June 29, 1981
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was
called to order at 7:40 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Wheaton, with members Nichols,
Sandy, Smith, Sorensen, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner Asen, and
secretary, Mrs. Salto, present.
132. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of June 15, 1981, were amended and on the motion
of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, were approved unanimously as
129. Battleview, off Young Street: Execution of Covenant: On a motion by Mrs.
Smith, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, the Board voted unanimously to execute the
covenant and to authorize the Planning Director to sign the covenant and
the subdivision plans in behalf of the Board.
130. Lincoln Hills, off Jean Road: Execution of Covenant: On a motion by Mr.
Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, the Board voted 4-0 to execute the
covenant and to authorize the Planning Director to sign the covenant and
the subdivision plans in behalf of the Board. Mr. Sandy abstained.
131. Ridge Estates II, off Ridge Road: Execution of Security Agreement: Mrs.
Nichols noted that the agreement referred, in one place, to $600,000 and
' questioned whether that amount included the holding ponds. Mr. Bowyer
explained the amount of: the bond is $610,000 and the holding ponds are
included even though the memo from the Engineering Department shows the
amount to be $600,000. When the bond issue was brought before the Board
(see minutes of 4/6/81 and 4/15/81), the Board voted to raised the bond
amount to $610,000, based on an oral recommendation. The security agree-
ment is for $610,000 and the $600,000 figure is merely a cross reference
to the original Engineering Department memo. Mrs. Wheaton suggested that a
copy of the minutes of the meetings be attached to the security agreement to
explain the $610,000 amount.
Mrs. Smith questioned the wording of the agreement with regard to "lots
numbered...." and "land court lots....." She felt that if the two sets of
numbers were not interchangeable, the wording should be changed to show
the difference in meaning. Mr. Bowyer explained part (not all) of -the subdi-
vision is registered land and the land court has its own numbering system.
On a motion by Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, the Board voted 4-0 to
approve the security agreement and to authorize the Planning Director to
sign for the Board. Mrs. Smith abstained from voting because she felt the
document was ambiguous in meaning.
132. Trodden Path, Concord Avenue: Release of Lots: It was noted that the docu-
ment is missing the page number of the book in which it has been registered.
On a motion by Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously
to approve the Release of Lots and to authorize the Planning Director to sign
for the Board after the page number had been entered.
The Board reviewed a draft of a "Policy on Additions to Buildings in RD
Page 2
Districts." On a motion by Mrs. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, the Board
unanimously voted to adopt the policy as written.
16 Doran Farm Lane, Alfred Cavaretta: Variance, side yard, SP
The Board requested that Mr. Bowyer research the floor area to determine if
the addition exceeds by more than 10% the floor area presented to Town Meeting.
If so, these findings should be added to the recommendation. On a motion of
Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Sandy, the Board voted unanimously to oppose
granting the variance for the reasons stated in the draft recommendation and
to add appropriate language to the recommendation if the increase in floor
area exceeds 10%.
85 Hartwell Avenue, Boston Properties: SPS
The Board reviewed a draft recommendation on the application for a special
permit, with site plan review. On a motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs.
Nichols, the Board unanimously voted to approve the recommendation as
The Board reviewed and proposed changes to, a draft report addressed to the
' Board of Selectmen and the Garrity House Committee on what had been Article
62 of the 1981 Annual Town Meeting. On a motion by Mr. Sandy, seconded by
Mrs. Nichols, the Board voted unanimously to approve the report as amended.
136. Planning Director's Report
Mr. Bowyer explained a change in the status of the Assistant Planner position.
The Board of Selectmen have voted to include it as a permanent position in the
Town's personnel structure, as a part time position. Effective with the
start of the new fiscal year on July 1, the position will be part time (24.5
hours a week) due to reductions in the Town budget dictated by Proposition 2 1/2.
As required by the Town's personnel policies, there will be open competition for
the filling of the position. Since October, 1980, the position has been ex-
137. Reports by Members
The Board noted receipt of a letter from Paul LaPOinte, 250 Concord Ave.,
relative to maintenance of the right-of-way of Scott Road, disagreement
as the location of boundary lines and erosion on the Minute -Man Ridge II
subdivision. It was agreed that a response to the letter would be pre-
pared for the Chairman's signature.
As provided in Section 2.1 of the "Procedural Rules," the Board elected
officers. For the office of Chairman, Mrs. Wheaton, seconded by Mr. Sorensen,
nominated Frank Sandy. Mrs. Smith stated she would abstain from the voting
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on all offices because she was informed just before the meeting that the recent
practice, having members progress through the offices, would not be followed.
Mr. Sandy was elected by a vote of 3-0 with Mrs. Nichols and Mrs. Smith abstaining.
For the office of Vice -Chairman, Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Wheaton, nominated
Karsten Sorensen. Mr. Sorensen was elected by a vote of 3-0, with Mrs. Nichols
and Mrs. Smith abstaining.
For the office of clerk, Mr. Sandy nominated Laura Nichols. Mrs. Nichols declined
the nomination and Mr. Sandy withdrew his nomination. Mr. Sandy nominated Jacqueline
Smith. Mrs. Smith declined the nomination and Mr. Sandy withdrew the nomination.
Mrs. Wheaton noted that the Planning Board Procedural Rules permit the same person
to serve as Vice -Chairman and Clerk. Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Wheaton, nominated
Karsten Sorensen. Mr. Sorensen was elected as Clerk by a vote of 3-0, with Mrs.
Nichols and Mrs. Smith abstaining.
Mrs. Wheaton thanked the Board for its support during her year as Chairman. Mr.
Sandy thanked Mrs. Wheaton for her excellent leadership during that time.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Wheaton, seconded by Mr. Sandy, it was voted 5-0, by poll of
the Board, to go into Executive Session for: 1) discussion of litigation against
the Town, and 2) a matter affecting the financial interest of the Town. It was
' agreed the Board would return to its open session only for the purpose of adjourn-
ment. At 9:40 p.m. Mrs. Wheaton left the meeting and Mr. Sandy chaired the meeting
thereafter. At 9:40 p.m., the Board went into Executive Session.
Following the Executive Session, the Board returned to open session at 10:48 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:49 p.m.
Karsten Sorensen, Clerk