HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-31MINUTES OF LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD August 31, 1981 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, was called to order at 7:37 p.m., by the Chairman, Mr. Sandy, with members Nichols, Smith, Sorensen, Wheaton and Planning Director Bowyer present. 168. Approval of Minutes On the motion of Mrs. Wheaton, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, the minutes of the meeting of June 29, 1981, were approved unanimously as written. The minutes of the regular meeting of August 3, 1981, were corrected and on a motion by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, were approved as corrected by a vote of 4-0. Mrs. Wheaton abstained because she did not attend that meeting. The minutes of the meeting of August 17, 1981 were corrected and on a motion by Mrs. Wheaton, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, were approved as corrected by a vote of 4-0. Mr. Sandy abstained because he did not attend that meeting. 169. APPLICATIONS TO BOARD OF APPEALS The Board reviewed a staff analysis, dated August 24, 1981, on applications to be heard by the Board of Appeals on September 10, 1981. On the motion of Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Smith, it was voted unanimously to make no recommen- dation on the applications re: ' 3 Allen Street, Bob & Marguerite Bernard: SP, swimming pool 18 Preston Road, Michael Kratey: SP, swimming pool 214 Follen Road, Vincent & Judy Sites: SP, swimming pool 170. DEVELOPMENT OFF MARRETT ROAD Duff Ramsey, real estate developer,and a representative of Nolan, Norton Corp. were present to inform the Board of work being done by private owners in the Marrett Road -Forbes Road area. Mr. Ramsey showed a plan, prepared by 'BSC Engineering of proposed traffic improvements. This plan is a further refinement of plans pre- pared earlier by the Town Engineer. Mr. Ramsey represented that this plan is en- dorsed by the Town Engineer. Mr. Ramsey indicated that the private owners of land m each side of the area to be improved are willing to commit land to the construction at no cost for public acquisition. In several cases, this offer will be contingent upon zoning actions by the Town. Mr. Ramsey said the construction is assumed to be financed by the State or Federal government under the Federal Aid Urban Systems Program. The Town will be respon- sible for preparing detailed engineering plans and private owners are collecting funds to contribute to the engineering expense. The owners intend to obtain a commitment from the State to the project. Mrs. Smith stressed the importance of working with the National Park Service which controls the land at the westerly approach to the proposed improvements. Mr. Ramsey said that Nolan, Norton intended to submit to the 1982 Town Meeting a CD Zoning Proposal substantially the same as that in Article 34 of the 1981 Town Meeting. On questioning by Board members, Mr. Ramsey indicated they were willing to defer the start of construction of the buildings until a construction contract is awarded by the State. 8/31/81 Page 2 171. REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE DRAINAGE REPORT, PHASE III The Board agreed that the Comprehensive Drainage Study, Phase III, prepared by Camp, Dresser, and McKee was a substantial improvement over previous studies pre- pared by other engineers. Mrs. Nichols suggested that all of the proposals should be consolidated to appear on the photogrammetric maps to improve readability. It was agreed that each member who has comments on specific details will make those directly to the Town Engineer, 172. WORK PROGRAM FOR 1981/82 The Board reviewed recommendations for the Work Program from Mr. Bowyer dated August 14, 1981, and from Mr. Sandy, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Nichols. The projects discussed, and the actions agreed to were: a. Lexington Center Study: This project, which involves three members and the professional staff, is well underway and must be continued. b. South Lexington - Waltham Street Area: Mrs. Wheaton was concerned about whether there was sufficient time available to work on this project. Mrs. Nichols emphasized the importance of meeting the commitment made to the neighborhood and to the Town Meeting. Mr. Bowyer will prepare a de- tailed work program for this project, C. A Housing Policy for the 80's: Members agreed this is an important project, particularly evaluation of the Board's policy that 20% of units in higher density developments requiring rezoning be devoted to the Housing Authority. Mr. Bowyer suggested that the overall policy be deferred until after returns were available from the 1980 U.S. Census. It was agreed to schedule this subject for discussion at the next