April 27, 1981
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was
called to order at 7:39 P.M. by the Chairman, Mrs. Wheaton, with members Nichols,
Sandy, and Smith, Planning Director Bowyer and Assistant Planner Asen present.
Mr. Sorensen was absent.
The minutes of the meeting of April 6, 1981, were taken from the table. On
the motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, the minutes of the meeting
of April 6, 1981, were approved unanimously as written.
The minutes of the meeting of April 13, 1981, were corrected, and on a motion
by Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, were approved unanimously as corrected.
The Board reviewed a staff analysis, dated April 24, 1981, on applications to
be heard by the Board of Appeals on May 14, 1981. The Board agreed to make no
recommendation on the applications re:
573 Marrett Road, Bernard Osgood: Swimming Pool
927 Waltham Street, Wagon Wheel Nursery: SP - Nursery [a,
is Wheaton abstained
8 Bartlett Avenue, Robert Boudreau: Variance, Side Yard requested it so shown.
52 Lowell Street, Rosina Busa: SP - Roadside Stand
' 294 Woburn Street, Mary Pedrotti: SP - Use of Portion of Dwelling as Office --
it was agreed unanimously to make no recommendation, but in the transmittal
letter, to request that the special permit state maximum number of employees
to be on the site at any one time and what is meant by "secretarial services."
31 Massachusetts Avenue, Ronald Thompson: SP - Car Wash --- it was agreed
unanimously to state no objection to granting the special permit and to indi-
cate that the variance requested does not appear to be needed unless the present
paved area is in violation.
186 Bedford Street, Mystic Valley MHC: SP - Hours of Operation --- it was
agreed to defer making a recommendation on this case until the meeting of
May 4, 1981. Copies of past decisions and recommendations on the Mystic
Valley Center will be distributed to the Board members.
81. Battleview, off Young Street; Public Hearing: Mrs. Wheaton opened the public
hearing on the subdivision by reading the notice of the public hearing. Phillip
Heidke, the developer, and Charles Kaddison, attorney, were present and spoke
briefly on the plans. Steven Daniels, 11 Young Street, an abutter, spoke in
favor of the plan and congratulated Mr. Heidke on the most recent plana
Mrs. Wheaton declared the hearing closed.
The Board reviewed a Certificate of Action and made corrections. On the motion
of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mrs. Smith, the Board voted 4-0 to approve the
Definitive Subdivision Plan for the Battleview Subdivision and to accept the
Certificate of Action, as corrected. The Board signed the Certificate of Action.
Special Permit hearing was held immediately after.
April 27, 1981 Page 2
82. Ingleside, near Maple Street; Public Hearing: Mrs. Wheaton opened the public
hearing on the subdivision and on a special permit for a conventional subdi-
vision by reading the notices of the public hearing. Emilio Spagnuolo of
Kingston Builders was present and commented briefly on the additional docu-
mentation he had provided on the easements. The plan now shows a "pond ease-
ment" rather than a "conservation easement" to eliminate confusion. Steven
Taubert, an abutter, questioned whether large trees along the lot line of Lot
16A would be maintained. Mr. Spagnuolo stated he had no objection to main-
taining those trees if they were in the subdivision. It was agreed that Mr.
Spagnuolo would place stakes showing where the property line is and the
Planning Department staff would be informed so that a condition could be placed
in the Special Permit if needed.
Vivian Lynch, 7 Carnegie Place, questioned the drainage plan. The Board noted
that the Conservation Commission Order of Conditions would provide enough safe-
guards for drainage. It was agreed that key provisions of the Order of Condi-
tions would also be included in the special permit.
The Board reviewed a Certificate of Action. Mr. Spagnuolo questioned condition
#2 relative to a direct connection of the sewer service from the dwellings on
Lots 17A and 18B into the existing 18 inch sewer line. It was agreed that the
matter would be checked with the Town Engineer. Mrs. Wheaton delcared the
hearing closed.
83, 45 Hartwell Avenue, Form A-81/7: The Board reviewed a plan showing land between
' Hartwell Avenue and Westview Street. Mr. Bowyer reported that the proposed
subdivision of land at 45 Hartwell Avenue cuts right through the parking lot.
A special permit, granted by the Board of Appeals on March 20, 1973, refers
to parking for 118 cars on the lot and it may be that the proposed subdivision
would remove some of those parking spaces from the principal building at
45 Hartwell Avenue which they are intended to serve. On a motion by Mr. Sandy,
seconded by Mrs. Smith, it was voted 4=0,
(1) The plan entitled "A Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.,"
showing land between Hartwell Avenue and Westview Street, with the most
recent date being March 25, 1981, prepared by and certified by Roger M.
Corbin, Registered Land Surveyor, of Bedford, Mass., submitted with appli-
cation Form A-81/7, for the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United
States, does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law; and
(2) That a notation be placed on the plan that "conveyance of Lots 6, 6A, or
7 to any other party with the result that all the land shown on the plan
is not owned by a single development entity may create a violation of a
condition of a special permit granted by the Lexington Board of Appeals on
March 20, 1973;" and
(3) To authorize the Planning Director to sign the plan, as noted, in behalf
of the Board; and
(4) That a letter be sent to the owner that if any of the lots shown on the
plan are conveyed to a separate entity without the prior approval of the
Board of Appeals of an appropriate revision of the earlier special permit,
that the Planning Board will request the Building Commissioner to take
such enforcement action under the Zoning By -Law as may be necessary; and
that copies of that letter be sent to the Building Commissioner and the
Board of Appeals.
April 27, 1981
Page 3
84. 517-531 Mass. Ave., Form A-81/8: The Board reviewed a plan showing land on
517-531 Massachusetts Avenue. On a motion by Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs.
Smith, it was voted 4-0
The plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.," being a subdivision
of Lot B on a plan by F. P. Culler, dated June 12, 1915, recorded in the
land court plan #5477A, dated March 30, 1981, prepared by and certified
by John E. Karwin, land surveyor of Belmont, Mass., with application
form A-81/8 by Steven Russian, does not require approval under the Sub-
division Control Law.
85. Planning Director's Report: Mr. Bowyer reported that Steven Kaiser, a traffic
engineer for the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, had called for a
meeting to receive information about a proposed Colangelo office building on
Bedford Street. That meeting is scheduled for April 30.
86. Reports by Members
86a. Work Program for 1981: Mrs. Wheaton suggested that there should be a
discussion of work priorities for the Board for 1981 and until the 1982
Annual Town Meeting. She requested that each Board member prepare a
list of projects ranked in priority.
86b. Policy on Street Construction: It was agreed to schedule a discussion
of the policy on street construction for the meeting of May 18. Mr.
Sandy noted that attention needs to be given to the adequacy of public
ways that provide the only access to larger new developments.
86c. Board of Appeals Hearings of April 23, 1981: Mr. Sandy reported on the
decisions reached by the Board of Appeals. One issue that needs clari-
fication is what constitutes the "edge" of a swimming pool. This varies
from the edge of the water to the edge of the apron - deck around the
pool. He also reported that the Board of Appeals granted the special
permit for the addition to "24 Hartwell Avenue and did not include any
of the conditions recommended by the Planning Board; they did refer to
two of them as "recommendations."
86d. Meeting with the Board of Selectmen: It was agreed that a joint meeting
should be arranged with the Board of Selectmen for May 18 to discuss
the Hartwell Avenue traffic policy and the Board of Appeals actions on
Hayden Avenue.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:57 P.M.
Laura F. Nichols, Clerk