HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-23PLANNING BOARD MEETING July 23, 1979 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order by the chairman Dr. Friedman with members Sandy, Nichols, Wheaton, planning direc- tor Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Mr. Zabin joined the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Also in attendance was Susan Fisher, Lexington Minute -Man. Attorney Stephen Russian was present to speak on behalf of his client, MIN.MAN HOME CARE Minute Man Home Care Service, Inc., petitioner for special permit underSERVICE Section 25.2.2 to operate an elder service day care center in a portionWESTBRIDGE of the Grey Nuns School at Pelham Rd. Mr. Noonan, representing the SCHOOL Westbridge School for Boys, run by the Nobscot Foundation and which GREY NUNS will also lease a portion of the property, was present to explain the functions and operations of the school. Board of Appeals hearings on both proposals will be held on July 26. The Planning Board was unanimous- ly in favor of both proposals but expressed concern that the parking provisions would not be adequate especially in case of future expansion which seems highly possible. The danger of left turn at the intersection of Pelham Rd. and Massachusetts Ave. was noted. Mr. Russian suggested that a "right turn only" sign would alleviate the hazard. Request for Planning Board representation at the Board of Heilth-publix CASTLEMAN hearing on the Castleman request for septic system installation at MOUNTAIN RD. Mountain Road was received and Dr. Sandy agreed to attend. Because of Engineering Dept. requirement for construction of the one -house sewer hook-up to subdivision standards, Mr. Castleman, who had previously re- quested sewer connection, now finds the cost prohibitive. Mr.Briggs ad- vised amendment of the Certificate of Action to waive requirement for sewer. It will be suggested at the public hearing by Dr. Sandy that a covenant be drawn up to ensure that in the event of failure of the septic system, Mr. Castleman or future owners assume installation costs for sewer. Town Counsel will be consulted on the matter. Mrs. Morey, Chairman of the Board of Appeals, was present to request that the Planning Board actively pursue a zoning by-law amendment providing for a transitional zone at the perimeter of Lexington Center, and directed the Board's attention to the Yuill petition for use of 22 Muzzey Street for use ascan office building (RS zone). Mrs. Morey foresees several similar petitions for use variances at Muzzey Street in the near future. Dr. Friedman's draft letter recommending denial of the Yuill petition was reviewed and later in the evening, upon a motion duly made and seconded, was unanimously approved as amended. At 8:05 p.m., Dr. Sandy left the meeting t Mountain Road septic system hearing, and t hearing for special permit and subdivision Farms plan was opened. The hearing closed attend the Board of Health's e Planning Board's public PUBLIC HEARING approval of the Cambridge CAMBRIDGE FARMS at 8:21 p.m. SUBDV. The Colangelo Board of Appeals petition for expansion of existing facil- ities at 125 Hartwell Ave,. was considered. Letter from Police Chief COLANGELO Corr stating that no traffic problems exist at the intersection of 125 HARTWELL AVE. Hartwell Ave. and Wood St., was noted. Dr. Friedman reported that DPW is requiring replacement of trees along the Hartwell Ave. right -of- way inadvertently removed by Mr. Colangelo's workers. The Board will recommend granting of the special permit, but will recommend that planting Page 2 7.23.79 ' to retard erosion of the steep slope at the rear of the site be required, and that Hartwell Avenue at the 4125 entrance be marked in such a way as to allow flow of traffic into the Colangelo facility in the event of a back-up emanating from the Hanscom Field entrance. Michael Saulich, owner of land at the end of Jean/Morgan roads, and SAULICH Fred Conroy, his attorney, met with the Board for informal presenta- SUBDV. JEAN & tion of a plan to subdivide the 3 1/2+ acre parcel into two lots. Dis-MORGAN ROADS cussion followed as to construction standards of a banjo- or hammerhead turnaround. The Planning Board requested the Town Engineering Department to provide recommendations before making a final decision. Four Jean Road residents were present and expressed desire for as little change in the character of the area as possible. They were not opposed to Mr. Saulich's development. The Board will review the plan in depth upon formal submission. Mr. Briggs' draft of special permit for Lot "A" of the Daisy Wilson sub- division was reviewed. It was agreed that reference in Item #4 to LOT "A" HOLMES preservation of existing trees should be deleted. Upon a motion duly DAISY WILSON made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the special permit as amended. Draft of special permit for Lot "B" of the Daisy Wilson subdivision (Ting) was reviewed. As in special permit for Lot "A", it was agreed that LOT "B" TING Item #4 should be deleted. