HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-23MINUTES OF PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 23, 1981 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:41 p.m. by the Chairman, Mrs. Wheaton, with members Friedman, Nichols, Sandy, Sorensen, Planning Director Bowyer, Assistant Planner Asen and Secretary Mrs. Salto present. Mr. Bowyer introduced Mrs. Lorraine Salto who was recently appointed as secretary in the Planning Department. 35. ARTICLES FOR THE 1981 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING The Board reviewed preliminary drafts of reports on articles on which public hearings had been held and discussed several citizen's articles. Article 13, Editing Changes: Mrs. Wheaton suggested changes in the section about the Planning Board's responsibilities under zoning. On the motion of Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, it was voted unanimously to approve the report as amended. Article 14, Filing Requirements: Editing changes were made to improve the read- ability of the report. On the motion of Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Fried- man, it was voted unanimously to accept the report as amended. Article 15, Penalty for Zoning Violations: Editing changes were suggested to improve the readability. Article 16, Swimming Pools: Mr. Sorensen said that in view of the water shortage, he thought it inappropriate to simplify procedures which might have the effect of encouraging more pools and a greater use of water. Mr. Sorensen's motion to have the Town Meeting indefinitely postpone the article failed to receive a second. It was agreed that Mr. Sorensen would prepare a report outlining the pros and cons of the article. Article 17, Non -conforming Structures: It was agreed to defer action on this article pending receipt of comments from the Board of Appeals. Article 18, Non -complying Buildings: It was agreed that this article needs additional work. Mrs. Wheaton will talk with Mrs. Morey of_the Board of Appeals. Article 19, Open Space RD: The Board reviewed a draft of the report prepared by Mr. Sandy. There was discussion as to whether the distance from buildings, used in calculating open space, should be changed from 40 feet to either 30 feet or 20 feet. Mr. Sorensen said he thought 30 feet was appropriate be- cause that is, the largest setback required in the single residence districts. Mr. Friedman and Mrs. Nichols both supported 30 feet. Mrs. Wheaton and Mr. Sandy support the article at 40 feet and Mr. Sandy will oppose the article if it is 30 feet. Thus, of the four members who will be serving on the Planning Board after the election on March 2, 1981, two members favor 30 feet and two members favor 40 feet. It was agreed to defer action until a new member is elected to the Planning Board. Article 20, Accessory Uses, Garages: On the motion of Mr. Friedman, seconded by Mr. Sandy, it was voted unanimously to approve the report as amended. Article 27, Prescott Village: Minor revisions had been made to the plans (presented at the public hearing) and were received in the Planning Board office on February 20. A poll of the Board was taken to identify each member's position and the reasons for the position. February 23, 1981 2. Mrs. Wheaton is opposed to the article because it does not have the re- quired 200 -foot frontage, the plans are not detailed enough, the issue of how the existing single-family house will be incorporated into the condo - minimum development has not been resolved, and the site is too impacted. Mr. Sandy is opposed because there is no benefit to the Town in low- and moderate -income housing which he does not think can be built. He prefers the density that would result from the cluster single-family housing develop- ment. Mr. Friedman is opposed for technical reasons. The plans are inadequate, such as the number of bedrooms. He might support the proposal if there were a more complete set of plans. Mr. Sorensen thinks there are no major problems with the development and supports it. Mrs. Nichols is opposed to the develop- ment because 60% of the units are potentially expandable and that could re- sult in increased traffic, the open space is wet and is not useable for the occupants of the development. It was agreed to defer action on the article until a new member of the Planning Board is elected. Mrs. Wheaton read from a memo from Mrs. Smith, prospective member of the Planning Board, that she was not in favor of this proposal because it had too many loose ends. Article 29, Cosgrove Land: Mrs. Nichols, Mr. Sorensen, and Planning Director Bowyer were absent from the meeting during the discussion of this article while they met with the Board of Selectmen and the Lexington Center Revitali- zation Committee. Mrs. Wheaton and Mr. Friedman oppose the article because of traffic conditions. Mr. Sandy indicated he might support the article if the developer agreed to not commence construction of the third building until road construction was under way. Article 33, Lincoln and Marrett Road: Mr. Bowyer reported that a letter had been received from Peter Kelley and Richard Perry stating they will not pursue Article 33 at this year's Annual Town Meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. 1 , ,.zCA ,v, YS Laura F. Nichols, Clerk