January 19, 1981
The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by
the Chairman, Mrs. Wheaton, with members Friedman and Sandy and Assistant
Planner Asen present. Members Nichols, Sorensen and Planning Director Bowyer
attended a meeting with the Board of Selectmen on Parking Policy Issues In
Lexington Center until about 8:45 P.M.
The minutes of the meeting of January 5, 1981 were corrected, and upon a motion
by Mr. Friedman, seconded by Mr. Sandy, were approved as corrected by a vote of
3 - 0, Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Sorensen were absent.
The Board reviewed the North Lexington Traffic Study prepared by the
Town's Engineering Department. It was agreed the Chairman will draft
a recommendation supporting the findings of the report and suggesting
additional items to be considered.
12. Lot 496, Map 72, Acorn and Poplar Streets, CZC 81/1: A letter from
Building Commissioner DiMatteo, dated January 13, 1981, requesting
the Planning Board concurrence on a Certificate of Zoning Compliance
was reviewed. Mr. DiMatteo determined that lot 496 is not a buildable
' lot due to lack of frontage on a legal street and that no building
permit can be issued unless a street acceptable to the Town is
constructed. Upon a motion by Mr. Friedman, seconded by Mr. Sandy,
it was voted 3 - 0, with Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Sorensen absent, to
concur in the Building Commissioner's finding.
13. Lot 190A, Map 58, Denver Street, CZC 81/2_: A letter from Building
Commissioner DiMatteo, dated January 13, 1981, requesting Planning
Board concurrence on a Certificate of Zoning Compliance was reviewed.
Mr. DiMatteo determined that lot 190A is not a buildable lot because
of an illegal subdivision that took place involving the lot and that the
lot is on a paper street. Upon a motion by Mr. Sandy, seconded by
Mr. Friedman, it was voted 3 - 0, with Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Sorensen
absent, to concur in the Building Commissioner's finding.
14. Lot 2, Map 55, Grant Street, CZC 81/3_: A letter from Building
Commissioner DiMatteo, dated January 13, 1981, requesting Planning
Board concurrence on a Certificate of Zoning Compliance was reviewed.
Mr. DiMatteo determined that lot 2 is a building lot due to a variance
approved on November 28, 1961, to construct a single family dwelling
with less than the required setback from the side line of old Grant
Street. Upon a motion by Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mr. Friedman, it was
voted 3 - 0, with Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Sorensen absent, to table the
matter until the meeting of January 26, 1981, to obtain a copy of the
variance granted and to check the status of the Grant Street right-of-way.
15, Aaron Road; OCS 81/1: In response to the request of the Building
Commissioner, dated January 13, 1981, the Planning Board determined
that Aaron Road is a paper street. Any development will have to
comply with current subdivision and zoning regulations.
16. Land on Ryder Lane, Form A - 81/1: The Board reviewed a plan showing
land on Ryder Lane. Upon a motion by Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mr.
Friedman, it was voted 3 - 0, with Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Sorensen;
absent, to:
1) Approve the plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington,
Mass.,", being a subdivision of Lot 18, as shown on
Land Court Plan 27677H, dated Dec. 5, 1980, prepared
by and certified by John J. Sullivan, Registered Land
Surveyor, of Arlington, Mass., submitted with application
Form A 81/1 by Nicholas LaFauci, provided notations are
made on the plan that lot 18B is not a buildable lot and
is to be combined with lot 19; and
2) to authorize the Planning Director to sign the plan, as
noted, in behalf of the Board.
17. Land off Ridge Road, Form A 81/2: The Board reviewed a plan showing
land off Ridge Road. Upon a motion by Mr. Friedman, seconded by Mr.
Sandy, it was voted 3 - 0, with Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Sorensen absent:
' The plan entitled "Land Court Plan of Land in Lexington,
Mass.", being a subdivision of Lot C, L.C.C. 5257C, dated
January 15, 1981, prepared by Joseph Moore Co., land
surveyors and civil engineers of Bedford, Mass., certified
by Roger Corbin, registered land surveyor with application
Form A 81/2 by Theodore Freeman, does not require approval
under the Subdivision Control Law.
18. Ridge Estates II, off Ridge Road, Execution of Covenant
Upon a motion by Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mr. Friedman, it was voted
3 - 0, with Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Sorengen absent, to execute the
Covenant on Ridge Estates II and that all signed documents be
retained by the Town until Town Counsel is satisfied that the owner-
ship of the land is as described in the Covenant. The Planning
Director is authorized to sign the Definitive Subdivision Plan in
behalf of the Board.
Mrs. Nichols, Mr. Sorensen and Planning Director Bowyer returned at 8:45 P.M.
from attending the Selectmen's meeting.
Mrs. Morey, Chairman of the Board of Appeals, was present and made
comments and suggestions on the Planning Board's articles for the
1981 Town Meeting. The Board agreed to include several of Mrs. Morey's
suggestions in the articles. The Board made editorial changes in
several articles.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Laura F. Nichols, Clerk