HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-10-06PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 6, 1980 The discussion meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the Chairman Mrs. Wheaton with members Friedman, Sorensen, Sandy, and Planning Director Bowyer present. POLICY STATEMENT ON OPEN SPACE The Board discussed a draft Policy Statement on Open Space prepared by Mrs. Wheaton. The Policy Statement is intended to be a guideline for the staff, for the Board, and for developers in computing open space in meeting zoning requirements. Changes in the Policy Statement were agreed to and the revised copy will be placed on the agenda for the next business meeting. It was also agreed that Mr. Sandy will draft an amendment to the Zoning By -Law, to be submitted as an article for the 1981 Town Meeting, to require that open space be set back 40 feet from a building in order to qualify. APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED PLANS - FORM A The Board discussed a memorandum dated September 18, 1980, prepared by Mrs. Wheaton. Discussion centered on whether to charge a fee for each application or according to the number of lots to be created. Mr. Sandy proposed one fee schedule for lots that comply with all current requirements for lot area and frontage in the Table of Dimensional Controls, or in the Cluster Development section, and another (higher) fee schedule for all other lots, such as those which require research by the staff. No agreement was reached and the next step is for a member to pre- pare a revised draft. PROPOSAL FOR SCATTERED SITE, UNSUBSIDIZED, MODERATE INCOME HOUSING The Board reviewed a memorandum dated April 26, 1980, prepared by Mr. Sandy. Discussion centered on how home builders would adapt to the proposal, its po- litical acceptability, and legal questions. It was suggested that Mr. Sandy talk to Town Counsel about the legal questions. KITSON PARK ESTATES SUBDIVISION, DRAFT CERTIFICATE OF ACTION, SPECIAL PERMIT The Board reviewed a draft of the Certificate of Action and of the Special Permit. It was agreed to strike item X69 from the Certificate of Action and to revise -con- ditions #1 and #2 and to include them in the Certificate of Action as well. BURLINGTON REZONING ON ADAMS STREET Mrs. Wheaton reported that she had attended a public hearing last Thursday evening in Burlington on a proposal to rezone about 17 acres of land off Adams Street, adjoining the Lexington town line, to industrial use. Both the Burling- ton Planning Board and the Land Use Committee of the Burlington Town Meeting voted unanimously to recommend against the rezoning. The meeting was adjourned at 10:07 p.m. q r oma C �(1 I Laura F. Nichols, Clerk