HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-201 1 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 20, 1980 The discussion meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:34 p.m. by the Chairman Mrs. Wheaton with members Friedman, Nichols, Sandy, Sorensen and Planning Director Bowyer present. DETERMINATION OF PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL Maple/Woburn Street, Form A80-21. Edward Green; The Board reviewed a plan of the so-called Green and White land between Maple and Woburn Streets. Upon a motion by Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Friedman, it was voted unanimously: The plan entitled "Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated October 1, 1980, prepared by Apex Associates, Land Surveyors of Newton Highlands, Mass. certified by John J. Regan, Registered Land Surveyor, with application form A80-21, by Edward Green, acting for Ben�*amin Franklin Homes, Inc., showing lots located on 160 acres between Maple and Woburn Streets and the B & M Railroad right of way, does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law. POLICY ON OPEN SPACE (ZONING CALCULATIONS The Board reviewed the final draft of the Policy on Open Space (Zoning Calculations) and made several editorial changes. Upon a motion by Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mr. Sorensen, it was voted 4 - 1, with Mrs. Nichols opposed, to approve the policy, as amended. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SECTION 8.1.8., RD ZONING DISTRICT RELATIVE TO OPEN SPACE The Board reviewed a proposed amendment, prepared by Mr. Sandy in a memo dated October 11, 1980, to the effect that open land within 40 feet of a building shall not be included in a calculation of required open space in an RD District. Mrs. Nichols questioned the effect of the proposed regulation on various types of developments. Mrs. Nichols will review past RD development proposals, both voted and defeated, to see how the proposed 40 foot requirement would work out. It was agreed that the Planning Director will put the proposed amendment into the format of a warrant article for a vote of the Board at a future meeting. The proposed article will also be reviewed by Town Counsel. Page 2 10.20.80 SUBJECTS WHICH MIGHT BE PRESENTED BY THE PLANNING BOARD AS ARTICLES IN THE 1981 TOWN MEETING The Board discussed a number of sections of the Zoning By -Law that needed work either for clarification or improved requirements. After much discussion it was agreed that the Board will sponsor six subjects as articles in the 1981 Town Meeting: 1. Section 9.6, National Flood Insurance District, Previously approved at the meeting of July 7, 1980. 2. Section 8.1.8, Open Space in the RD District, as discussed earlier in this meeting. 3. Delete all references to the Town's "Building By -Law" or the "Building Inspector" in Section 3.1 and wherever else they may appear. 4. Table 1, Use Regulation Schedule, Line 8.8 garages for more than three cars --- change to SP in all districts except RO and RS. 5. Section 3.1.1,inerease the penalty for violations from $50.00 to $100.00 and improve the language about the ' number of days of violation, as suggested by Town Counsel. 6. Table 2, Schedule of Dimensional Controls, increase the requirement in the CM District for minimum side and rear yard adjacent to residential districts from 75 feet to 100 feet. Mr. Sorensen will prepare a draft of an amendment for X66 above. It was agreed not to submit an article on the subject of combining lots by deed or use until after the decision is reached on the Butts case. The Board noted the second sentence of Section 6.3 which requires a variance for any expansion (in any direction) of an existing non- conforming building. The. Board thought a Special Permit be more desirable than a variance but agreed to defer action on this paragraph until the entire Section 6, Non -Conforming Uses and Structures is revised. Mr. Bowyer recommended that whole sections of the Zoning By -Law be re -written over a period of time, with one or more sections being submitted to each Town Meeting. He suggested this process start at the 1982 Town Meeting. He said that Section 9.8, Parking and Loading Regulations, was, in his view, the one most in need of complete revision. • Page 3 10.20.80 The Board agreed to arrange a meeting with the Board of Appeals, in response to Mrs. Morey's request dated October 8 , 1980, and to invite the Building Commissioner to attend that meeting, to be scheduled for November 10. Both the Board of Appeals and the Building Commissioner will be requested to indicate what substitutions they think should be made to the Zoning By -Law. The meeting was adjourned at 10:11 p.m. CIL, _V - Laura F. Nichols, Clerk 1 1