HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-11-13PLANNING BOARD MEETING November 13, 1979 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Friedman with members Sandy, Wheaton, Nichols, Planning director Briggs, planning intern Asen, Building Commissioner DiMatteo, and administrative clerk Mrs. Snow present. David Lavender, Avon, Street resident, was present to request Planning AVON STREET Board recommendation that Avon St. between Center and Myrtle streets, be REPAIRS upgraded to some degree. He claims damage due to use of heavy equipment LAVENDER for installation of utilities for two subsidized houses to be constructed on Avon Street. Mr. Briggs recommended grading and a course of gravel to prevent further erosion and to rectify the damage. A letter will be sent to the Board of Selectmen with a copy to the Lexington Housing Authority and to Mr. Lavender, recommending this action. William Hamilton and his engineer, Robert Daylor met with the Board for CONCORD AVE. discussion of revision of the road design for a proposed subdivision at SUBDV.HAMILTON Concord Avenue.. (Preliminary plan disapproved on September 17, 1979.) Mr. Daylor showed a plan which he said addressesthe problems of safe stop- ping and sight distances. The vertical slope of the road would be adjusted to be compatible with that of Concord Avenue. Mr. Briggs reported that a 4% slope for a distance of 75 feet would be acceptable according to engineering standards, and he felt that the revisions would seem to resolve the problems as cited in the September 17th disapproval. ' Philip Heidke and his attorney Burton Schaffer met with the Board for fur-BATTLEVIEW ther discussion of the Battleview subdivision definitive plan (see SUBDV.HEIDKE minutes of November 5, 1979). Mr. Schaffer again requested assurance that previously requested waivers, as discussed at the November 5 meet- ing, would be granted by the Planning Board. Memo from Chief Bergeron, dated 11/14/79, recommending approval of the 100' cul-de-sac diameter waiver, was noted. Engineering Dept. will be asked for its recommendation on the reduction of paving width and the 47' turning radius at the inter- section of Young Street and the subdivision street. Following receipt of these recommendations, the Planning Board will consider its view on the requested waivers. Charles Cole and Arthur DeVincent presented a proposal for rezoning of COLE/DEVINCENT a parcel on Waltham Street near the Waltham line, for construction of WALTHAM ST. multi -family dwellings. The proponents appeared willing to supply more REZONING than 13% (11 units) of the proposed 58 units as shown on a sketch plan (which included apartments at Waltham St. with condominiums to the rear) for low/moderate income units to be conveyed to the Lexington Housing Authority. Three of the 11 units would be constructed for the handicapped. Density proposed is 8.5/acre. Twenty 1 -bedroom and 38 2 -bedroom units are planned. The locus plan showing the 6.86 acre site was displayed. The proponents would seek rezoning to RD if the Planning Board requirement- for 10 acres for an RD site is relaxed sufficiently. Drainage and topo- graphy plans were shown, and question arose as to the legality of the plan for drainage onto the adjacent Ricci land. Open parking areas - 90 ' spaces for the 58 units, were pointed out. The Planning Board was asked for its review and comments on the plan as proposed. Page 2 11.13.79 Representatives of Meredith and Grew, developers, met with the Board at MEREDITH & 9:08 p.m. for informal presentation of a rezoning proposal of land at GREW Route 2 and Spring Street to CD for construction of an office complex. The site will include 14+ acres when all land is acquired. Possibly only 10 acres will be proposed for rezoning from RO zone. Mr. Hammer of Hugh Stubbins Assoc. distributed a brochure describing the plans for the 165,000 sq. ft. facility. Parking for 400 cars is planned. The Planning Board suggested visual buffering of the building from nearby residential areas. When the exact area of the site is determined, the developers will proceed with detailed plans for Planning Board review. Dr. Friedman's draft of the annual report of the Planning Board was re- PL.BD. REPORT viewed. Mrs. Wheaton will prepare an additional paragraph referencing the resignation of Mr. Briggs. The report was approved as amended by the addition of that paragraph. Draft letter prepared by Dr. Friedman to Theodore Freeman was reviewed, RIDGE EST. II advising him to resubmit his cluster subdivision plans to the B/A.because of changes in lot numbering in plans submitted to the Planning Board. The letter will be revised to include an alternative procedure to request extension of time for action on the plan and correction of the numbering to conform with the B/A approved plans. The letter was unanimously approved as revised. It was decided that the Board will review the article presented to the ACCESSORY APTS. 1979 Town Meeting on Accessory Apartments, and revise it for presentationARTICLE to the 1980 Town Meeting. Revision of Swimming Pool regulations was discussed regarding the Board SWIMMING POOL of Appeals' request to lift the requirement for special permit for all REGS. installations and designation of the Building Commissioner as SPGA in- stead of the B/A. Further discussion of the matter will be held with the Board of Appeals and the Town Counsel. The Building Commissioner had requested Planning Board attention to the CLELLAND RD. appeal of his denial of a building permit for two lots on Clelland Rd. (unaccepted street). Inspection of the site and the road by members showed that Clelland Road is in very poor condition and that access to the lots in question would be hazardous. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted that Clelland Rd. is not of adequate grade and construction in accordance with the Zoning By -Law and subdivision control law to support two additional dwellings. Mr. DiMatteo requested written confirmation of the Planning Board's concurrence with his denial. Copy of the letter will be sent to the Board of Selectmen with the Planning Board's recommendation for limited sewering of Clelland Rd. Request by Louis Stoico, President of Village Development Corp. for LOWELL EST II final release of surety on Lowell Estates II subdivision and Engineering BOND RELEASE Dept. memorandum advising the Planning Board that all work items have been satisfactorily completed, were noted. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: Page 3 11.13.79 To act upon the request of Village Development Corporation, Louis Stoico, President, by releasing surety on Lowell Estates Section 2 subdivision, reduced on February 7, 1977, to $21,000, plus any interest accrued. It was agreed that Sanderson Road in Lowell Estates II will be proposed for acceptance at the 1980 Annual Town Meeting. SANDERSON ROAD Receipt of the FY81 Sewer Program listing, and memo from DPW/Engr.request- ing comments by November 26, were noted. Dr. Sandy will prepare a draft of recommendations for consideration of the Planning Board on November 19. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. 1 1 Frank Sandy, Clerk