HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-07-07PLANNING BOARD MEETING April 7, 1980 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Friedman with members Nichols, Sorensen, Sandy, Wheaton, planning intern Asen, and administrative clerk Mrs. Snow present. Dr. Friedman reported that suggestions by members of the CB Parking ART.63MOTION Committee have been received that item c. regarding provision of parking CB PARKING spaces for new, converted or expanded structures for commercial use, be stricken. It was felt that this provision would preclude conversion from residential to commercial of two of the eleven'dwellings in the CB district. The motion will be revised accordingly. The Board reviewed a plan submitted with Application Form A80-6, showing FORM A80-6 Lots 1 and 2 at Slocum Road. The plan shows one of the lots proposed for SLOCUM RD. division (Lot 1) with two structures, both used as dwellings and the DEVINE Planning Board was hesitant to endorse the plan as presented. It was felt that each residence should be on a separate lot, and endorsement of the plan would preclude this procedure in future. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by a majority: The plan submitted on March 26, 1980, by John A. Devine, with Applica- tion Form A80-6, entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated March 24, 1980, by Joseph W. Moore Co., showing Lots 1 and 2 at Slocum Road, requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Mrs. Wheaton, Dr. Friedman and Mr. Sorensen voted in favor; Dr. Sandy and Mrs. Nichols voted in opposition. At 7:30 p.m., public hearing on the application by Michael Saulich for PUBLIC HEAR - special permit and approval of the definitive subdivision plan for ING LINCOLN Lincoln Hill was opened by the chairman. Dr. Sandy did not participate HILL because he is a member of Temple Isaiah, abuttor to this property. At 7:59 p.m., the hearing recessed and was continued to 7:15 p.m. on April 9, 1980. The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. Frank Sandy, Clerk PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 7, 1980 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by the Chairman Mrs. Wheaton with members Nichols, Sorensen, Sandy, Planning Director Bowyer and Administrative Clerk Mrs. Snow present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of June 23, 1980, were amended and were unanimously approved as amended. REPORTS BY MEMBERS Mrs. Wheaton requested that Mr. Bowyer report on a meeting attended by MAPC Housing representatives, Mr. Bowyer and herself on June 27. Funds for the AHOP Housing Program are available and MAPC would offer staff assistance to review and provide preliminary architectural planning for sites which would be suitable for subsidized housing. Five sites listed in the December 1978 Housing Study, the exact locations of which were not clear in all cases, were noted. Additional sites, if any, will be reviewed at a subsequent meeting with MAPC. ZONING AMENDMENT National Flood Insurance District: A draft article to amend Section 9.6 was reviewed, and upon a motion by Mr. Sorensen, seconded by Mrs. Nichols, was ' unanimously approved as presented. It was also voted that following review by Town Counsel, the Planning Director be authorized, upon notification that a Special Town Meeting will be held, to submit the article in a timely manner to the Board of Selectmen for insertion in the Warrant and to arrange for a public hearing. SUBDIVISION OF LAND Corazzini land, Blossom Street, Cluster Development: Steven Russian on behalf of Joel Greenstein and Donald Jenkins, both of whom were also present, met with the Board for further discussion of development plans for the Corazzini land (see minutes of June 9, 1980). Among the sketch plans infor- mally presented were a cluster plan with a 790+ foot cul-de-sac (as measured from Webster Road), a cluster plan with a through street from Lawn Avenue to Blossom Street, a conventional subdivision plan with a through street, and a topogrpahic plan of the area. The Board expressed unanimous preference for the cluster concept but no consensus was reached on preference for road design (either cul-de-sac or through street), requests for waivers on right-of-way width, paving width, and sidewalk installation. 