HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-02PLANNING BOARD MEETING September 2, 1980 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by the Chairman Mrs. Wheaton with members Sandy, Nichols, Sorensen, Friedman, Planning Director Bowyer and Administrative Clerk Mrs. Snow present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of August 4, 1980, were amended, and upon a motion by Mr. Sandy, seconded by Mr. Friedman, were unanimously approved as amended. The minutes of August 18, 1980, were amended, and upon a motion by Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Sandy, were unanimously approved as amended. Mrs. Wheaton abstained from voting because of her absence from those two meetings. SEPTEMBER MEETING SCHEDULE Mr. Bowyer informed the Board of the request by the Conservation Commission for a joint meeting with the Planning Board on September 16, to hear a pre- sentation about the Tophet Swamp study and to talk about the "sensitive areas" analysis. The meeting schedule for September is as follows: September 8, 16, 22, and 29, 1980. The Board will join the Commission in its office on September 16th, as requested. APPOINTMENTS TO INTER -AGENCY COMMITTEES In response to the Town Manager's request for Planning Board representation on an MAPC inter -community groundwater planning project, involving the towns of Bedford, Lexington, Burlington, Concord, Lincoln, Carlisle and Billerica, Mrs. Nichols agreed to serve. Mrs. Nichols reported that an MAPC meeting on sub -regional traffic problems will be held in Lincoln on September 4. The Central Transportation Planning Staff will present an update on the status of transportation projects in the towns of Lexington, Bedford, Lincoln and Concord. Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Bowyer plan to attend and Mr. Bowyer was asked by the Chairman to inquire about area wide road improvements study, promised to the Planning Board last year by Peter Murphy, CTPS. SUBDIVISION OF LAND Corazzini Land, Concord Avenue and Blossom Street: Messrs Greenstein and Jenkins, developers, and their engineer, Peter Ogren, were present for the discussion of the preliminary cluster plan for subdivision of the Corazzini land. The reasons, pro and con, for the cul-de-sac design, as opposed to a through -street plan, were discussed at length. Memoranda from the Fire Chief and the Chief of Police, expressing no strong opposition to the cul-de-sac concept on the basis of safety, were noted. Several residents of the area were present and spoke in support of the cluster development plans with a cul-de-sac, as submitted. Mrs. Phyllis Aaronson, Webster Road, presented 11 responses to a neighborhood survey. Of the 20 responses to the mailing of 70 questionnaires, a majority of residents preferred the cul-de-sac, cluster design, with open space dedicated to passive recreation. Page 2 9.2.80 Mr. Bowyer reported on his conference with Recreation Department Heads Halvorsen and Prentiss, who requested statistics on the existing and pro- jected child population who would be users of the proposed recreation area. Mr. Bowyer presented a chart showing child population, existing and projected, in the immediate and general area of the Corazzini land. He recommended the cluster and cul-de-sac plan becauseitafforded the opportunity for an informal recreation area in the section town below Route 2 which now has no recreation area. The developers listed waivers to be requested as follows: a road right-of-way 40' wide rather than 50'; pavement width reduced to 24', and a cul-de-sac length of 835 feet, in excess of the 650' permitted. The Board was polled on approval of the plan as submitted. Mrs. Wheaton and Mr. Sandy expressed preference for a through street design in a cluster development, with open space for informal recreation use. Mr. Sorensen, Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Friedman supported approval of the plan as submitted, i.e. a cluster development with a cul-de-sac, and open space for informal recreation use. Upon a motion by Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mr. Friedman, the plan was approved as submitted, with the waivers as requested, by a three to two vote, with Mrs. Nichols, Mr. Sorensen and Mr. Friedman voting in favor and Mrs. Wheaton and Mr. Sandy opposed. The Planning Director was requested to prepare the approval letter for the next meeting. Cambridge Farms, off Marrett Road: A Subdivision Control Security Agreement for Cambridge Farms subdivision, in the amount of $70,000, was reviewed as to form. Town Counsel will be consulted further regarding interpretation of cer- tain wording in the Agreement and criteria for the release of funds. Requests by the developers of the subdivision and by the owner of Lot 1 within the subdivision were deferred pending resolution of the questions about the Security Agreement. OPINION ON CONSTRUCTION OF STREETS Denver Street, 1980/2: In response to the request of the Building Commissioner, Mr. Bowyer reported on the physical condition of Denver Street. It is a paper street, and is impassable within the right-of-way'. He was instructed to inform the Building Commissioner that Denver Street is not a street of adequate grade and construction, is a paper street, and does not provide legal frontage. APPLICATION TO THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN - PARKER SCHOOL The Board reviewed the site plan and previous memoranda between the staff and the developer. Members noted the need for additional information about drainage, potential erosion in the back of the site, and noise isolation due to the location of the building in the flight path of Hanscom Field. Members will submit comments by the close of business on Thursday, and the Director will prepare a draft of a recommendation for action at the meeting on September 8. APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS 4 Frances Road, Stephen Hintlian, variance to maintain an existing house. 57 Woburn Street, Rachel Higgins, variance to maintain an existing house. 5 Donald Street, Robert Murray, variances to maintain an existing house. The Board reviewed a staff memorandum dated August 28, 1980, and agreed not to make a recommendation on these three cases. Page 3 9.2.80 ' 20 Waltham Street, Melting Pot International Special Permit: The Board agreed with the staff recommendation contained in the August 28, 1980, memo. On a motion by Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Friedman, the Board voted 4 -.1 to request the Planning Director to draft a letter to the Board of Appeals incor- porating the recommendations from the August 28th memo and oral comments he made, to be reviewed at the next meeting. Mr. Sandy did not vote in favor of the motion. 424 Bedford Street, Boston Properties, Special Permit - HUD Flood: On a motion by Mrs. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Sandy, the Board voted unanimously to request the Director to prepare a letter, to be reviewed at the next Planning Board meeting, incorporating the staff recommendation from the August 28th memo, the language of the Zoning By -Law relative to conditions of the under the HUD Flood requirements, and language suggested by Mrs. Wheaton. Potter Pond, off Concord Avenue and Walnut Street, Boyd/Smith, Inc: The Director reported that this case, which deals with variances for garages and for reduced distance between structures, is similar to the one on which the Board took a Position at its meeting of August 4, 1980, and which was subsequently with- drawn by the applicants. It was agreed that the earlier report .would be up- dated and used again. NEW BUSINESS ' Idylwilde Subdivision: Mrs. Nichols reported on the problem of the completion of Idylwilde Road and that the Public Works Department had indicated there was not enough money left to complete the road. The staff was requested to draft a letter to the Board of Selectmen inquiring as to what action they will be taking to complete the subdivision. Meeting with Town Manager: It was agreed to request the Town Manager to meet with the Board on September lb to discuss the coordination of work programs. The meeting adjourned at 11:28 1 p.m. 4 Laura F. Nichols, Clerk