HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-19PLANNING BOARD MEETING February 19, 1980 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Friedman with members Sandy, Wheaton, Nichols, Charles Downe, consultant, and administrative clerk Mrs. Snow present. Letter from Attorney LeClair, dated February 6, 1980, asking determina- 502 MARRETT titin on the status of Lot 437 and accompanied by the title informations RD. requested in the Planning Board's February 4, 1980, letter was noted. It was concluded by a majority of the Board that Mr. LeClair's client should seek a Certificate of Compliance from the Building Commissioner and, if denied, the Planning Board will advise the Commissioner that Lot 437 is a buildable lot. A letter will be written to Mr.LeClair advising him of this decision. It was agreed that one of the 1980/81 work items will be further review STREET RE - of streets with regard to possible reclassification. CLASSIFICA- TION Dr. Friedman will respond to Steve Russian regarding his proposal for CLARKE ST. rezoning to CB of the Clarke Street Medical Building parcel. Mr. Russian MEDICAL BLDG. will be informed that the Board does not favor the proposal. The meeting was recessed at 8:04 p.m. for the Planning Board's appointment CB MEETING to meet with the Board of Selectmen, Chamber of Commerce, H.D.C. and the WITH BD/SEL. CB Committee for discussion of Lexington Center. ' At 9:05 p.m., the regular meeting was resumed and at that time, Murray SHAKER GLEN Movitz, Winn Development Corp. Architect Herbert Eisenberg, and Engineer REZONING Bruce Stamski met with the Board for further discussion of the Shaker Glen MULTI -FAMILY Brook housing proposal. The Board members expressed disfavor with the plans for the following reasons: high density, ineffective drainage plan, and disturbance of water quality. The developers were unwilling to lower the density, but agreed to move vuildings back from the brook on the site. The brook would be lined with stone. Regarding the ponds to be constructed as water retention areas, the developers plan to install aerators to attempt to offset stagnation in warm weather. The illegally filled areas will be excavated and refilled with gravel to compensate for added 'runoff from the impervious surfaces. A plan was displayed showing location of types of units and the 2.33 acres of open space. It was calculated that 2.39 acres would be necessary to meet the 25% requirements and the developer will redesign to comply. Several residents of the area were in attendance and expressed opposition based on concern with traffic and water problems. Charles Downe's draft report dated 2.15.80 on Article 67 (Fuller Hill) was FULLER HILL noted. Concern was expressed by the Board regarding impact on abuttors MEREDITH & from -traffic resultant from the office park development. It will be GREW ART. 67 recommended that any commercial rezoning in that area should include all nearby residential land and redesign of the road system to minimize impact at Route 2/Spring Street/Concord Avenue intersections. It was felt that the proposed building is too large and the use too intense for the site. The adequacy of parking provisions was questioned. Mrs. Nichols requested more ' information on existing vehicular traffic patterns and use in the area. 2.19.80 The Planning Board will hold regular meetings in March as follows: MARCH MEETING March 3, and 10, commencing at 7:30 p.m. and on March 17, 19, 14, 26, SCHEDULE and 31, beginning at 7 p.m. The Board reviewed the Leichtman petition to the Board of Appeals to LEICHTMAN allow residential use of a barn at 537 Lowell St. Written recommenda- 537 LOWELL ST. tion td the B/A will state Planning Board opposition to the construction and will recommend use of a trailer. December 3, 1979, and January -2, 1980, minutes were approved as written. Minutes of January 7, 1980, were approved as amended. Regarding the minutes of December 3rd, it was noted that the newly printed zoning map does not show "Grant Place" and "Ward St." as driveways, as voted by the Board on that evening. The meeting adjourned at 11:06 p.m. 1 C Frank Sandy, Clerk