HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-04-13MINUTES OF PLANNING BOARD MEETING April 13, 1981 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Room G-15, Town Offices, was called to order at 7:38 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Wheaton, with members Nichols, Sandy, Sorensen, Planning Director Bowyer and Assistant Planner Asen present. Mrs. Smith was attending a meeting with the Board of Selectmen and joined the meeting in progress. 70. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On the motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, the minutes of the meeting of April 6, 1981, were laid on the table. (Mrs. Smith joined the meeting at this point.) 71. Environmental Notification Form: Colangelo Office Building, Bedford Street Angela Frick, the Town's representative to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, was present to discuss the Town's response to the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs on an environmental notification form for the pro- posed Colangelo office building on Bedford Street. Mrs. Frick commented that the Environmental Notification Form presented a good opportunity for the Town to emphasize the traffic problems on Bedford Street. She suggested that the Planning Board also write to EDEA; the Board agreed to do so. The Board suggested several changes in the wording of the response which were agreed to by Mrs. Frick. 72. Applications to the Board of Appeals The Board reviewed a staff analysis, dated April 10, 1981, on applications to be heard by the Board of Appeals on April 23, 1981. It was voted unanimously to make no recommendation on the applications re: 23 Stimson Avenue, Frank Silipigni, Swimming Pool 643 Waltham Street, James Catalano, SP - Roadside Stand 17 Fairview Avenue, George Changelian, Variance - Rear Yard 1777 Massachusetts Avenue, Guenther Weinkopf, SP - Restaurant 30 Woodpark Circle, Martin Stiglitz, Variance - Front Yard ----- Mr. Sorensen spoke against granting this variance because it is for nearly half the front yard and he did not think it was proper to waive requirements because they were inconvenient. Mrs. Wheaton noted that this is a new home built within the last five years. It was agreed not to oppose the variance but to include in the transmittal letter that the actual violation is greater than described in the petition. 537 Lowell Street, Hugh Leichtman, SP - Use of Barn for Residence -----The Board concluded that this is an unusual case because of the need to provide housing for persons caring for a handicapped child. It was agreed to state no objection to granting this special permit providing the conditions in the existing special permit are maintained. 24 Hartwell Avenue, Michael Colangelo, SPS - Addition -----Mr. Bowyer described the proposed addition for Data Resources, Inc., at 24 Hartwell Avenue. The company is adding floor space for office use and converting part of its build- ing across the street at 29 Hartwell Avenue to more computer hardware. To understand the company's needs, the two buildings need to be considered together. For zoning purposes, 24 Hartwell Avenue needs to stand on its own. 1 It was agreed that the "Guidelines for in the meeting, would be the basis for The Planning Director was requested to culated to members prior to transmittal SUBDIVISION OF LAND Page 2 4/15/81 Peak Hour Limitations," adopted the Planning Board's recommendation. complete the report which will be cir- to the Board of Appeals. 73. Ridge Estates II, off Ridge Road: The matter of setting the bond for this sub- division was taken from the table. Mr. Bowyer reported that Town Engineer Michael Hanlon had said an additional $10,000 should be added to cover the cost of the drainage system and retention ponds. It was agreed that any other items outstanding would be handled in determining the amount of the reduction of the bond. On the motion of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted unanimously to set the amount of the bond for this subdivision at $610,000, and that the work described shall be completed within two years unless otherwise approved by the Planning Board. 74. Trodden Path Subdivision, Concord Avenue and Blossom Street: The Board signed the Certificate of Action approved at the meeting of April 6, 1981. 75. Battleview Subdivision, off Young Street: The Board reviewed a draft of the Certificate of Action. Mrs. Wheaton identified certain items that needed to be checked. On the issue of fire alarm boxes, it was agreed that a meeting should be arranged with the Board of Selectmen to have a full discussion in which the Planning Board's point of view could be presented. Mr. Sandy suggested that the requirement for fire alarm boxes not be waived at this time and if the Board of Selectmen indicates a policy that fire alarm boxes will not be hooked up, then the requirement can be waived later. If a waiver is granted now, the requirement can not be imposed later if that is the policy direction coming from the Board of Selectmen. 76. Ingleside Subdivision near Maple Street: Mr. Sandy reported there were only two minor items that needed to be dealt with. One is to change the reference to "conservation easement," which implies the involvement of some public body. The other is the drainage system and the depth of pipes and if the Town Engineer is satisfied, then he would have no objection. 77.Policy on Hartwell Avenue Traffic - Commercial Develovment: The Board reviewed a draft of suggested guidelines for peak hour limitations on new commercial development in the Hartwell Avenue - Bedford Street area. Mr. Sorensen and Mrs. Wheaton thought that the policy should not differentiate between construction for existing companies in the area and new companies coming into the area. The traffic impact is the same. Mrs. Smith thought the Town owed something to companies who have been in the area for some time and they should not be subject to requirements as restrictive as those for companies entering the area for the first time. Mr. Sandy and Mrs. Nichols agreed with Mrs. Smith. Several changes were made in the suggested guidelines. On the motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Smith, the Board voted 4-0, with Mr. Sorensen abstaining, to adopt the guidelines, as amended, as a policy. It was agreed that the policy would be sent to the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Appeals for their comments and that a joint meeting should be set up. Mr. Bowyer suggested that this policy should be applicable in the short term and further technical work is needed on techniques of controlling the timing and intensity of commercial development on land already zoned in commercial districts. Page 3 4/15/81 78. Reports by Members 78a. Board of Appeals Hearings of April 9, 1981: Mr. Sandy reported on the decisions reached by the Board of Appeals at their hearing on April 9, 1981. Several members expressed their concern about the approval by the Board of Appeals of both the petition for variances and the special per- mit for the office building on Hayden Avenue. It was agreed that a letter would be drafted to the Board of Selectmen outlining the reasons why this is a poor decision and that a meeting with the Board of Select- men would be requested. 78b. Hanscom Field, Flight Service Station: Mrs. Smith reported on the A-95 review of the FAA flight service station at Hanscom Field. The facility is a building for weather forecasting material. There are a number of unanswered questions, particularly why a 2.5 -acre site is needed for a 10,000 square foot building. The proposal is too vague for an area sensi- tive to development and a total development plan is needed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:54 p.m. 1 1 Laura F. Nichols, Clerk