14 to 16 lots will be developed, with the open space deeded to the Town for passive recreational use. BOARD OF APPEALS PETITIONS Ruth Morey, Chairman of the Board of Appeals, was present and expressed dis- pleasure at what she considered premature Planning Board review and discussion of petitions to the B/A which had not been sent to B/A members yet. The Planning Director explained that the B/A had distributed the cases through the Town Hall and because of the constraints of the summer meeting schedule of the Planning Board, analysis of the petitions had been prepared prior to the scheduling of the hearings. Page 2 7.7.80 The Planning Board agreed not to make a recommendation on any of the following petitions: Gunther, 35 Woodcliffe Road, for variance Lemoine, 54 Tarbell Avenue, for variance Penta, 38 Normandy Road, for variance Regarding the petition of Jane Forsyth for a special permit to use a portion of her dwelling at 3 Abbott Road to provide counseling services, the Board will suggest conditions regarding number of client vehicles and a time limit on the special permit, if granted. LAND SUBDIVISION Willow Ridge Subdivision, Barrett Road: John Tuttle, developer, his attorney, William Vincent, Elliot Abrons and his attorney, Allen Rodman, were present for discussion of problems which have arisen with respect to lot lines on the approved plans (see minutes of June 23, 1980). Mr. Vincent presented an outline of procedures for remedying the situation and the mechanism for re- cording the plans. He gave the history of the transfer of land within the subdivision to Mr. Abrons and explained the process for remedying the problems concerning the actual lot lines and those shown on the approved subdivision plan by submission of a "Form A" plan. The Form A plan was examined and appeared to meet with the general approval of the members. Town Counsel will be consulted as to whether a new public hearing on changes of grading within lots is necessary. POLICY STATEMENT, SUBSTANDARD UNACCEPTED STREETS A draft policy statement dated July 3, 1980, prepared by Mr. Bowyer, was dis- cussed briefly. Criteria for a road of adequate grade and construction and general discussion on the draft followed. Members were requested to transmit their comments and questions to Mr. Bowyer by July 14. PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Bowyer informed the Board that Steve Asen, Planning Intern, will probably be remaining in Lexington through September. He reported on the July 3 meeting of department heads with the Town Manager. A "Development Committee" comprised of the Town Manager, Planning Director, Town Engineer, Building Commissioner and Assistant Town Manager was formed at that meeting to deal with issues concerning land and economic development. Among the items listed in the Board of Selectmen's Goals and Objectives State- ment, CBD revitalization has been given first priority. The public hearing on the special permit for conversion of the Parker School will not be held on July 21. No new date has been scheduled. Mr. Bowyer transmitted the Lexington Housing Authority's invitation to the Board for an open house at the scattered site unit at 132 North Street on July 17, from 4 to 6 p.m. Page 3 7.7.80 Mr. Sorensen requested Mr. Bowyer to informally advise the Building Commissioner of the earth removal activity at 1620 Massachusetts Avenue. At 11:15 p.m., upon a motion by Mrs. Wheaton, seconded by Mr. Sandy, it was unanimously voted by poll of the Board to go into executive session for discussion of litigation the disclosure of which could adversely affect the interests of the Town. It was also voted that the Board would return to its open session for adjournment only. Following discussion of matters which could be the.subject of litigation against the Town, the Board returned to open session at 12:04 a.m. and the meeting was adjourned at that time. Laura F. Nichols, Clerk 1 1 MEETING OF THE LEXINGTON PLANNING BOARD IN EXECUTIVE SESSION July 7, 1980 ' Upon unanimous vote, the Lexington Planning Board met in executive session at 11:15 p.m., for discussion of the facts involved in a forthcoming appeal of the denial of a building permit for Lot 2 at Rockville Avenue. n 1 Subsequent to the endorsement on March 22, 1978, of a Form A plan showing Lot 2 at Rockville Avenue, the Planning Board determined that Rockville Avenue is not a street of adequate grade and construction. Building Commissioner DiMatteo has informed the attorney of the appellant, John H. Shea, that the 1978 endorsement does not give legal status to the street or buildable status to the lot. An appeal to the Board of Appeals and other legal action is pending. Norman Cohen, Town Counsel, has asked for justification of the Planning Board's 1978 endorsement of the Form A plan. It was agreed that the Planning Board at that time believed all criteria had been met, but that apparently no site review regarding the physical condition of Rockville Avenue at that location was made. The action of the Board was based on the existing policy of the Planning Board at that time. The executive session closed at 12:04 a.m. Laura F. Nichols, Clerk