HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-08-06PLANNING BOARD MEETING August 6, 1979 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Friedman with members Sandy, Wheaton, Nichols, planning director Briggs, and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance was Susan Fisher, Lexington Minute -Man. Michael Saunders was present to informally discuss with the Board a BARTLETT AVE. preliminary plan for subdivision of land at Bartlett Ave. Also SUBDV. shown was a plan of the same land entitled "Rosemont Subdivision", SAUNDERS dated 1920. The new 3 -lot subdivision plan, involving extension of Bartlett Avenue, was reviewed. Mr. Saunders stated that conservation easements over Lot 105 and part of Lot 106B will be deeded to the Town. Wet condition of the site for which elevation of buildings will com- pensate, was noted. The plan will be formally submitted to the Planning Board on August 7. The Lexington Center landowners and the CBD Subcommittee will be in- CBD MEETING vited to meet with the Planning Board on September 17, 1979, in Esta- 9.17.79 brook Hall, for further discussion regarding the future of Lexington Center. Requirement for yearly reappointment of subcommittees was noted, and upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted that the CBD Subcommittee, previously commissioned on September 18, 1978, be reappointed. Request by John McWeeney, Stop & Shop Co., Inc. for Planning Board view STOP & SHOP on a proposal to rezone land abutting the Bedford Street Stop & Shop BEDFORD STREET for expansion of parking area, was noted. Mr. McWeeney will be REZONING advised that the Board will review the concept with other Town Agencies before forming a position. The Board reviewed a plan of land on Summer Street, submitted by FORM A79-11 Michael Zack with Application Form A79-11. Dr. Zack was present and ZACK explained the purpose of the submittal for redistribution of land and SUMMER STREET relocation of lot lines, involving 6 lots and two landowners. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: To reject the plan entitled "Land Court Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass.", dated July 2, 1979, by Miller & Nylander, received on July 24, 1979, with Application Form A79-11, submitted by Michael Zack, showing land at Summer Street. A full subdivision plan is required. The reasons for rejection are as follows: 1. Area dimensions for lots 2, 5, 9, 8, and the "way" are not shown. 2. Existing buildings on lots 2 and 8 are not shown. 3. The 20' strip has erroneously been designated "way". 4. A note must be added indicating that: "Lot 5 is not a buildable lot". Plan submitted with Application Form A79-12, showing the Kiln Brook Office Park site at Hartwell Ave. to be divided for mortgage purposes, was re- viewed. According to Mr. Briggs, both lots would meet CM dimensional Page 2 8.6.79 requirements, but the Planning Board was concerned about conservation FORM A79-12 and Board of Appeals restrictions placed upon the parcel as one lot. KILN BROOK ' Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED, with Mrs. Wheaton OFFICE PARK abstaining: The plan submitted by Roger M. Corbin, Joseph W. Moore Co., on August 2, 1979, by Joseph W. Moore Co., showing Lots 3 and 4 at Hartwell Ave., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. The vote was conditional upon addition to the plan of a notation: "Lots 3 and 4 are subject to State and Local Wetland Orders of Conditions and a Zoning Special Permit, as shown on one single approved plan." The Planning Director was authorized to sign the plan following addition of the note. Mr. Briggs' draft report to the B/A on the Morrow Crossing Condominium MORROW CROSS - development, as required under Section 38, was reviewed. Width of the ING REPORT TO bikepath in Morrow Crossing, relative to State width standard for B/A connecting off-site bikepath, was discussed. The members were in agree- ment that the width of the path should be uniform throughout. Dr. Friedman will revise the report to include reference to the bikepath width and comments on the landscaping plan. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the report as amended, subject to modifications by the chairman. Theodore L. Freeman was present for discussion of release of covenant MINUTEMAN RIDGE for Minuteman Ridge II subdivision. Engineering Department memo dated II RELEASE OF August 6, 1979, recommending release subject to reseeding of the COVENANT shoulders of Scott Road, was noted. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to release Scott Road from covenant, conditional upon provision by the developer of $500 in surety to cover the planting of grass, as noted above. Town Counsel will be instructed to prepare the necessary instrument. Michael Saulich presented a preliminary sketch plan for subdivision of SAULICH land at Jean and Morgan roads into two lots. A supporting petition JEAN & MORGAN signed by nine residents of the general area was presented. Construct ROADS tion and definition of boundaries of the proposed cul-de-sac was dis- cussed. Some members of the Board were opposed to paving of a hammerhead turnaround only, and favored a completely paved cul-de-sac. The neighbors present voiced opposition to any extensive paving which would alter the character of the neighborhood. Mr. Saulich was advised that it is his responsibility to work out the road design prior to formal submittal. August 9 Board of Appeals petitions were reviewed. The Benoit pe3ition-, B/A AUGUST 9 for SP for an ongoing restaurant operation at 363A Mass. Ave.(formerly HEARINGS Rosina's Kitchen) was discussed and it was agreed that recommendation BENOIT will be made that no expansion of the building should be allowed which would intensify the proposed use, create a greater demand for parking, and would decrease the amount of parking space now provided. No comment will be made on the Snelsen petition division of a lot ' at Shirley and Bedford Streets. SNELSEN The meeting adjourned at 11:20 p.m. / "e_ ` Frank Sandy, Cle k