HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-22PLANNING BOARD MEETING October 22, 1979 ' The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Friedman with members Sandy, Nichols, Wheaton, Zabin, planning director Briggs, planning intern Asen and administrative clerk Mrs. Snow present. Mr. Briggs formally announced his resignation to take a position in BRIGGS Illinois and outlined his recommendations as to how functions in the RESIGNATION planning office will be carried out in the period prior to the hiring of a new planning director. Peter DiMatteo, Building Commissioner, will be supportive of the existing planning staff and will give assistance and guidance when necessary. Regarding the street reclassification project, Dr. Friedman reported that Paul Vears of the Engineering Department has cautioned that action to STREET downgrade streets must not deprive existing homes of access. Mr. Vears RECLASSIFICA- will be asked to meet with the Board for discussion of any specific prob- TION lems he has noted. Mr. Zabin reported on his conference with Town Counsel and proponents of GREEN PROPER - a proposal to develop the "Green" property at Rte. 2 and Spring St. for TY, RTE. 2 an office complex. A citizens article for rezoning to CD will be proposed to the 1980 ATM. ' At 8 p.m., residents of Emerson and Maureen Roads met with the Board by EMERSON RD. invitation for discussion of possible change of the name of one of the NAME CHANGE two Emerson Roads. Letter from Lloyd Taylor, resident of Maureen Rd., suggesting the renaming and memo from Fire Chief Bergeron, supporting the renaming for reasons of safety, were read aloud. The residents in attendance were generally opposed to a complete name change, but if a change is deemed necessary, they felt that simply adding "South" or "East" to the existing street name would cause the least inconvenience and would resolve the problem of safety cited by Chief Bergeron. It was agreed that for reduction of confusion, the name of the road in the proposed Ridge Estates II subdivision, and the connecting existing Emerson Road should be the same. The developer, Ted Freeman, sent word that he has no objection to the concept and would leave it to the Board to settle. Question arose as to the alternative of renaming the other Emerson Road and whether fewer residents would be impacted by that course of action. Decision on the matter was tabled for the time being. Residents of Woodpark Circle met with the Board for discussion of their WOODPARK EST. complaints of infestation of rodents in that area. In attempting to dis- cover the source of the attraction to the -rodents, history of the use of the site as a farm, and possible burial of organic matter in years past, was discussed. The Director of Public Health has been unsuccessful in dis- covering a source of food which would be the drawing power. The residents suggested that the open drainage ditch, which they claim does not function properly and has pools of stagnant water, might be a factor to be considered. Engineering Dept. will be asked to check on the slope of the ditch to as- certain if erosion, and in some places filling by residents, have decreased the efficiency of the system. Mr. Springer complained about conditions of Page 2 10.22.79 the embankment as well as the slope of the ditch.which he claims hinder attempts at landscaping and present an unsightly appearance. He will be advised of Engineering Dept. findings. If the existing drainage system is not in compliance with the approved plans, the developer, whose bond is still held by the Town, will be required to correct the situation. The residents were advised that the other disturbing issue is not within the jurisdiction of the Planning Board. Dr. Friedman's redraft of Rules and Regulations regarding re -petitions to the Board of Appeals was reviewed. It was agreed that regulation of the Board of Appeals procedures should not be included in Planning Board rules. Mrs. Nichols suggested rewording of reference to the composition of the assenting vote of the Planning Board. Discussion was tabled pending receipt of comments from Town Counsel who is reviewing the draft. Mr. Briggs reported on telephone conversation with Burton Schaffer, attor- BATTLEVIEW ney for the proponent of Battleview subdivision who was advised that be- SUBDV. cause of deficiencies in the application and in the submitted subdivi- sion plan, special permit and subdivision approval could not be granted at this time. Mr. Schaffer appeared unwilling to confer with the Board or Mr. Briggs regarding recommended revisions of the plan or to with- draw the current plan. Dr. Sandy's draft letter to Mr. Heidke, developer, urging withdrawal of the plan, was reviewed, but in the light of Mr. Briggs' report, will not be sent. Public hearing on the subdivision plan will be held on October 29, 1979. Mr. Briggs reported on his conference with Paul Castleman and the Engineer- ing Dept. regarding plan for water service at Mr. Castleman's Mountain Rd. MOUNTAIN RD. lot. Mr. Castleman will supply new plans showing a 2" water service and omitting sewer lines, for review by Engineering and action by the Board. The meeting schedule for the month of November is as follows: MTG.SCHEDULE November 5, 13, 19, 26, 1979. Tabled minutes of the meeting on September 18, 1979, were reviewed and MINUTES 9/18 Mr. Zabin was asked for his view on reference in the minutes to the Board of Appeals secretary. Dr. Friedman proposed a revision and Mr. Zabin suggested an even less specific reference. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the minutes as amended by Mr. Zabin. The minutes of September 24, 1979, were approved as written. The minutes of October 2, 1979, were approved as corrected. The meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m. C Frank Sandy,, Cler