meeting. d. Analysis of U.S. Census: Analysis of information from the census can be the basis for various decisions which the Planning Board will be making. Members requested to be informed when the information camel in. e. Economic Development, Cost -Revenue Analysis: This project will be carried out by a sub -committee of the Board and staff. Mr. Sandy expressed an interest in working on it. f. Hartwell Avenue - Traffic Development Policy Follow-up: It was agreed to add Marrett Road to this policy consideration in view of the discussion earlier in the evening. (See Item 170) Mr. Sorensen will draft a letter to the Board of Selectmen on the traffic capacity of the Hartwell Avenue - Bedford Street intersection after the proposed improvements. It was agreed that there needs to be closer coordination with the Board of Selectmen on this item. g. Community Attitudes: Several Board members thought there should be meetings or other means employed to obtain a reading from the community on various planning issues, such as density of development. It was agreed that well - advertised public meetings would be held on specific issues. 8/31/81 Page 3 h. Waivers from Subdivision and Zoning: Mr. Sorensen advocated a review of the dimensional standards in both the. Subdivision Rules and Regulations and the Zoning By -Law to minimize the number of waivers and exceptions that are now being granted. He will prepare a position paper on the subject. 173. PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Bowyer reported that he had received authorization from the Town Manager to proceed with the advertising and recruiting to fill the Assistant Planner position on a permanent basis. The Town is discussing collaborating with the Town of Bedford, who would hire a planner part-time, to complement the hours worked in Lexington and to offer the equivalent of a full-time position. 174. REPORTS BY MEMBERS 174.a Meeting Schedule: The Board agreed, with Mr. Sorensen opposed, to meet every other week rather than weekly. An attempt will be made to dispose of all business items within the first hour of the meeting, with the remainder of the meeting devoted to policy considerations and discussion. September meetings will be on September 14 and 28. It was agreed to schedule a discussion of housing policy and Mr. Bowyer's memo on produc- tivity for the meeting of September 14. 174.b Hayden Avenue Development: Mr. Bowyer reported on perceived zoning violations and construction of the building over a sewer line for the development of the office building on Hayden Avenue. The alleged zoning violations were discussed with Peter DiMatteo, the Building Commissioner, who interpreted the front yard set back requirement for parking differently than the Planning Department staff. Mr. Bowyer commented the differences in interpretation are more "intellectual" than critical. Earlier minor violations of the dimensional requirements of the parking layout had been corrected by a new design. The sewer main still passes under the building but a field survey has shown the sewer was not constructed in the easement. Reportedly, the developer will bear the cost of any extraordinary expense by the Town in gaining access to the sewer under the building. A meeting of depart- ment heads the next day will shed further light on the sewer situation. The Board discussed initiating a change of zoning district, if a Special Town Meeting is called, to permit greater design flexibility and to allow the building to be moved off of the sewer line and to provide more parking. It does not appear that a Special Town Meeting will be called soon. Mr. Sorensen commented that it would serve no purpose to proceed with a rezoning at this time because the project was too far along. By a poll of the Board, it was agreed unanimously to not pursue a CD rezoning for a Special Town Meeting. The Board may discuss with the developer a change in the CR zoning district line at the Annual Town Meeting in order to provide more flexibility for parking. 174.c Trodden Path Subdivision Violation: Mrs. Nichols reported that she and Assistant Planner Steven Asen inspected the subdivision earlier in the day and found that trees on Lot 4 which had been specified to be preserved in the Certificate of Action had been cut down. Promises had been made to the neighbors to retain those trees. The Board agreed that Condition 5 of the Certificate of Action would compensatory planting. A letter is directing him to meet with adjoinin mutually agreeable plan for new tre Planning Board for consideration as of Action. The meeting was adjourned at 11:39 p.m. 8/31/81 Page 4 need to be amended to provide for to be written to the developer g residents, to arrive at a es and to submit that plan to the an amendment to the Certificate Karsten Sorensen, Clerk