary structures: Mrs. Nichols commented
that extended use of trailers for office space was a misuse of the temporary special
permit provision. It was agreed that trailers are appropriate during construction,
but not otherwise. Mrs. Nichols raised the issue of whether trailers are taxed by
the Town. On the motion of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted
unanimously to support the granting of a temporary special permit only if the appli-
cant can show the trailers are a necessary part of a construction program; otherwise,
the temporary special permit should not be granted.
After a discussion of the status of a number of subdivisions, it was voted unanimous-
ly to approve a motion made by Mrs. Uhrig, seconded by Mr. Sandy, that the Planning
Board recommend subdivision streets for acceptance in four groups, as follows:
Planning Board Minutes:
Meeting of August 9, 1982
118. Advisory Committee on Housing Needs:
Page 371
The Board reviewed the draft of a charge to an Advisory Committee on Housing Meeting
Community Needs. It was agreed to shorten the title to Advisory Committee on Housing
Needs. Mr. Sorensen requested that the development of data on the costs of construc-
ting housing be added to the charge. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs.
Nichols, it was voted unanimously to approve the charge as corrected.
119. Development of Muzzey School:
The Board reviewed the draft of a recommendation on "Use of the Muzzey School Proper-
ty for Housing." It was agreed to waive the Planning Board's policy for making 20%
of the units in a housing development available to the Housing Authority as part of a
rezoning for higher density provided the development conforms to the income -price
guidelines in the recommendation. Several other additions and changes were made. On
the motion of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Sandy, it was voted unanimously to ap-
prove the recommendation "Use of the Muzzey School Property for Housing", as amended.
The Board reviewed and made corrections to a draft recommendation on site and design
considerations. On the motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted
unanimously to approve the "Recommendations on Site, Design Considerations, Conver-
sion of the Muzzey School Property," as amended.
Bicentennial Drive
surety released
Freeman Circle
Cambridge Farms
Malt Lane
Vinebrook Estates
Ryder Lane
Trodden Path
Trodden Path
final release
of surety
Woodpark Estates
Woodpark Circle
Road completed,
Minuteman Ridge II
Scott Road
survey of lay-
out needed
Possible, under
Ingleside Road
Battleview Circle
118. Advisory Committee on Housing Needs:
Page 371
The Board reviewed the draft of a charge to an Advisory Committee on Housing Meeting
Community Needs. It was agreed to shorten the title to Advisory Committee on Housing
Needs. Mr. Sorensen requested that the development of data on the costs of construc-
ting housing be added to the charge. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs.
Nichols, it was voted unanimously to approve the charge as corrected.
119. Development of Muzzey School:
The Board reviewed the draft of a recommendation on "Use of the Muzzey School Proper-
ty for Housing." It was agreed to waive the Planning Board's policy for making 20%
of the units in a housing development available to the Housing Authority as part of a
rezoning for higher density provided the development conforms to the income -price
guidelines in the recommendation. Several other additions and changes were made. On
the motion of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Sandy, it was voted unanimously to ap-
prove the recommendation "Use of the Muzzey School Property for Housing", as amended.
The Board reviewed and made corrections to a draft recommendation on site and design
considerations. On the motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted
unanimously to approve the "Recommendations on Site, Design Considerations, Conver-
sion of the Muzzey School Property," as amended.
Planning Board Minutes:
Meeting of August 9, 1982
120. Capital Budget Projects:
Page 4
The Board discussed capital budget projects to be submitted to the Town Manager and
the Capital Improvements Committee. It was agreed to submit projects for: 1) a new
set of photogrametric maps, and 2) a tree planting -beautification program on gateway
streets (streets entering the Town in commercial areas). Waltham Street will be pro-
posed for 1984 and Massachusetts Avenue in East Lexington for 1985.
It was agreed to pursue the printing of the Zoning Map in color, but not as part of
the Department's operating budget.
121. Technical Advisory Group: Mr. Bowyer explained that a restructuring of the
former Design Advisory Group was proposed. The title was changed from design to
technical to: 1) broaden the participation to other professionals in addition to
architects and the like, and 2) emphasize the technical resource rather than the
design, which implied aesthetic, hence, debatable recommendations. Several changes
in wording were suggested. On the motion of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mrs. Uhrig, it
was voted unanimously to accept the structure of the Technical Advisory Group.
122. Planning Director
a. Status of Subdivisions: Mr. Bowyer reported on the status of all active
subdivisions. Members commented on a new report "Subdivision Actions Taken
by Planning Board" through August 1, 1982.
It appears that the special permits for the Kitson Park and Lincoln Hills
subdivisions have expired. The staff will review each situation and iden-
tify the next steps needed.
b. Meeting Schedule: The public hearing on Oscar Cormier's Simonds Estates
definitive subdivision plan will be held on August 30. In order to act on
the Certificate of Action for the definitive subdivision plan, a meeting
will be scheduled on Tuesday, September 7. Monday, the 13th, should be
reserved for a meeting in case a meeting is not held on the 7th.
123. Planning Board Members
a. Hanscom Field: Mrs. Smith requested that anyone who had complaints on air-
craft noise from Hanscom Field should either call the complaint number at
Massport or call her. She commented on the increase in air traffic and in
aircraft noise.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:47 p.m.
L"'Judith J. J*rig, Clerk#/