October 19, 1981
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was
called to order at 8:08 p.m. by the Chairman, Mr. Sandy, with members Nichols, Smith,
Sorensen, Wheaton and Planning Director Bowyer present.
195. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of October 5, 1981, were corrected and on a motion by
Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mrs. Smith, were approved, as corrected, by a vote of 4-0.
Mrs. Wheaton abstained because she did not attend that meeting.
196. 156 Vine Street, Form A81-13
The Board approved a plan of land of the Kinneen property at 156 Vine Street. On a
motion by Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Wheaton, it was voted unanimously:
The plan entitled "Compiled Subdivision Plan of Land in Lexington,
Mass." dated September 24, 1981, prepared by Miller & Nylander Co.,
surveyor of Lexington, Mass., certified by Donald J. Forand, reg-
istered land surveyor, with application form A81-13, by Katherine
Kinneen, trustee, does not require approval under the Subdivision
Control Law.
' The Board reviewed a staff analysis dated October 16, 1981, on applications to be
heard by the Board of Appeals on November 5, 1981. On a motion by Mrs. Wheaton,
seconded by Mrs. Smith, it was voted unanimously to make no recommendations on the
applications re:
47 Rindge Avenue, Antonio Cataldo: SP, pre-existing structure
6 Hastings Road, Steven Sitzman: Variance, side yard
128 Spring Street, Beal and Company, Inc.: SP, free standing signs
1265 Mass. Ave., Gold Ribbon Farms: SP, processing vegetables
1265 Mass. Ave., Gold Ribbon Farms: SP, Christmas trees
198. Trinity Covenant Estates, near Allen Street, signing of plans
Mr. Bowyer reported that he had signed the originals of the Definitive Subdivision
Plan at the request of Town Counsel so that the plans could be recorded. Chairman
Sandy commented that the Board's usual practice is to concurrently sign the Covenant
and either sign the originals of the plan or authorize the Planning Director to sign
in behalf of the Board. Apparently the specific authorization had not been given in
this case. On the motion of Mrs. Wheaton, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, the Board voted
That the action taken by the Planning Board at its meeting of October 5, 1981,
to accept the Covenant for the Trinity Covenant Estates, be clarified to specifi-
cally authorize the Planning Director to sign the plans in behalf of the Board.
Mrs. Smith abstained from voting as she is an abutter to this subdivision.
Page 2
199. Trodden Path, Concord Avenue: Amendment to Certificate of Action
Mrs. Nichols reported that she had met with neighbors and the developer and there
seemed to be a solution satisfactory to all parties. On the motion of Mrs. Nichols,
seconded by Mrs. Smith, it was voted 4-1, with Mr. Sorensen in opposition, to:
That the Certificate of Action for the Trodden Path Subdivision approved
April 6, 1981, be amended by deleting conditions 4 and 5 in their entirety
and substituting in place thereof new conditions which shall read:
4. The developer shall preserve as much as possible of the stone wall
and trees on Lawn Avenue. On the rear property lines of Lots 1, 2,
3, and 4, the seven trees tagged with orange yarn shall be preserved
during the construction period. The two trees tagged with orange
yarn on the rear of Lot 5 shall be saved, if possible, in the con-
onstruction of the drainage swale.
5. The developer shall preserve the 12 -inch pear tree on Lot 4 and build
a stone wall around it to preserve the root system. Also, on Lot 4
the developer shall plant three 7 -foot and two 5 -foot sheared white
pines between the 20 -foot drain easement and the garage and driveway.
On Lot 5 the developer shall plant eight 5 -foot sheared white pines
in a staggered row 6 feet on center between the 20 -foot drain easement
and the houses on Lots 4 and 5, the purpose of which is to screen the
abutting properties.
All trees shall be maintained in a vigorous growing condition until
approved by the Planning Board.
200. Cormier Subdivision, off Grove Street: Discussion
Chairman Sandy turned the chair over to Vice -Chairman Sorensen to preside during
discussion of the Cormier Subdivision. Mr. Sandy is an abutter and is abstaining
from consideration of the subdivision. Mr. Bowyer *reported that the developer
will need to revise the preliminary subdivision plan because: a) there is a sewer
easement on Lot 20 of which the developer was apparently unaware, and b) the
water run off from Lots 17-20 further aggravates a substandard condition in the
area. Apparently the Conservation Commission will not approve the preliminary
plan as presented.
Mrs. Wheaton advocated the provision of a 40 -foot right-of-way to connect the
cul-de-sac at the end of the proposed new road with the proposed cul-de-sac
at the end of North Emerson Road. She said that would leave the Town's options
open for a pedestrian path, a bike path, or a road. Mr. Sorensen said he saw
no reason to modify the plan. No action was agreed to. Mrs. Smith suggested
that in any further discussion of this matter, the opinion of the Conservation
Commission should be included.
201. Housing Policy: Discussion
Mr. Sandy resumed chairing the meeting at this point.
The Board continued its discussion of whether to continue its policy that in order
to obtain a favorable Planning Board recommendation on a rezoning for higher density,
Page 3
20% of the units in the housing development should be made available to the Lexington
Housing Authority. All members reaffirmed the principle of subsidized housing.
Mrs. Wheaton and Mr. Sorensen favored continuing the present policy. Chairman Sandy,
Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Smith indicated they agree with the principles in the policy
but question whether it is operable since it does not appear that any State or Federal
funds will be available for the Housing Authority to acquire new housing units.
Mrs. Wheaton made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, that: The Planning Board
reaffirm its previous policy that requires that developers of increased density
housing proposals to devote 20% of the total units for low and moderate income
housing. Prior to a vote on that motion, Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Nichols,
moved to lay the motion on the table. By a vote of 3-2, with Chairman Sandy,
Mrs. Nichols, and Mrs. Smith in favor and Mr. Sorensen and Mrs. Wheaton opposed,
the motion was tabled.
The discussion had identified several ways in which the policy might be modified:
1) to have the developer demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Board,
that there is a feasible mechanism for making at least 20% of the units available
on a permanent basis for low and moderate income units; 2) that land within a
proposed RD district be identified and set aside as a site for low and moderate
income housing when State or Federal funds become available; 3) that the policy
be suspended until State or Federal funds for construction are known to be avail-
able; and 4) lower cost, rather than luxury -type units, be constructed. A majority
of the Board thought it was difficult to identify specific alternatives at this
■ time, but that the door should be left open for a developer to propose a workable
202. Planning Director's Report
202a. Meeting on Street Construction Standards: Mr. Bowyer reminded the Board that
it had agreed to hold a public meeting on the policy on street construction
standards. It was agreed to hold the meeting at 7:30 p.m. on November 2, in
Estabrook Hall..
202b. November Meeting Schedule: The Board agreed to meet on. November 2 and 16.
The Board will determine at a later date whether to hold a meeting on November 30.
203. Reports by Members
203a. Subdivision Rules and Regulations: Chairman Sandy reported on a meeting of the
Subcommittee on Subdivision Rules and Regulations and distributed draft minutes
of its meeting. The Board reviewed, and agreed to send to DPW/Engineering, a
memorandum on street lights in new subdivisions.
203b. Accessory Apartment Committee: Chairman Sandy reported he had discussed with
the Town Manager the work of the Selectmen's Committee on Accessory Apartments.
If the Committee proposes any articles that require coordination with the
Planning Board, Mr. Hutchinson had assured him that the Committee would coordi-
nate with the Planning Board well before the closing of the Warrant.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:38 p.m.
Karsten Sorensen, Clerk