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the special permit as amended. ' The Planning Director was authorized to sign both permits on behalf of the Board. The Lail request to purchase a small tax title lot abutting their LAIL, BRYANT RD. Bryant Raod/Lowell Street property, and Conservation Commission letter LOWELL ST. to the Board of Selectmen recommending transfer of the property were TAX TITLE LOT noted. The Selectmen will be notified of the Board's concurrence with the Conservation Commission's recommendations. Mark Moore was present for discussion of his plans for Morrow Crossing,MORROW CROSSING submitted to the Board of Appeals for an August 9 hearing under Section 38. Variances will be sought at that time for construction of 6 -car B/A HEARING garages and inadequate separations of buildings at several points. Mr. Briggs reported that upon his review, the plans show no significant change from those presented at the 1979 A.T.M. except that the paved area appears to have been decreased. Bike path construction standards were discussed, and will be researched through the Recreation Committee. Dr. Sandy will review the plans and prepare a draft report of Planning Board recommendations, but asked that another member or the planning director deal with the section on low/moderate income housing. Letter from Theodore L. Freeman regarding replanting of trees at Bicen- BICENTENNIAL tennial Farms subdivision was noted. Mr. Briggs reported that the FARMS TREES trees planted last fall by Mr. Freeman had not survived the winter, and will be replaced by Cherry Hill Nursery, Inc. Mr. Freeman will be in- formed that when a sufficient number of living trees are in evidence and when other problems are corrected, he should make a formal request for final reivew and release of surety. 1 1 1 Page 3 7.23.79 Mr. Freeman's July 3 letter in response to the Planning Board's June 5, 1979, letter, which listed incomplete or unsatisfactory work items at Bicentennial Farms was noted. Discussion continued on the practice of the DPW to approve on-site changes in road construction from details of BICENTENNIAL approved subdivision plans, as has been the case at Bicentennial Farms. FARMS The authority of the DPW to make field changes was questioned and the allowable degree of such departure from approved plans discussed. Dr. Friedman will write to the Town Manager outlining the problem and suggesting that Whitman & Howard, consulting engineers, be engaged to review amendments to plans. Determination will be made of types of changes which can be made without authority from the Planning Board. Preliminary subdivision plan of land at Concord Avenue, submitted by HAMILTON William Hamilton, was reviewed and Mr. Briggs reported on the hazardous SUBDV.CONCORD situation which would be created by 6' retaining walls proposed for AVENUE each side of the subdivision road as it exits onto Concord Avenue, and recommended rejection of the plan. It was also noted that the cul-de-sac slightly exceeds the allowed length. Minutes of Planning Board meeting of June 18, 1979, were unanimously MINUTES 6/18 approved as amended. Petition submitted by Richard Goetz, signed by 19 residents, asking im- GARFIELD ST. provement to Garfield Street under HUD funding in connection with the PETITION Scattered Site housing to be built in the vicinity, was noted. Dr. Friedman distributed a draft memo to Mrs. Miley, Chairman of the SPECIAL TOWN Bd. of Selectmen, requesting a 1979 Special Town Meeting for the purpose MEETING of amendment to the Zoning By -Law. The changes would involve only re- arrangement of the sections of the by-law, and would not ber+substantive. The matter will be discussed at a subsequent meeting. Letter from John McWeeney, Manager of Real Estate of the Stop and Shop STOP & SHOP Companies, Inc., briefly outlining a proposal for rezoning to CB of REZONING residential land abutting the Bedford Street store for additional parking space, was noted. Question was raised as to the implication of expansion of the facility if the rezoning passed. The meeting adjourned at 11:13 p.m. Frank Sandy, Clerk