HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-07-09July 9, 1979 PLANNING BOARD MEETING The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by the chairman Dr. Friedman with members Nichols, Sandy, Zabin, planning director Briggs and secretary Mrs. Snow present. Also in attendance was Susan Fisher, Lexington Minute -Man. Request from the Town Manager for Planning Board recommendations on the TAX TITLE LOT Erin O'Brien request for purchase of tax title lot 171, Town Property 171- EDNA ST. Map #58, was reviewed. The Planning Board will recommend by letter in O'BRIEN favor of the sale if all abuttors are notified and if the lot is combined with the purchaser's lot in such a way as to restrict building upon it. Attorney William Dailey was present for discussion of the McCormack/ 1620 MASS.AVE. Dailey petition to the B/A for construction of a building to be used MC CORMACK for offices at 1620 Mass. Ave. on the.gsite of a recently burned barn. & DAILEY B/A The proposal was described as to use and dimensions and the resultant increased non -conformity and violation of sideyard regulations were dis- cussed. Mrs. Nichols's draft letter to the B/A, recommending disapproval, was reviewed and will be redrafted to include reference to provision of parking for the handicapped and stabilization of a slope bounding the ; parking lot. Dr. Friedman will review and approve the letter on behalf of the Board prior to its transmittal to'the B/A. Letter from Dennis Lowe, received Jufte 19, 1979, requesting release from MINUTE MAN covenant for Minute Man Ridge II subdivision, was noted,and memo from RIDGE II Warren Empey, DPW, dated July 9, 1979, listing unfinished work items, COVENANT was reviewed. Since the request was not made in acceptable form as re- quired under Ch. 41, Section 81-U, Mr. Lowe will be advised by letter that the request is denied. He will also be informed of a least three incomplete work items at Minute -Man Ridge II, as cited in Mr. Empey's memo. The Board reviewed a plan submitted with Application Form A79-10, by FORM A79-10 Attorney Norman Richards representing MBZ Lex Trust, showing Lots 5A, HARTWELL AVE. 5B, and Lots Al and A2 at Hartwell Ave. The plan was presented for the MBZ LEX TRUST purpose of land exchange between Lot 5A and Lot Al and adjustment of the common boundary. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously VOTED: The plan submitted on July 6, 1979, with Application Form A79-10 by Norman J. Richards, attorney for MBZ-Lex Trust, entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. for Colangelo and MBZ-Lex Trust", dated June 22, 1979, by Joseph W. Moore Co., showing Lots 5A, 5B and Lots Al and A2 at Hartwell Ave., requires no approval under the Subdivision Control Law. Revised minutes of the meetings of January 22, 1979, and February 15, MINUTES 1.22 1979, were reviewed and unanimously approved as amended. & 2.15.79 ' Continued hearing on special permit for Lot "B", Daisy Wilson subdivi- DAISY WILSON sion was discussed briefly. It was unanimously voted to continue the LOT •'B" hearing to July 23, 1979, due to the late arrival of revised plans. Page 2 7.9.79 ' Dr. Sandy suggested that in cases similar to the Daisy Wilson subdivision with lots to be developed by separate owners, special permits should be acted upon at the time of subdivision approval, on a broad basis, rather than action on one lot at a time. Petition of Michael Colangelo requiring site review of plans for con- SPS COLANGELO struction at 125 Hartwell Avenue (hearing July 25) was reviewed. Mr. 125 HARTWELL Briggs reported on adequacy of parking provisions, but it was noted that AVENUE the Planning Board had not been provided with landscaping plans. Mrs. Nichols, representative to the Board of Appeals for July, will re- view the plans when complete and will report to the Planning Board on July 23. Mr. Briggs reported that the standard subdivision plan for Ridge Estates RIDGE EST.II II, on which the Planning Board must act by October 31, 1979, will not be STANDARD PLAN withdrawn until the Cluster plan for the same site has received final approval. Public hearing on the standard plan will be scheduled for mid- September. The Board reviewed a memo from the Board of Selectmen asking for Planning TUTTLE Board recommendations on John Tuttle's request to perform test borings PROVOST,TEST on the Provost tennis court which was built over a Town easement abutting PITS the site of the Willow Ridge subdivision. The Planning Board will recom- mend that the request be denied. ' Dr. Friedman reported on construction of additional T -hangars for rental HANSCOM at Hanscom Field. Concern was expressed at the proposed expansion, which CONSTRUCTION would result in increased air and road traffic and a higher level of noise. Dr. Friedman will write to the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs requesting a full environmental impact statement on the effects on the area of the improvements proposed. The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. 1 7"l' ' zo Frank Sandy, Clerk